Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

24 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


Mia nonna usa due quando lei è molta arrabbiata!

17 Aug


Originally posted by Sporkpuff

do you find small posts like these by sorting by the "bugs" flair or do you search certain keywords?

Keywords. Sound, audio, music, etc.


We've fixed this for the next patch. Sorry everyone!

14 Aug


Thanks for pointing this out again - this is something we would like to see improved as well.

TLDR - There are a few things we can try to make this better, making sure this gets tracked for us to look at again internally.

As for the more detailed how and why - technically there is no structural support for the building grid in that spot because it is made up of static geometry that was built with specific dimensions to fit behind building pieces (I.e. you still need to be able to build walls flat against this piece without clipping), not support it, and therefore doesn't extend far enough to register a connection based on collision overlapping into the neighboring grid tile.

The railing is a decorative prop and does not count as a wall piece.

For optimization reasons we avoid filling spaces like this with additional wall pieces that could otherwise count as supports.


Originally posted by MichaelNoland

Thanks for the report. We're aware of a bug here and are investigating it.

Cheers, Michael Noland

We deployed a new build of the backend which should have fixed up the counts for everyone today.

Cheers, Michael Noland


Originally posted by MichaelNoland

Hi FeaturedRhino,

Do you mind DMing me with your account name? We'll take a look and figure out what is going on.

Cheers, Michael Noland

We deployed a new build of the backend which should have fixed up the counts for everyone today.

Cheers, Michael Noland

10 Aug


Thanks for the report. We're aware of a bug here and are investigating it.

Cheers, Michael Noland

09 Aug


Originally posted by ABearinDaWoods

For heavens sake Epic, I can tolerate a 15 year old saying it - but it is called a “Magazine” not a clip. Love your game and thank you for the continued support!

That was a test! You passed, Munitions Expert. We've adjusted the blog:

Compact SMG

  • Reduced damage from 22/21 to 21/20
  • Reduced magazine size from 50 to 40

Hi FeaturedRhino,

Do you mind DMing me with your account name? We'll take a look and figure out what is going on.

Cheers, Michael Noland


Originally posted by Cseaisme

i know right! i wanted that score man XD

Ack! So the way it works is if you land the trick, but without a wheel hitting the ground first, it counts as a wipeout. It looks like from the video, your front bumper hits the ground first. I'll see if I can tweak it some more to be a bit more forgiving. Epic buzz kills are an unintended side effect of the new trick system.

08 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

07 Aug


Originally posted by Dubstep4Moms

<3 thanks for the support everyone. We put a lot of time and fun into these tracks and it's cool to see them received so positively!


Originally posted by Sno_Jon

They can take months to respond dude

Go to

When asked to login, make sure you select PSN as a method of logging in. If you haven't upgraded your account, after logging in, you will be asked to do so (entering a email and password) - do NOT enter a fake email or an email you do not own or you will not be able to verify ownership of the account in the future!

Once you are logged in and the account is upgraded, "disconnect" your PSN.

After it's disconnected, start Fortnite on your PS4 with your new account and make sure you login using the Epic credentials you created above (email/password).

If you already created a profile with your new PSN account, you're going to have to "disconnect" it first using the same steps above.

04 Aug


Fix coming in the next patch. (5.20)

03 Aug


Originally posted by JohnnyTwoByFour

But what effect does that have on someone who is shooting from the crouch position and is holding the fire button while they uncrouch?

Your bullets move with you as you stand.


Originally posted by berrytacos

The problem isn't just with the hunting rifle though. It's with all guns while looking to your right. It's extremely prevalent in the dual pistols as well. I hope the next fix addresses all of these problems and not just the hunting rifle.

The fix is for all weapons!


Hey guys!

Our last attempt at a fix had some serious issues (particularly with the hunting rifle, due to the way it zooms in extra close to the character).

We've taken another pass at this issue, with a much more robust solution. I can post an in-depth explanation (like my last one) when the next update hits if you're interested?

We've also changed it so that your bullets no longer instantly shoot from the standing position when you un-crouch, to prevent exploiting of uncrouch-crouch peeking.

Thanks for all the feedback, we're listening!!

Edit: to be clear, no delays for uncrouching. Instead of your bullet-shoot position popping instantly from crouched to uncrouched (as it does now), it interpolates with you as you st...

Read more

01 Aug


Originally posted by Fr4nsson

Thanks! appreciate it. Hmm... 11 years on and off.

This is awesome! Great job. Also, FL Studio for life. ;)

30 Jul

    /u/3van on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by brucewayner

Thanks so much man. Got exactly what I wanted. Really appreciate the effort especially with finding a buried comment in a buried thread!

No problem. Always happy to help out players when it's something easy like that. :)

    /u/3van on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by brucewayner

If epic could somehow give me a tracert to my personal IP it might give me something to forward to COX for help but there's no way I'll even get a shot as this will always get buried.

Shoot me a DM.