Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

29 Mar


Originally posted by billypowergamer

Says Mar 29 to Apr 12. I thought it was running until the 19th?

You are correct, we'll get it fixed on the release page!


This was supposed to be there on day one, but it broke last minute and nobody noticed. I was crestfallen T_T.

Glad you like it!


Originally posted by ijohno

It was only functional in cities, home instances and major towns before

It is still only functional in cities and home instances. We added the patch note for clarity that 1) the Ruler Throne collection item is now obtainable and 2) we won't be disabling chairs after April 1st.

28 Mar


Hey guys, this is Kevin from ANet (I'm getting my ANet tag shortly). I was able to repro this issue. I've bugged it and we have one of our content programmers looking at it now. From what I can tell, this seems isolated to the Sandswept Isles map.


Originally posted by rude_asura

Since we can now sit on chairs, can we expect to put stuff on the table anytime soon?

Everything is on the table....

27 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


In a very real sense, the Pale Tree is sitting on Tyria itself, which is quite the seat.


Originally posted by Tara_Daemos

Has anyone been able to work out where the newly-opened house in Divinity's Reach is? I feel like I know DR pretty well and haven't been able to find one!

It looks like this wasn't opened yet due to some crossed wires, but it will be tomorrowish!

23 Mar


Originally posted by Enshakushanna

theyre discovering the wvW game mode for the first time

No I'm just not a very good commander. I don't know how many times I toss the wrong siege down or in the wrong place because I'm not paying attention. When we come to your server make sure to tag up so I don't have to! In all seriousness I really thought that was a destructible wall for some reason. What I should have done is head over to the grave stones shot from there.

I should probably sit down and actually memorize siege placement positions for maps other then desert (my preferred map) instead of relying on my world/guild commanders to do so :).

21 Mar


Box Porter with the cameo! Woo!


Originally posted by Lishtenbird

Videos like this make me way, waaay more enthusiastic about the game than the Friend/Ships videos.

But then again, I'm a customer already so I know why to appreciate these things, and potential new buyers might find that too long and specific to be exciting.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the video! A lot of our different efforts are aimed at different types of players (or different types of prospective players), and I'm happy that this is the sort of content you enjoy. :)

20 Mar


So! We're not actually sure why this happened and it might be an issue with our CMS. It's been re-published, but the changes haven't shown up yet.

Edit: Good news! It is now no longer Literally Unreadable (if you don't know German):

19 Mar


Originally posted by TehOwn

I know it's been a while since the AMA but I'm really curious.

Were extra ruined logs intended as... you know... it's driftwood?

That was the intent by the designer that put the drops for them together, but I think the issue is that the "Ruined Log" has confusing messaging. It probably would have worked better with a trash item that isn't the item you get from gathering a node with the wrong quality of axe.

16 Mar


Originally posted by MorbidEel


The Mac client doesn't automatically update to the latest like the Windows client?

Since the two applications are very different internally, this is not as simple as it was/is for the Windows client.

In case you weren't aware, the 32-bit client ran under Cider, a Wine-derivative, whereas the 64-bit client is a native application.


Looking at the launcher is a simple way of determining which one you have:


vs 64-bit

15 Mar


I'd like to directly address the assertions in the first post and repeated elsewhere that the featured video is questionable because of "the background" of the players, and how an incredibly innocent statement was misunderstood and misread. As you can see here, Poz is listed as the "overall largest supporter” for Bria’s channel

Anyone who knows about Bria and Poz's friendship knows why that is, but ...

Read more

14 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


You are actually spot on with this comment and it's unfortunate that the conclusions being jumped to in the rest of the thread made you rethink it.

We cannot and will not give further personal information about players we've spotlighted, but when we chose them it wasn't based on incomplete information we pulled from the internet. They're people we've been aware of in some cases for years, whose stories we'd heard before; we wanted to share them with the community because we hoped it would be a positive experience. And for the most part, it has been.

What I'd hope for from this community is the basic understanding that nobody's life is immediately readable to total strangers, that no one is entitled to further context just because they watched a video about someone, and that nobody here would want to be under this kind of hostile scrutiny.


Originally posted by gedekran

If they played the game five years ago and quit, then they are defacto not part of the community.

If people played the game, made friends through the game, and moved on to other games, their friendships are still real, should be celebrated. That is the essence of community.