
Factorio Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Originally posted by kovarex

Our cleaning lady gets yearly bonus.

Happy cakeday!


Originally posted by Rikki-Tikki-Tavi-12

Well, I have 30 bucks with your name on them.

It will be only the second time I buy a new game without looking at any reviews.

I live in Japan, and playing Factorio with my cousin is a major way for me to stay connected to my family in Germany.

Edit: Wow, interesting time stamp on that post. Around 5am. I'm curious: are you an early riser or a night owl?

One of these days when I just fall asleep together with the kids at 8pm ... :)


Originally posted by FellaVentura

The fact you're using the term "expansion" and not "DLC" in 2022 warms my heart. There is no other developer in the industry I hold in as high regard as I hold Wube. I trust your work, dedication and more importantly your word, because you've cemented it's value with your actions ever since I heard about you, and that was way over 5 years ago. The latest years have been a letdown for gaming industry in general, amidst half-assed games, workplace harassments, and the sense that games in general became a service for investors to exploit rather than for creators to work on something that players enjoy. You're one of the little fish that's been swimming against this trend, and I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks, this is appriciated. Big part of it is, that our (or at least mine) approach to money is, that once you have enough to live comfortably, and enough to financially support the ongoing (and future) projects you want to do, you don't really need more. There is no reason to squeeze the extra $ just to get yacht bigger then the next millionare, or to buy the overprised expensive stuff when you buy it just to show off. And this has some deep implications, because once you feel that you have enough, you can safely ignore all these people trying to buy % of your company for big cash. I actually reply to these kind of offers with the sentence "Thanks, but I have no use for the extra money". This feels very different to the culture I sense to be prevelant, where big amount of startups is created with the goal of "big exit" in mind.

So the implication of my approach is that we have no investors and shareholders pressuring us into the "service for investors to exploit", which w...

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Originally posted by undermark5

I imagine we will get further updates as they progress further into the steps, but I'd guess that the amount of additional information as for what the actual content is will continue to be limited as per their FFF 365 explanation as to why FFF was being put on hold for a while (to prevent people from getting hopes up for features that end up getting scrapped, also to prevent people from trying to features with mods, causing people to get disappointed when the actual functionality ends up being different than the mod author presented it) I don't think we will get weekly FFF until it is in the final phases of beta, where they've kinda already announced everything, and they are just adding the finishing touches before shipping it.

It is actually planned to have much more specific and deeper FFFs about most of the subjects, that will be published as the release date gets close enough.


Originally posted by undermark5

They explicitly state "the expansion will not be 'just' a mod" meaning that what they accomplish in the expansion will be impossible if not incredibly difficult/inefficient to implement purely using the modding api.

I was almost certain of this from the initial announcement (edit: i've gone back to look at FFF 365 and they also explicitly state there that some of the new functionality is going to require engine changes), because it was almost certainly going to be something that wasn't just going to be a free addition, and if the additions were capable of being done through the modding api there wouldn't really be that much incentive to buy the expansion vs just adding the "mod version" of it. Though, I have no doubt that there will be some that do try to back port some or all of the expansion as a mod, but in all honesty, I think that many of us here are certainly more than happy to throw another $30+ dollars Wube's way for an expansion regardless of how good any back por...

Well, yea some of the mechanics could be implemented by mods easily, some in a non-user friendly way, but some of them .. I highly doubt it.

We really try to not get affected by this mod situation too much. If we want to do something good, we don't really care if there is a mod that is already doing the same thing, as it is still a different situation when you have the content with official graphics, UI, and in one balanced package.


Originally posted by JuneBuggington

Hell Ill i bet they even treat the janitors well.

Our cleaning lady gets yearly bonus.

04 Feb


Originally posted by bobskizzle

StarCraft, etc did that IIRC

Starcraft II was specifically the example I used when this was discussed. And needless to say, I was quite happy to pay for the expansions considering what they contained as it turned out to be on eof the most enjoyable single player campaigns I know.


Originally posted by RealAmon

They didn't tell us which of the 7 stages they are in. Sneaky.

We did.

Hello, long time no talk, we've got some catching up to do...

Almost 1 year ago (...

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27 Jan


Originally posted by nidhoeggr777

A German game-news-site wrote yesterday that factorio is indeed NOT RUNNING on the steam deck. At least as of now.

German sauce: Https://www.pcgameshardware.de/Steam-Deck-Hardware-277668/News/Nicht-kompatibel-mit-allen-Spielen-1387674/

It does run on the SteamDeck, we've had our hands on a unit for a while.

The only problem is the control scheme, naturally controller isn't best for a game built around Keyboard and Mouse, but we have some plans to try and get it working better.

EDIT: Here is a picture I took of it running our ~200spm 1.1 playtest, and its gets just under 60ups: https://i.imgur.com/SuuGJ88.jpeg

21 Jan


Originally posted by clif08

The most insane thing is that devs revamped entire tutorial system after 1.0 release, allowing it to run the game inside the tutorial window instead of using prerecorded gifs. This commitment, I think, is unprecedented, for a game that was already released, and doesn't have any monetization besides the initial price.

I'm glad this is appriciated. The system as byproduct allowed us to make the menu simulations quite easily, which I really like.And, it also saves our time, as these simulations are automatically working with the up to date graphics & behaviour, unlike the pictures in tutorials we were using, that had to be udpate over and over.

19 Jan



  • Fixed a crash that could happen if a unit failed in attacking another entity as a distraction. more

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

External link →

18 Jan



  • Fixed a crash related to LuaLazyLoadedValue trying to return LuaEntity pointing at EntityGhost's inner entity.

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

External link →


  • When using /swap-players undo queues are now also swapped.
  • Improve performance of querying if an entity is registered for deconstruction from O(N) to O(1).
  • Adjusted default music volume.


  • Fixed that if biters took damage from a forest fire, they would path toward the player who started it, no matter the distance. more
  • Fixed that replacing a tile between a colliding hidden tile (with check_collision_with_entities set to true) and an entity would not yield an item.
  • Fixed that LuaGameScript::ban_player would incorrectly use reason as a player name when given player was never in game. ...
Read more External link →

11 Jan


Originally posted by IronCartographer

It's interesting how commonly repeated there is a misconception about belt compression and UPS effects. People saw the problem of handling gap-closure and perceived that as scaling with the number of gaps, rather than also being O(1) for a given belt even with the complexity of handling item removal and insertion.

Were the gaps themselves ever a factor affecting performance (edit: as in O(N) for the number of gaps, not just the length of the belt) in one of the earlier optimization passes of belt simulation?

The belt gaps affect the memory footprint of the belt contnets definition, but they only affect the performance when the belt is being compressed, but still, it always affects the last gap only, which can be accessed by O(1) again.


Originally posted by rich_27

They have a really clever solve for the issue of moving things on belts; as I understand it, they group everything on each section of belt with no splits or merges, keeping track of what is at each end. This means to move the entire belt they only have to take stuff off and put anything on each end, rather than update every item on the belt. Super cool!

Exactly, so belt update is basically O(1) regardless the length of the section. And don't forget that belt logic is fully multithreaded.

02 Jan


Originally posted by orkeilius

Yes but it look like that it only contains prototype, graphics, campaign,...

But not the code of the modules 🤔 I wonder if you the part who can be in a mods is open source

The code of the base entities isn't script, its hardcoded compiled C++, so it cannot be seen or amended

21 Dec


Originally posted by SonicDart

Wait so everything in the game is a 3d model? I always thought everything was 2d?

The actual data the game uses is all 2D images, but all of the 2D images are made by rendering 3D models (and often painting over them a bit).


Originally posted by Dizzy-Opening-8152

The explanation by Dev was nice, and I thought that it is even better to see it 1 time than hear it 10 times.

Edit: added word "even". As it sounded bad.

Thanks for posting this!