Oh f**k you're super right
haha, the more you know!
Oh f**k you're super right
haha, the more you know!
Yea will have to look for it, is it one I can just search for or do I need some super secret password
Sent you a DM! :D
To be fair, how we would move super caps/titans in Lowsec without who is there?
I love this idea, but to move these through lowsec, i NEVER jump into a system that i dont know about EVERY pilot that is there (afk, in station or whatever).
Its just impossible to me, i dont know.
In my opinion, the best way for it all, is to delay the local chat in 15 second for every 0.1 security status. Instant for a 1.0 system and 300 seconds delay for a -1.0 system.
It would not f**k the game, as intel would take a "long time" and we would be good to "deal" with cloak campers.
Cloak camp still there, stronger than ever now.
To be fair, how we would move super caps/titans in Lowsec without who is there?
You wouldn't. If it were up to me I'd ban supers from lowsec. As for regular caps, HTFU, grow some balls, and roll the dice like everyone else - or have a friend scout for you, it's not rocket surgery. There's two Ms in MMORPG for a reason, use them.
I love this idea, but to move these through lowsec, i NEVER jump into a system that i dont know about EVERY pilot that is there (afk, in station or whatever).
Then you're highly risk averse, and part of the problem.
Its just impossible to me, i dont know.
It's not impossible, you just want a safety blanket. That's fine, but if changes like that were made you'd want to consider flying something else.
Read moreIn my opinion, the best way for it all, is to delay the local chat in 15 second for every 0.1 security status. Instant f...
What about gimping/removing JFs and adding DST style freighters with "defense only" guns, unique EWAR, etc. We'd actually have "trade routes" in the game that people would fight over.
These are just a few questions that come to mind in like 10 seconds of thinking - this is why it's often best to look at what you already have and iterate, change things up, work with what's already there.
Dumping new ship classes into the game shouldn't be something we just "do". There's enough ship classes right now that are struggling to find their roles.
We should use them.
Apart from FAX, which I'd just delete if it was my call, lol.
You do understand that both having those ideas and realizing they might go too far is what makes you perfect for the job, right?
haha not my call :D
Hi, Verone this is Mutnin I didn't know you were out of the closet now.. lol but I always knew it was you "because of falcon".. Anyway can you please fix this game so small groups can play again.. It's just lame all the blue shit and bigger and bigger groups..
Also can we just have the drifters delete all titans & super carriers in low sec? End that whole bit of nonsense...
Holy sh*t dude it's been so long - you should speak to Demetri and join us on the Veto veterans discord we have going :D
Super nice to hear from you man, hope you're well <3
I know of at least four players who would play it that way so your logic is invalid!
Damn, math has foiled me again.
Highsec Incursions have needed the nerf bat forever.
Are there metrics about what type of ship people are using to rat? I think it would be really interesting to know if the reason bounties are so incredibly out of hand is because supers/titans are viable and extremely efficient for ratting, or if its the thousands of VNIs that are responsible for the majority of the faucet.
And I'm curious, if you got your wish, and the ISK faucets in null dissapear, what do you envision would be the allure of null? I imagine there's some magic number(25% better than low, 30%, etc) where people would live there anyways, but is that known?
Highsec Incursions have needed the nerf bat forever.
Are there metrics about what type of ship people are using to rat? I think it would be really interesting to know if the reason bounties are so incredibly out of hand is because supers/titans are viable and extremely efficient for ratting, or if its the thousands of VNIs that are responsible for the majority of the faucet.
Yep, we have a lot of data to hand, and it's obscene how safe cap ratting is in null. It's not even funny, it's just depressing and needs to be fixed in my opinion.
And I'm curious, if you got your wish, and the ISK faucets in null dissapear, what do you envision would be the allure of null? I imagine there's some magic number(25% better than low, 30%, etc) where people would live there anyways, but is that known?
I'm not advocating for them to dissapear, or for them to necessarily chang...
Read moreHave you gotten to roam during Blackout any with your undercover Non-CCP account? Shit is cash money my dude
I can neither confirm nor deny whether I've been shooting the sh*t out of people in nullsec.
Just to be clear about my intent. I'm not raging, I'm hurting.
I brought math into it was to give you a clear example of how I'm being hurt, because 'feelings' should never be acted on.
At the end of the day I'm not asking for local to be returned, nor am I crying about losing ships. I'm giving you a reasoned argument about how & who this change hurts so that you see that there is actually another side to this discussion other than the incessant furor on this sub about how this is the best thing ever
I agree that there's another side to this, not denying that at all.
I just don't believe that ISK should come so easy in nullsec, and that the ISK faucets need to be hammered into the ground.
That said, I also think I'd take a serious look at the amount of ISK made from highsec incursions too.
Nullsec isn't the only issue.
Make EVE into your hellscape vision of yours please falcon.
Do you want three players online, because that's how you get three players online :D
This gif is simultaneously the best and worst thing ever.
liquorice here almost certainly meaning traditional black liquorice, not sweetened red 'liquorice' like red vines
Of course, if it was up to me I'd also ban supers from lowsec and only allow covert cynos, forcing regular capitals to use stargates if they wanted to move around. They're big and tough, why not make them a little more vulnerable?
How many alcohols do you need? I'll spare no expense.
I'm actually not really drinking much these days to be perfectly honest, just the odd bit of scotch here and there haha :)
Is there any way we can get a an update on your updates webpage? Even something as vague as "Dec 2019 Lowsec Revamp" if it's one of the larger updates would be nice. I love EVE, but feel our community is in the dark compared to other games. I have some ideas on how to resolve that as well, have a Reddit post I was going to make here soon regarding that.
I'm not handling EVE Updates any more since the end of Q1 this year, but I'll pass this on to the team that take care of it now and see what we can do for sure :)
Hard to implement in a way that things just go broken or just paper work?
I think it's a lot of things to be honest, there's some serious process that goes on during game design that I won't pretend to fully understand.
Then there's the actual work of design, programming, quality assurance and everything related to making things ship.
It's an incredible machine, and I've got endless respect for our guys and girls who do it :)
what's the rest of it
Dude, I could talk for hours on things I'd love to do to EVE... but it's all horrible :)
Read moreThe MER? really? I get it, there are people out there who are absolutely willing to abuse everything wrong in null-sec. That is not me, and I will not be held to account for the abuses you allow to exist.
Personally I find ratting so mind-numbing I can't even force myself to login to do it. I rat as little as possible and only when forced to. I preferred running incursions, and where they were sporadic before, they are dead now.
So now I'm left with ratting to make money, and here's my take-away from all of this. A 100mil doctrine ship used to take 5 ticks at 20mil/tick to replace. that's ~1.5 hrs. If I now have to replace a 60mil myrm every time I go out as well, that's now ~2.5 hrs. God help me if I want to fly something more expensive in pvp.
So here's my reality with blackout: every loss is going to cost me more time to replace, and that's not going to make me want to play *more*
The blackout also kicks botters in the balls too, w...
I guess that in your blind rage to prove me wrong with math, you missed this part:
Yes, it's not the only solution and the ISK faucets need some work, but (at least in my opinion) it's a good start.
I'm not saying it's an endgame solution, I'm saying it's a test for part of a solution and we're watching metrics and activity.
I’m jealous of those at CCP who are getting to see the data on things so far. I know from my very limited time to play this weekend, it is a dramatic shift in how I do play. I will say the thrill of the unknown and adventure is back. It’s fantastic!
I can't promise anything, but maybe we can show off some of the data and how it changed at some point.
Not confirming anything, but we'll see :)
You are great. I'm a fan.
Right back at ya.
I'm a fan of everyone who plays EVE.