Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

14 Mar


Originally posted by CPaiva1993

I personally think that while romance can indeed happen overtime for players, ANet needs to market other sides of people bonding. What about asking popular guild leaders moments where their guild met up for a convention? Why not about just really good GW2 friends meeting up, and becoming IRL friends?

Marketing Players reactions to making lasting bonds is great, but romance isn't the only bond that needs to be marketable.

Totally agree! That's why two of the three videos celebrated friendships/platonic relationships and one video celebrated a romantic relationship. :)

To your point, here is the video about the [POOF] guild:


Originally posted by [deleted]


One of the amazing things about the Guild Wars 2 community is how it has brought people together over the years. There is no minimum bar for being part of the community, no requirement for hours played or achievement points attained. The friendship they and others formed through the game have transcended beyond Guild Wars 2. And if they play other games? So what? That's what gamers do! Whether people played the game 5 years ago and quit, last played two weeks ago, took breaks over the years, or never stopped playing since launch--they are all part of the community and the friendships players make through Guild Wars 2 are real, awesome, and should be celebrated regardless of how long and how often people play the game.


Really awesome to see this. The appreciation you all have shown for our work has really been a boon to an otherwise stressful week (as release weeks usually are).

Keep being awesome.

13 Mar


Originally posted by JinxedAndJaded

Gosh I'm gonna cry. Thank you so much!! Like I've told the others, I think I'm just going to stick with 25 for now and then maybe the next time I try this I'll get the courage to bump it up. I've just been trying to do this for awhile on a couple of discords and it's never worked so I just want SOMETHING at this point. Haha And sure, please do send me some of your charr! I'll do my best!

I'm astounded at the positivity coming from this thread. It's well deserved because your art is great. They're right, never sell yourself short! :)

12 Mar


Originally posted by dzernumbrd

You can basically remove LFG from WvW entirely as I've never seen anyone use it, ever.

I see it's use kind of mixed depending on where you WvW. I suspect that this will be more heavily used once world restructuring is in place to help organize people.

08 Mar


We've disabled LFG listings until a fix can be put in place for this.


Originally posted by Leafbrains

Okay, thank you.

The game is also freezing when I try to log out to character selection. Pretty similar to the map issue, the music still plays and the game doesn't respond to commands but the screen is the location I'm at when trying to switch characters with the log out window overlayed and the character select button grayed out. Not sure if this info is helpful at all?

Edit: Oh nvm I just saw Ester's comment. Thank you for the response! Didn't even realize I hadn't updated my client...

If that doesn't fix it let us know and we'll continue to troubleshoot


Originally posted by magic_cookie_bar

No, I am using normal GW2 that I've been using since I began playing in 2012.

See Ester's response to this post.


Originally posted by Leafbrains

I get client errors or crashes relatively frequently, however when the map issue happens I don't receive any error messages; just the black screen with map title/map icons and music from the map I attempted to leave, if I wait long enough my fans will run lower then turn off and viewing my activity monitor I can see a sharp increase in CPU load (from 22% to 95%) then a sharp decrease (from 95% to 14%). The game does not respond to any commands and will only close with force quit. I'm fairly certain I use the 64 bit client since I did a reinstall pretty recently; version 1.0.010382. I also just downloaded the new build and tried to change maps only for the same result.

That sounds like the 32-bit client. The version number shown in App Info says 1.0. The 64-bit client when installed by default is named with "64-bit" in the app name.


For anyone having issues who is still using the Mac 32 bit client, the fix will be to switch to the 64 bit client. We stopped supporting the 32 bit client for both Mac and Windows with the release of Path of Fire. This new min spec applies to all of Living World Season 4 as you need to own PoF to play.

You can download the client here:

We have a thread on our forums for discussing the Mac client that can also be useful: ...

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Originally posted by RUBIK1376

I did this event once, getting all 5 correct with no wrong answers. No achieve.

Second time around I purposely answered the first round wrong then correctly after the guess buff wore out before that round ended. I then answered rounds 2-5 correctly and the achievement popped.

It's not acting the way you say it is.

Yeah, this works because you still had 5 consecutive correct guesses, during a single run of the event.

Guessing correctly is +1, guessing incorrectly is -1. You start at 0 and can't go below 0. So incorrect guesses in the first round don't prevent you from earning the achievement.


Originally posted by Coooturtle

Americans and Europeans may disagree on which way is best to represent the date. But yy/mm/dd is certainly something we can agree is the worst way.

Well, most other ways of writing the date would have been too obvious. I initially had it as 20050426, but the 2005 at the start made it feel much more obviously a date, so I shortened it down to a 2-digit year. I'm surprised someone actually made the connection.


Originally posted by magic_cookie_bar

For me, when I try to change maps, the game freezes. I get the loading screen or black screen, but nothing progresses. There are no notifications of error or crash. Have to force quit. I can access the Trading Post. Also, cannot switch characters, screen is frozen, music continues to play, have to force quit.

Are you using the 64-bit client?

07 Mar


The invisible-ness of these isn't intended, and should be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by DeathDealerGER

Yup, thats exactly what I did both times, no wrong guesses, all 5 correct.

Good to know, I'll look into it.


Originally posted by DeathDealerGER

Three Golem Monte did not trigger for me, I started the event, got all 5 correct and no achievement. Someone joined in halfway through but that shouldnt have any influence on it right?

edit: just did it again, still no achievement, other person in my party didnt get it either, so probably better to wait for a fix before trying this, as it can get pretty hard in the final round.

Just to be clear. For this achievement, you not only need to guess the correct golem in each of the 5 rounds, but you can't have any wrong guesses either.


From what people here have discussed so far, this doesn't sound Mac specific. Are there any client errors or crashes showing up that might shed some more light on what you all are experiencing?


Originally posted by nosolovro

have you read malazan series? cos i really loved too sanderson and rothfuss, but after i read malazan of steven erikson well let's say every other fantasy saga i read in the past become inferior XD

Yeah, I liked parts of Malazan, but other parts were a little depressing/slow for me. I haven't read any of the new Tiste series, though- just up through Crippled God. For grimdark fantasy, the series that I've like the most was probably Joe Abercrombie's First Law series.


Originally posted by Xelazeratul

As a recent graduate looking for jobs this is all very useful, thank you!

As a side note, may I ask what you guys look for in code samples? For example, should they be complete projects or snippets? I'm still trying to wrap my head around what is being asked for.

This is from an older job posting, but it generally still applies:

Here is what we are looking for in your code samples:

  • Your best work.
  • Demonstrated breadth of programming skills.
  • Ability to write readable, maintainable and efficient code.
  • Ability to design clear abstractions and clean interfaces.
  • Appropriate selection of data structures or algorithms.

What we are not looking for:

  • Code any of your previous employers have prevented you from sending us.
  • Solutions to simple problems (such as counting the number of zero bits in an integer).
  • Straightforward implementations of published algorithms (such as A*).
  • Wrapper classes for an existing library.
  • Math libraries such as matrix and vector implementations.
  • That code that you wrote years ago but which you could write better today; we want to see examples of your current skill.
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