EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

16 Mar

15 Mar


The deployment request was sent by the team at 15:31 this afternoon (today) – how should I have posted that yesterday?


Our network partners are not going to investigate ice belt spawns. Our DBAs are not going to investigate ice belt spawns. Their work is also not going to be put on hold because some other team is investigating ice belt spawns. One mining fix is being deployed tomorrow and I know that team has in general been actively investigating spawn reports.


For anyone experiencing a purge or verification loop in the launcher, we have a beta launcher available with a number of fixes that should resolve your issue. You’ll also gain access to some cool new features!

To switch to the launcher beta simply:

  1. Open your launcher settings via the settings cog in the top right of the launcher
  2. Select Tools / Cache
  3. Select Beta under version type
  4. Complete the launcher update process
  5. Enjoy your new beta launcher!
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If you continue to exp...

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The changes to the beloved battleships of EVE are now live in-game, improving their mobility and survivability on the battlefield. A new role bonus has been added to all empire, faction, marauder, and black ops battleships (apart from the Praxis) which increases the effectiveness of armor plates by 50%, and bumps shield extenders by 100%. In addition, a +5% additive bonus to the hull hitpoint bonus from reinforced bulkheads has been incorporated to strengthen a battleship’s ability to hull tank. Lastly, large micro jump drive fitting requirements have also been reduced substantially.

Speaking of battleships, many scintillating SKINs for this class of vessel will be on sale between 8-16 March in EVE Online’s New Eden Store, including examples from the Eden’s Hunters, Ghost’s Hex, Vampire’s Hex, and Steel Car... Read more

Thanks for letting us know - please file a bug report if you can and I’ll make sure to follow up with the teams!


Just a quick update - one of the charts, Service Fees: Breakdown by Provider, had some small issues that were corrected this morning.


I hope you enjoyed it.


Official downtime each day is 15 minutes. We only advertise extensions if we expect to exceed that timeframe. On the topic of changes: https://twitter.com/CCP_Explorer/status/1503118118322909197.


Yes; we recently changed how markets are primed; have you noticed?

We prime 1000 solarsystems right after startup. Players who are eagerly waiting to log in, will be logging in as that priming is happening. Then the rest of the systems are primed when the first pilot jumps into them.

The contract system takes a while to prime after startup...

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14 Mar


I see that people have had fun in this thread.

I was not amused. The issue encountered today had nothing to do with today’s experiment. Instead we got hit for the 8th time in 11 months with a mysterious issue that Microsoft hasn’t been able to resolve so far. Hopefully the logs this time show them something new – at least the symptom and error was slightly different than before after the latest round of change recommended.

What we were able to do of the experiment did provide information.


Not only that, but look how high at the top Poch is!


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Hello everyone,

The Economic report for the month of February 2022 is now available.

Spreadsheets? You know we got those. You can find the link to download the raw data ...

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