
Factorio Dev Tracker

15 Mar


Originally posted by ltjbr

The deploy server does its automation magic, builds all the platforms and uploads it everywhere, updates the locale from Crowdin, etc

Is there a reason gog.com doesn't get updated with the experimental versions?

We upload the builds to GOG, however they don't provide us any mechanism for setting the releases live ourselves.

Our release process sends them an email asking them to deploy it at their earliest convenience.


Originally posted by LTCOakley

It wasn't clear to me, after upgrading to .13, will the evolution rate be fixed even if the map was ran on .12?

Yes, it will be fixed even if you played in 0.17.12. Howeverthe evolution factor will still remain at the increased value


Originally posted by 911GT1

Probably stupid question but, do automatically reported bugs/crashes require reproducing in order to get fixed?

It depends, sometimes there is enough info in the crash log to fix it without reproducing.



  • Modified NPE quest structure to give the player more notice of impending attacks
  • Added missing Steel plate recipe to NPE tech tree more
  • Removed unneeded Iron stick recipe from NPE
  • Fast replacing between rail signal and rail chain signal will preserve circuit wire connection and relevant settings. more


  • Fixed that the evolution pollution factor wasn't migrated properly. (pollution w...
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A week in the office

This week is another week of typical bug fixing, so I thought we would make a one-time change of style and do a day-by-day account of what exactly that means for us.


We had a typical day of bug fixing for the most part. After our weekly Monday meeting, where we discuss the development plan and the Friday Facts plan, everyone settled into the normal bugfixing work, which boils down to something like this:

  1. Find a bug to work on - Either by looking through the forum or the Automated crash reports.
  2. Try to reproduce the problem, or someway figure out what went wrong.
  3. Try to fix the problem. Sometimes this is super easy, other times it can be hours/days.
  4. Check the solution is effective at fixing the bug.
  5. Check the solution didn't break something else. For this we have over 1,300 integration tests which cover a large amount of the code base. We also have a server which runs tests for...
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14 Mar


Originally posted by Vox_Imperatoris

Can this be changed through a console command without breaking achievements?



Originally posted by Vox_Imperatoris

Added attack modifier setting into the pollution section in the map generator. This modifies how much pollution is consumed by biters attacking. (default is 50% for deathworld presets)

I assume this applies to existing games?

Existing death worlds will still remain at the default 100%



  • Added pollution tab to the production statistics.

Minor Features

  • Spawner tooltip (including the pollution statistics), shows distribution of biters spawn for the current evolution factor with the pollution costs.
  • Added attack modifier setting into the pollution section in the map generator. This modifies how much pollution is consumed by biters attacking. (default is 50% for deathworld presets)


  • Pollution generation is now shown in the x/s format both on the entity and in the item/crafting slot.
  • All statistics graphs apart from electricity use smoothing now.
  • The Install Mods GUI will now automatically install required dependencies.
  • Added graphics option "Render in native screen resolution" on macOS to workaround performance issues due to rendering on Retina displays. ...
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11 Mar



  • Fixed that the process name was set to "Main" on Linux. more
  • Fixed a crash when closing GUIs with escape in some cases. more
  • Fixed a crash when mods set repair pack speeds or entity repair speed modifiers to negative values.
  • Fixed that focus-search wouldn't work in the Recipe GUI or Map Editor. ...
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  • Terrain generator options are preserved by the map generator GUI unless explicitly changed.
  • Changed landfilling result to be tile called "landfill" instead of tile called "grass-1". It looks the same for now, but it solves some unexpected behaviour. We might give it a custom graphics later on. (https://forums.factorio.com/67282) Existing blueprints containing "grass-1" will be migrated to the "landfill" tile.
  • The game will load without an error when non-essential shaders fail to compile. ...
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10 Mar


The mod should check, arbitrary limitations like this just restrict otherwise creative and interesting uses of mods.

09 Mar


You can arrange the teams before the event starts now, but this will still be useful for if someone joins half way through.

There is a internal function set_player(player, team, mute)

So the function will look something like this

/c set_player(game.players["Klonan"], global.pvp.config.teams[1], false)

The number of the team is determined by the order in the setup GUI. If the last parameter mute is set to true, then it won't print a message when the player is set to the team.

08 Mar


Originally posted by Laogeodritt

So with 12k+ automatic crash reports, how does the team handle sorting and evaluating them, and associating them to bugs?

Is it just like a sort exception type, or exception type + location (function or instruction address, etc.)? Any other criteria used to make that manageable?

We have a script that sorts them by platform and by specific crash reason, so we get a list of most common problems for that platform.



  • Disabling station with train waiting in it doesn't force the train to departure anymore so it works as it worked in 0.16. It looked like a useful change for 0.17, but we can control train conditions by circuit network and there are some nice and simple use cases were ruined by trains being forced to departure when the stop is disabled. more
  • Changed expensive version of assembling machine 2 recipe to match the normal version better. more

Minor Features

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Originally posted by mainstreetmark

Why does the job posting want iOS experience?

Its an optional plus, its good for if we ever want to look into an iPad/iPhone port of the game.


Originally posted by NickelDare

I keep reading the FFF's and see the beta number being already up at 0.17.8...

I'm patiently waiting for 0.17 to be released as stable... hnnng... any ETA on that?

Edit: I went ahead and caved in.. Am now part of the cool 0.17 gang!

Stable? Probably not within another 6 weeks or so.


This past weekend we beat our previous record of most simultaneous players with a peak player count on Steam of 22,457 players, and no doubt another couple thousand playing the non-Steam version.

macOS Developer needed

We have a proportionate number of bug reports coming in for macOS systems, and we don't have a dedicated developer responsible for the problems. The Job listing is still up on our website, and we have the desk...

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07 Mar


Originally posted by bwc_nothgiel

!Linkmod Total Automization

This mod is the only one I'm currently are of that has RTS aspects, there are probably more, have yet to try it.

The Robot failed, here is the link:
