
Factorio Dev Tracker

19 Jun


Originally posted by faustianredditor

Important context here that apparently a similar law doesn't exist in CZ.

That does not mean that CZ has shitty child protection laws. It just means that they deal with that differently. Frankly, the fact that US/anglo law isn't the best solution here is illustrated that in some jurisdictions, a 17/18 couple can not have consentual sex, while a 17/16 and a 18/19 couple can. Because the law treats these situations quite simplistically.

Compare continental European laws which (to paint a few dozen countries with a single brushstroke) tend to see more nuance and look for abuse/power imbalance/grooming instead; however, these laws can often also apply to other personal constellations, like patient and caretaker, (adult) student and professor, etc.

Is it a shitty take to frame a decades old legal concept as SJW newspeak? Yeah, probably. Could kovarex have read up on the term before typing that? Yeah. Is it necessarily a pedo/pro-rape take? Absolutely not. It's un...

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I honestly didn't know that term, and it sounded to me like one of these newspeak terms (mensplaining and similar), and I thought that it means when someone has sex based on status (aka rock star and his/her fan).I searched it up right after, just to find out that it actually is an official term for child rape. That is all to it.

I could easily imagine that the mob will call me child abuse defendee or something like that based solely on that. But, who cares what the mob says, when it is basically just lies right?


Originally posted by sawbladex

I think that this is an issue of left leaning American not noticing how much of a trauma Communism was for former Soviet countries.

I will say that kovarex made a mistake in responding to one post that complained about political differences politely with venom, which basically means all of the stupidity that came out is his fault.

People were ribbing Uncle Bob for being a big advocate of Unit testing (i.e. separate code maintained by devs) when a whole bunch of bugs are only found by people using the software in ways the devs aren't able to classify in code. and kovarex didn't say anything there.

I actually say it directly in the original FFF, where I say doubt the idea of tests being completely independent, and advocate for usage of end-to-end tests in many cases, where I find the test dependencies to be a helpful tool.


Originally posted by PulseReaction

Yes, he has given talks in the past about software development where he basically said women are unfit to be software engineers (in the middle of the talk he said masculine traits are good and strong, and feminine are weak and bad, which made several women feel very insecure and excluded from the software community).

He did apologize for these comments, but in talks years later he continued to use that argument and basically repeated what he said.

Aside from that, his views on software engineering itself are outdated at best and outright damaging at worst.

Example one, example two, example three. Also why even his tech views are not that relevant


None of the examples supports your claim in any way.Example 1 is someone hating on Uncle Bob for wanting to disprove ideas instead of hating the person who said them. The hater is the guilty one there, not Uncle bob.

Example 2 is a dead link, it contains just some random tweet of a women saying she felt isolated. How is it relevant?

Example 3 Him not wanting to change the word craftmanship to craftwomanship.

And the last link is sum of the 3 links again.

This shows how empty this whole hate his, there is literally NOTHING AT ALL.


Originally posted by lazygibbs

Can we talk about why Uncle Bob is problematic enough to warrant essentially a content warning for his inclusion in the FFF?

I clicked the summary in the original comment to find that he (a) made a sexist remark (can't find what he actually said) and later apologized for it saying that he misspoke, (b) deleted so idk, (c) thought that people complaining about the word "craftsmanship" were being overly sensitive, and (d) said that defunding the police is a terrible policy.

Genuinely, this feels like not enough to warrant any sort of disclaimer. Are there more "problematics" that weren't mentioned? How narrow is the range of acceptable disagreement that you can't mention this guy in an apolitical way without distancing him as a villain?

Exactly. I find it really interesting, that people have all these very specific quations of all the things he said, which just aren't true. They are simply fabricated lies.

In one place, someone said that (and I can't find the source anywhere), that he "hates black people for existing". In these kinds of situations, I always asked for source, because that is the sensible thing to do right? And I got nothing else than those mentioned by u/lazygibbs, which is clearly in the territory "whatever".

The real result of this is, that whenever someone is marked as bigot and racist, it makes me expect it to be just a lie or wild projection of someone to allow for a hatred reaction.

18 Jun


Originally posted by Bloodshot025

Bob has a tendency to fragment an easy to understand routine into a dozen pieces that are hard to put together and call it clean.


But with anything, it's possible to find insight in a lot of places, so long as you don't treat it as dogma.

Yes, the boolean argument is an example of where I also don't agree.
Since code duplication is the most important thing to solve, we often end up with a generalised functions being configured by parameters that specify some detail in the middle of the logic.
I agree, that booleans passed as true/false are hard to read, this is why we created a simple NamedBool template wrapper for a True/False enum, so almost all of the bool parameters are named statically safe from being mixed up.


Originally posted by de4dchicken

I know the discussion about u/kovarex is probably well covered by now. But it is just not letting me go the past hours to express my feelings. Honestly finding out that he (kovarex) is not giving a damn about marginalized people is a punch in the gut.

I've let go of blindly following seemingly nice companies years ago. But Wube never ever let me down. I was so proud of supporting this team which was immensely pro-consumer at so many places it doesn't have to be. Starting with a lovely crafted weekly blog about what exactly is currently happening in development to multiple patches on the same day. But now I have to open my eyes and ask myself how it is to work under such management. Is he as fierce to his colleagues as he was in this comment section? Is he openly "a-political" at work and is it infkuencing the team and development. And is the Wube team agreeing with him here. I know it's probably hard to speak ill about ur boss but I'd also like to s...

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I would really like to know where is this coming from, I think that you just see ghosts.


Originally posted by nckl

Trans (queer people in general) are almost always pretty far-left, you're a right-wing bigot, that shit's like water and oil. It's of course not a big deal with you (you will not be hurt financially/arrested) since cancel culture isn't real and there aren't a lot of LGBT+ people, but you've definitely pissed a lot of them off. And again, this game was like, a really big trans game.

Why am I right wing bigot again, I hear it again and again, and yet, I didn't hear any reason for that claim.

This clearly shows the weird one dimensional world you see. Everyone is either a friend or an enemy, and we need to decide fast!

All I did is to deny bashing on someones proffessional work for his political views, I didn't even know what they are, and somehow, you had to put me on your political axis somewhere, and sicne your political axis is so full of hate, you assume that I hate you or LBGT+ people, or whatever you don't like about the other side your axis.

You have to understand, that I'm not from the US, and I'm nowhere on your little axis, I'm not your friend or enemy, I'm just a guy who would like to decouple ideas from people.


Originally posted by nckl

...Illegal ideas are...

...any bad opinion about the occupants was illegal...

...Should we make it illegal...

Nobody is talking about making it illegal. Why are you always bringing it back to that? Nobody, anywhere here, or basically ever, is making that argument. That's why this isn't censorship.

The person said "Saying bigoted things has to have consequences". They never said that should be "making it illegal". Can you not strawman the hell out of every single person you reply to?

That is just question of time. Once most of the population thinks it should be illegal, it can become illegal through the democratic process. So the only way to peacfully fight against it is to explain how bad it would be once it goes that far. It is just me trying to thing one step ahead.


Originally posted by reik483

What do you think the link contains? What do you think this line means? "His idea was that there’s something biological about short people that predisposes them against operating escalators."

It means what it means, it is part of the story. The meaning of the story is, that someone had a theory, and then, instead of counter-argumenting it or antyhing, he just got fired.


Originally posted by freetheMonoid

Uh, there's more reasons to not support the police than being an ancap, but the fact that you think that's the only possibility says quite a lot

How? Who would enforce the law then?


Originally posted by Formal-Awareness4771

sure im anarcho just not anarcho capitalist because frankly i believe in a thing called "age of consent"

Could you elaborate? I would like to learn about existence of some other anarcho society than anarchocapitalism. If there is no capitalism, how do you trade goods?


Originally posted by DetachedRedditor

Do you think we should be tolerant of those that are intolerant? Because that is what the linked story seems to promote.
Should you be allowed, without consequence, to voice intolerant opinions, just because free speech?

Because that seems to be the point of the linked story. Robert seems to be a proponent of allowing to voice the opinion that people can be seen as inferior due to their genetics. He seems to think that the only way you can counter this is by (continuously) providing opposing arguments.

Yes, because what is the alternative?
The alternative is, that once there is status quo, it can't be ever changed, because it is illegal to even discuss anything else. And we have way too many historical examples when the status quo was horribly wrong.


Originally posted by buwlerman

Maybe he cares more about ideas than people? (A common trait amongst programmers)

It doesn't look like Uncle Bob was brought up because kovarex likes him as a person. He was brought up because kovarex liked some of his ideas. He might not have been mentioned at all if he wasn't the "face" of "clean code" to the extent that he is.

Exactly. For example, I really dislike, when people bash specific politics when doing political debate, intsead of the principles the parties represent.


Originally posted by RedViperPT

This game also has a huge amount of fans who are right wing, it's extremely popular in eastern europe, russia, etc.

Deal with it.

The just have players from countless of countries with all kinds of political views. That is kind of normal for a politically neutral game, isn't it?


Originally posted by nckl

Thanks for your response. I disagree, but I see where you're coming from.

I genuinely wish I could not care. Like I've been called a faggot countless times, as have a lot of people online. But it hurts way, way more when you're queer, especially if they're saying it because you're queer. A couple weeks ago, a player searched my player name, found out I was trans, and spammed "tranny retard" in chat, telling me I'll never be a real woman, that I'm disgusting, etc.. Sometimes they can just tell from my voice.

I remember my mother explaining to me how my gay feelings were a sin back in seventh grade. I remember holding my breath every time conversion therapy was being voted on. I remember in church, the guest pastor (?) railing about how the degenerates and faggots like me are destroying the country, dropping the n bomb, etc.. These are deeply, deeply burned into my brain, and it is impossible for me to not think about them when I'm called that slur.

But this...

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I honestly feel bad for what you had to go through.

There are primitive blunt people out there, and they will try to find all the stupid reasons to pick up on someone, they just search for a weak spot so they can feed on the misery of others. They need to do that because usually have some deeper problems of their own and this is their coping mechanism.

But please, don't go the way of searching hidden attacks in areas, that are unrelated.


Originally posted by nckl

This game was almost a meme because of how many trans people loved it. Like, it's like the go-to game in a lot of queer discords I'm in for whatever reason, for years. It's kinda impossible to describe how out of the blue this is, and like everyone's trying to find the next game to play together. Like again, I know you don't care, but this game has done good for those communities, and could've continued to do good. I can't in good conscious ever recommend this game again knowing people like you profit from it.

As for why? A lot of trans people are programmers (one of a few jobs even possible with very little interaction with other people), and this game appeals to programmers. Maybe there's an overlap with autism with meticulously placing and designing everything, which is more common in queer people. It's a really good game to play without voice chat, which trans-peeps usually try to avoid. It's really easy to just kinda tune out the rest of the lgbt-phobic shitty world an...

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What did Uncle Bob say against trans people, be specific please.What did I say or do against trans people?

Could we please be able to open topic like this without the need to immediatelly take sides and approach it as a war with extremes on both sides?


Originally posted by datameshlearning

You are kidding right? What he's saying isn't civil. "Oh, he's saying we should eat babies but, you know, his tone is fine so it's not a big deal." I really hope you look at your life and realize it's gone wrong somewhere and reflect/reevaluate. This should be a massive learning moment, please use it as such.

Are you talkoing about me? What did I say? I'm completely confused, please be more specific.


Originally posted by nckl

Kovarex explaining how someone isn't a bigot because they don't believe women should be senior engineers is not "keeping things civil". It's "adding heat to the flames" and making it "harder to discuss difficult topics". He should be banned. But I've edited my post.

First of all, send me a link to someone, saying that for starters.


Originally posted by nckl

I'm not defending that women shouldn't be senior software engeneers, but if someone would defend that, it doesn't make him a bigot just because he proposes that and have some arguments

That's the literal definition of bigotry. This is so disgusting.

only if those arguments were debunked and the person wouldn't be willing to change his mind, then yes, it sounds like a bigot

What if that person had their arguments debunked, whined about being censored and how the woke mob was coming after them, refused to change their mind, then continually double downed on the original stance? Just because someone believes their justified for being a bigot doesn't mean they're not a bigot. You can't get away from it - to decide if someone's being a bigot, you have to decide if what they're saying is bigoted. You really, really, really don't wanna have that conversation, because you lose.

Saying women sho...

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I find it weird, that you find the someone with joy in debate disgusting. I'm used to debate people with different political opinions most of my life. I had political debates with my grandma when I was 6. Our views were very different, but I would never ever call her a sh*tty person for that.

And yes, obviously, I'm not defending that women shouldn't be senior engeneers, I doubt that Uncle Bob said anything like that as well. This is just a rethorical question, it doesn't really matter what kind of controversional opinion you pick as the example.


Originally posted by Informal_Computer_94

i dont think the consequences will be gone by tomorrow, actually, it will persist but those who dont care will have "moved on" by tomorrow morning, but factorio's trans community has been basically betrayed by what kovarex has been saying for the past several hours

I have no idea how anything I said has anything to do with trans. Could you please explain the throught process to me?