
Factorio Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by laserbeam3

Does that mean that until quality is researched, you only get normal quality items? Otherwise it sounds like stacks would break.

The start of quality is slightly unclear in the article.

"Not all of the quality tiers will be available from the beginning" sounds like some quality tiers are available (but invisible) from the beginning of the game. Even though the next phrase suggests that's the beginning of quality research.

You cant normally (without usage of cheats or editor) get the quality modules before activating the research, but yes, theoretically if you cheated the quality modules in before the technology would be researched, the modules wouldn't really do anything useful, as they couldn't go higher then normal quality.

Here, by the beginning, we mean the research of the first tier of quality modules.


Originally posted by Argonanth

I'm more worried about my trains. I know they've said there will be some updates to trains but right now everything would instantly break. The current (and common) way of handling trains is just a "wait until full" -> "wait until empty" but this doesn't work if you never get a full stack of whatever quality was inserted into the train.

I never saw a base where people would transport quality stuff by trains. It is something you rarely want or need.


Originally posted by salbris

I hope there is also a major overhaul of inventory planned because while vanilla is not a big deal my modded inventories are already a complete disaster to navigate. This is certainly only going to make that worse.

Nothing forces you to keep different qualities of the same item in your inventory at the same time. I rarely do it.


Originally posted by M1k3y_11

Well, there goes my smart train station system. This will be a big challenge to support "mixed" belts of items.

I never saw anyone putting quality stuff into trains so far, it would probably be useful if someone went the most extreme path, but for normal cases, there is no need for that.


Originally posted by Ansible32

Does this mean I'm going to need circuits to set up a basic mall with sensible limits? Will I be able to make blueprints that don't care about quality? In a lot of cases it sounds like quality would just break a lot of stuff we do presently.

No, why would you?
Why would quality break anything? I think you got confused about how this is planned to work. As long as you don't explictelly insert a quality module in the assembling machine, there will be no quality related mechanics.


Originally posted by KuuLightwing

I actually think that random element fits factorio. As others pointed out, the kovarex process and the uranium processing also has random in it and it shows how nicely it breaks the design monotony.

Kovarex doesn't have randomness though, does it? It's deterministic, 40 U235 + 5 U238 = 41 U235 + 2 U238. Which is kinda the problem with these, compared to uranium. With uranium processing, I have to deal with randomness during the initial bootstrap process, after which I have deterministic production of U235, and random U235 is just small additional bonus at that point.

With these, if I need longer range power poles for some reason, or the fabled 25% productivity modules, I have no choice but to engage with RNG. And considering how many modules I'd need, and how slow are they to make, it's going to be just a nightmare. Oh, and you added quality penalty for speed, so we'd have to build absolutely enormous factories that just craft modules ove...

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I don't understand the confusion. Yes, it would be annoying if you had to do it manually, but the point of Factorio is to automate everything, even the taming the process of the randomness.

With the uranium processing, even if you get the kovarex process, you still have an imput that is result of a randomised ratio, and you have to deal with it.


There is one key thing which is probably miscommunicated: The "speed module quality penalty" does not mean that if you put Uncommon ingredients in an assembling machine, you will get Normal outputs.

What it means is, if there's an assembling machine with quality modules, you Really don't want it to be influenced by any speed beacons as it will reduce the chance of uptick.


No! :)

... and as you've read in the FFF I'm sure, higher quality mining drills drain less resource which effectively multiplies with mining productivity,

08 Sep


Originally posted by ConspicuousBassoon

I feel like a lot of people who are saying they don't like this are forgetting that it's completely optional. Not only do you not have to engage with quality, it sounds like you can just avoid researching it altogether (unless quality modules are required in some unrevealed space age crafts). There are some valid criticisms to be made (the quality names especially), but I think converting this system into modules was the correct way to handle it

Yes, no quality related research is required to complete the game in space age.


Originally posted by Wiwiweb

Haven't seen anyone share my question/concern here yet.

If quality doesn't affect science production, then this is just about malls. You'll have your normal prod/speed setup for science, but you'll need to create a whole new thing for malls. You can't just leech ingredients from science anymore.

Creating malls is already an unpopular part of Factorio, so I wonder how this will pan out. I'm waiting to try it out before forming a stronger opinion.

You can still import normal quality circuits etc into the mall, and just recycle the final products in the mall, that making the whole quality problems stay in the mall.


Originally posted by Effete-Snob

Three questions for the developers:

  • Does the recycling machine have a fluid output, or will recycling something like batteries simply fail to recover the sulfuric acid?
  • How does the quality system interact with train scheduling? If I have a locomotive set to depart when the inventory is full, but a high-quality gear somehow sneaks onto the wagon, will that train be stuck waiting at the station until enough high-quality gears arrive to fill that one stack?
  • Will the mod API provide a way for recipes to weight quality output besides influence of modules? Say, a more expensive version of the green circuit recipe that provides a higher chance to output a better quality green circuit?

All fluids get lost on recycling, furthermore no smelting or chemical recipes can get reversed.

Quality items behave completely as separate items, so a full train with having a single quality gear in some slot will prevent the train from completing inventory full condition.

Recipes with a specific quality, I don't know.


Originally posted by subjectivelyimproved

Two questions regarding mixed quality production and separate stacks.

Does an assembler accept mixed quality items as input for its recipe - Like, 2 perfect/legendary copper cable and 1 normal/basic iron plate and one normal/basic copper cable to make a green circuit?

If yes, how is the product quality calculated?

There is a specific mode "Any quality" that you have to explicitly choose to allow mixing ingredients of different qualities. The lowest ingredient will be considered only, higher quality on the others is excessive and will have no beneficial effect.


Originally posted by ultra1994

do higher quality train fuel increase top speed and acceleration?

Not at the moment but that may still change


Originally posted by CzTd

Is quality moddable? Can you add more quality types with modding?

Yes, they are prototypes like everything else, you can change their bonuses, "hardness" (the probability to get the next tier), names and count of them.


Originally posted by Vitau

One question, can train locomotives have higher quality too? I would love a acceleration bonus on them too

No, primarily because we don't have an automatic way of upgrading locomotives.


Originally posted by PlusVera

Hmm. Interested feature. I'm mixed on it.

Pro: From the sounds of things, you do not get "Quality" Items until you use the Quality Module. So your miners won't be spitting out "Quality" Ore until you put the modules into them. This means that you can beat the game and ignore this system if you don't like it, like the circuit network.

Con: Once you start using Quality Modules, it might be VERY VERY PAINFUL. Not only will they start to take up space in Trains or other inventory locations, they will also end up in places you might not expect, due to the nature of Factorio factories being... intertwined after a while.

Pro: Higher quality items might help alleviate beacon spamming as a strategy in the early late-game.

Con: It might make the end-late-game way, WAY worse as q5 beacons with q5 modules are now so much more effective.

Pro: This does mean your starter base will likely not produce these items, and instead they will be the focus of mega b...

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There's a lot more interesting details about this. Generally there's 2 main approaches:

More complicated approach:

- Put quality modules in every steps you can

- Means a lot of complications with where you route which items.

- It's possible to mix qualities, but the result will be of the lowest quality. This way you can make use of all items.

This is generally really complicated and I don't think you'd typically want to do this. Maybe at the early stages of the game you just shove quality modules in various machines so that you could get quality ingredients for a 1-off thing (like armor, equipment or tank) - then you're not really relying on RNG and just on your strategic decision of putting those modules in machines early so they build up the quality parts.

Simpler approach:

- Put productivity modules everywhere on for example circuit production

- Put quality modules only on the final product (Productivity module)

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Originally posted by Spaceman_05

I don't think the random element fits factorio well. Surely the quality module should charge a bar like the productivity module does?

I feel like a predictable system would allow for more depth of design, such as integrating well with the circuit network

I actually think that random element fits factorio. As others pointed out, the kovarex process and the uranium processing also has random in it and it shows how nicely it breaks the design monotony.

There is another random element on the space platform, where you can catch different kind of asteroids, process them, and deal with the fact, that it is not the perfect ratio you want.

The point is, that perfect ratio setups might be fun, and still will be in the game (although I almost never do perfect ratios personally, I just put things down and look for bottlenecks). But it is boring to have everything the same and exact, having a system which fluctuates and you have to deal with all the possible ways it can break is just additonal design challenge.

Having these changes in the way you build and think about the game, to avoid doing the typical belt->inserter->assembler->inserter->belt template everywhere was one of the goals in the expansions, and there will...

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Originally posted by MjccWarlander

To be honest it sounds like it would be quite tedious feature, knowing me (and I'm probably not alone on this) I would just recycle everything that isn't the best quality so entire factory only uses the top quality components and products.

The problem with this is, that the costs are quite significant so it's very much worth it to not ignore steps. Also, the last two quality tiers are unlocked later on planets so you'd have to skip it entirely at the first half of the game, and it's quite worth it to have just a handful of better machines on the space platform for example, or a few higher quality productivity modules in the most resource expensive recipes.


Originally posted by AntaroNx

Does the endgame become gambling on high rarity parts that otherwise get recycled into another chance of becoming high quality because rng?

I don't like it, and I play gacha games. Hopefully this can be turned off. The module is fine, no need to change it for the sake of change.

I get how the whole "RNG" feels strange at first, but in practice you're mostly not producing single units of anything, rather mass quantities. So in the end it's really just a statistic rather than hoping for something to drop individually.


Originally posted by MindWorX

To make things clear, the quality content is exclusively part of the expansion. The non-expansion binary works the same internally, it just doesn't allow any mod to define anything other than the normal quality.

This feels a bit icky to me. I get why, they want to encourage more people to get the expansion, but it also means fragmenting mods more since they now have to deal with supporting both vanilla or expansion. Many might just opt to default require expansion. I know it wont impact many, me included, as we will just get the expansion. But it feels like the wrong decision.

Only comparison I can make is something like StarCraft II, where each DLC added new things, but all engine features were still fully available to modders. The only limitation was the use of assets new assets and obviously mods that just replicated the expansion would be removed.

It is actually the opposite, using the same binary means mods don't need separate versions and or need to support 2 different APIs.