Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Originally posted by Doliryk

I have the same problem, I tried to change maps, tp to a friend and lfg to taxi my character into another map and always a black screen appears, stuck during The Charge, at the part when you change maps

Are you also using a MAC client with the 32-bit version?


Originally posted by BastiatCF

(yeah there are two Rays working on this thing)

thats quite the angle you are taking on this



Originally posted by kay_combinator

Thanks for linking the proposal, I should have done it to begin with. My confusion arose because - according to the Playing with Guild Mates paragraph - both a guild declaring itself as a WvW guild and a player picking their primary WvW guild play a role in the link placement. If I understand you correctly, only the players picking the same WvW guild are guaranteed to end up in the same link, but not necessarily everyone else in the guild, even if the guild has declared itself a WvW guild. Thank you for the clarification, it untangled the knots in my head :-)

P.S. I was trying to come up with some terminology to better distinguish the two cases, but I haven't found anything yet that fits. I know it's still quite a long time until the new linking can be released and that concepts are still changing, but perhaps you could find some simpler description along the way?

There is a two step process and I can see how it can be a little confusing/misleading.

First a guild needs to be registered as a WvW guild by a guild leader (or officer with correct permission levels). This allows the guild leadership to still control how the guild is used and also gives us a registration point for the guild getting into the new system.

Once the guild is a WvW guild in the system guild members will be allowed to more that guild as their wvw guild.

Both of those things need to be done before players from that guild are grouped with each other.


Originally posted by Lachipoo

Any word on if this will not be region locked, I have a guild with both EU and NA players, will we be able to WvW together? Because that would be truly amazing now that region/server transfers cost gems!

There will still be a region restriction. If you are in NA now you will remain with the NA players and if you are in EU you will remain with the EU players. Region transfers will still be a gem expense but I don't have any details on what the cost will be.


Hey, I'd like to help offer a solution, but I have a couple of questions to help me and the other developers narrow down what the issue is. 1. Was this your first story playthrough, or were you trying to replay? 2. Did you try waypointing to another map? 3. Have you tried using a Teleport to Friend stone to try changing maps? 4. Did you try using the LFG panel to taxi into another map?

Also could you submit a ticket to Customer Service so we can follow-up with you?


Glad you liked it! (it's my favorite part too).


Originally posted by morroIan

Any update to the proposed guild alliance system for WvW?

On the topic of World Restructuring: We are currently talking through a lot of the feedback and going over what to do about some of the pain points people brought up. There is progress being made in that front and once I have more solid information on what we'd like to do with some of that I'll update on the forums. Also I know our server programmer raypat (yeah there are two Rays working on this thing) is laying a bunch of the ground work code for things. So there is actual progress but nothing super glamorous.

06 Mar


Originally posted by StrikerJaken

Can we get a notification of a new mastery with the next episode?

I totally forgot that there was one and I never even thought activating it.

Yeah I had this problem as well. Definitely something we should look into! Thanks!


Originally posted by Lorsio

Thank you for all those tips !!! It means so much to me :)

I think I fill most of those, so it's a relief :'). The only one I can be a bit behind is the math part where I'm like average/good, depending on the subject... Guess I'll try harder ! :)

The level you need to be competent at can depend greatly on the specific specialization you are angling for. For example, graphics programmers often need to have pretty solid linear algebra, while general gameplay might be able to get away with general algebra.

I highly recommend going as far as you can though. I may be biased though; I have an undergrad in Math. 😆


Originally posted by Naqaj_

Incinerator plays the projectile sound effect even if that is disabled in the options.

this is likely an effect flagging issue, we'll investigate.


Originally posted by Anet-Clayton

The cake is totally a lie.

The truth is waffles.


Originally posted by CShee

Congrats on the patch !

Just posted something here before seeing the AMA was up, so just wanted to say the reference to kel Tath from the Malazan series was great !

What are your favourite fantasy series ?

I'd have to go with the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson. Honorable mentions include the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, Kingkiller Chronicles by Pat Rothfuss, the Powder Mage trilogy by Brian McClellan, and the Lightbringer books by Brent Weeks.


Originally posted by Lorsio

Hi, I've already told that to Matthew Medina on twitter, but I really want to thank you guys for being awesome and what you did with Guild Wars. You are open-minded, talkative on social media and I could tell a lot more about you, but I'll just sum up by saying you "change" my life more than you think, and gave me a purpose in my life : working with you guys :)

I am a french student in computer science, and I'm studying to become an engineer. But because computer science cover a lot of stuff, I wanted to know what should I focus on, in order to have a chance to work with you ? By that I'm asking for languages such as C++/C#... & database stuff, that's what I like :)

I've already checked some job offer to give me ideas of what the response should be like, but I think it's better to ask here, to maybe have more details :)

Again, thank you so much for everything... You are awesome :)

Here's some general tips I give a lot of people who are interested in the field:

  • Solid math skills.
  • Knowledge of C++ and/or proven ability to learn new languages/technologies quickly.
  • Solid understanding of data structures, particularly those used in games. e.g. intrusive lists, block lists, skip lists, component architecture, etc.
  • Having a broader knowledge of non-technical reference materials, such as History or other ancillary fields which may not be directly related to games or programming.
  • Passion for making games. Make your own games as personal projects.

*this is not specifically tips for getting hired at ArenaNet, or what we specifically look for, just my own personal "so you wanna be a game programmer" tips.


Originally posted by Zerowolf00

I dont get this answer^

We will not be discussing or revealing future items that may be in development.


Originally posted by colonel750

Even though I've yet to reach this point in the story (as an on and off player who is an altoholic I have waaaayyyyyy too much content to sift through but enjoying it all none the less.) It's always to interesting to see the world change again and again. All I want to say is thank you for continuing to make Tyria a wonderful world to share with friends and family. I recently introduced my wife to the game and even though I'm an adventuring Norn from the Shiverpeaks and she a lovely Sylvari of the Grove we've had tons of fun playing together. She's never been one for MMOs but it seems like Guild Wars will be the one that finally "clicks" for her.

February's Friend/ships celebration was a chance for us to recognize stories like this and highlight what the people we meet in game mean to us as individuals. I'm glad the game has been something that the two of you can enjoy together!


Originally posted by Keorl

Could we know more about all those inquest "labs", especially the biggest one ? I mean, how did they build them here this quick, Elona was inaccessible until a few weeks ago in lore.

Also it was there on the map prior to this episode.


Originally posted by MossyGargoyle

Is the avocado power/ferocity food in the new map giving the correct stats ( +80/60)? I was hoping it would be a legit alternative to the overly expensive Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup.

It's intended to be a lower version, as most of the other food options have other options that provide slightly lower stats than the top-tier food, but there was no similar option for Power/Ferocity. The intent wasn't to replace the Butternut Squash Soup, but to provide an option that can hopefully satisfy some of the demand, which will hopefully help bring the price down.


Originally posted by endelon

Are you guys ever going to add a real alternative to butternut squash soup? Condition food now has 3 versions of the same stat food :P

The Avocado Smoothie is currently a top level food (but shouldn't be), and has next to top level stats (level 75). The level will be updated in the near future. The goal for that food was to provide a much more accessible, but deliberately 'B' tier option for power builds. There weren't any other options in this regard, and we also didn't want to hurt the Butternut Squash Soup too much.


Originally posted by Godnaz

Chances are that it was a candidate of a few dagger skins where those not chosen will become Gem Store skins.

Side Note: While I think the legendary rifle HMS Divinity is a neat looking rifle skin, the Arcane Marksman rifle was probably a legendary rifle finalist and didn't make the cut, hence became a gem store skin, which fully fleshed out, would have been a more desirable weapon for me to obtain in-game had it been the Legendary they chose.

Items sold in the gem store are created specifically for sale. Legendaries are designed and created as legendaries by a different team. :)


Originally posted by Andulias

Here is a technical question - before PoF launched you said that thanks to upgrades to the engine you could increase the draw distance, which really helped make the PoF maps feel grand. Both LWS4 maps released so far however feature very restricted draw distance. Is there any particular reason for this?

Cameron gave a pretty good description of the trade-offs they had to make when making the map.