Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

28 Nov


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

Just finished playing the story for this patch, you guys have done a great job as usual.

What was the best part of your job this patch (favourite thing you worked on for example or really anything you enjoyed) ?

Also, how many different voice recording for any character (ennemy, friendly npc, player character, really any character) do you have saying "Praise joko" ?

My favorite part of this release was to try and think of what kind of skills the final boss would use given it's situation. Without spoiling anything, a lot of iteration went into that encounter.

I also really enjoyed seeing the open world map come together over time - our map artist did an absolutely fantastic job at bringing Istan forward 250 years.

Originally posted by [deleted]

What's your reasoning for doing these AMA's relatively quickly after release instead of waiting a few days to let the community experience a good chunk of the new content?

We take the company down on release days –– no normal development, no meetings –– so that we can play the game with you and respond to anything that comes up. That makes release days a unique opportunity to get everyone together. And, frankly, we're excited about what we just released and are happy to be able to chat about it.

~ MO


Originally posted by TyroneTyreseJamal

Domain of Istan is the best living story map so far, gj everyone who worked on it

Thanks! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I spent many a'hour in Kamadan and Istan in GW1, so it was a blast being able to recreate it in the glorious image of King Joko.


Originally posted by Mike-OBrien-ArenaNet

Hi all,

A few months ago I announced my intention to gradually hand the reins of GW2 game direction to Mike Zadorojny, "Z". You probably already know Z well: he's a 10+ year veteran of ArenaNet, who worked on GW2 from the beginning, and most recently served as the lead designer of Path of Fire.

I'm not going anywhere – Z and I sit next to each other and continue to work together – but I won't be able to continue spending virtually all my time on GW2 in the coming year as I did through most of the past two years. A game director should be 100% dedicated to the game. Z is absolutely dedicated to GW2. He has a deep passion and enthusiasm for the game, the same today as when he started working on it a decade ago. As game director I know he'll continue to champion the needs of players, and continue to set the highest quality standards for everything we do.

So today I'm making it official: Mike Zadorojny is the new game director of GW2. Congratulations Z....

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It's been an absolute pleasure working with Z during (and post) development of PoF. Congrats Z!


Originally posted by [deleted]


We don't currently have any plans to convert unbound magic into volatile magic. We want to make sure that the rewards are tied to the content, while using unbound magic or providing a conversion both makes the rewards available without having to play the new content, as well as making imbalanced farming locations like Bitterfrost Frontier feel like it's required to be efficient for earning season 4 rewards as well.


Originally posted by TyroneTyreseJamal

Domain of Istan is the best living story map so far, gj everyone who worked on it

There are a lot of fine folks who worked hard to bring that map to fruition. I'm glad you like it! <3


Originally posted by Narcissus1415

Hey guys! you did an amazing job with the boss mechanics in the story! i really did loved it :) my question is: Are you pleased with the way your new Palawadan map meta event turned out? are you happy with the difficulty of it and the balance of reward it gives?

I was late to this AMA because I was finishing off you know who at the end. :) It was a blast playing it on live, and the difficulty balance felt good.


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

Just finished playing the story for this patch, you guys have done a great job as usual.

What was the best part of your job this patch (favourite thing you worked on for example or really anything you enjoyed) ?

Also, how many different voice recording for any character (ennemy, friendly npc, player character, really any character) do you have saying "Praise joko" ?

"Also, how many different voice recording for any character (ennemy, friendly npc, player character, really any character) do you have saying "Praise joko" ?"

Not enough.


Originally posted by EyeofJanthir032

I am so excited to start playing! I did not expect for us to go to Istan on the first episode, it seemed too good to be true! You guys are gods. A couple questions:

  • What made you decide to go to Istan?

  • Was the name Daybreak indeed an intentional reference to the old campaign Nightfall?

  • What were some of favorite parts about this release?

  • I know we aren’t supposed to ask about future items but is there a possibility we will get an Aurene griffon skin in the future? ;-)

You guys are amazing and I can’t wait to see what other parts of Elona we get to visit in the future (me here waiting for Gandara). I spent many a time in Istan in the first game, I can’t wait to see the GW2 version!

I'll answer for the third question... One of my favorite parts of this release was listening to the internal debate of which name would Palawa Joko prefer: Palawadan or Jokodan. #teampalawadan


Originally posted by chaosau

I'm a GW2 roleplayer (I know, cringe...), and I wanted to give a shoutout to everyone who has worked on all the content so far. This is the best RP experience I've ever had in my life. Just yesterday I was nearly crying tears of joy because I actually had A PLAYER HEALER for the first time in five years. People have been so kind, and I've managed to find such kind people.

Thank you, THANK YOU for making all of this possible.

As for questions, any possibility of more mechanical-looking mount skins? Bought the Reforged Hellhound and made it look like a Golem, and it's been an integral part of my Asura for a bit (there was even a plot where we had to get it back from the Cavaliers 'cause made with Forged metal), but wouldn't mind having some other golemesque mounts....

Edit: Race/Class/Gender breakdown of dev team's characters?

I don't have any answers for your questions, but I just wanted to say that I'm 100% with you on getting different experiences. I think hearts are a great spot for this (as they were in the base game) and while it's not ep1 specific, I really appreciate the opportunities to help refugees, or the injured, or (for some reason) choya, and (especially for the heart in the Temple of Kormir) to do things that aren't just kill a handful of monsters and collect a few widgets.


Hello, and thanks for reporting these issues! The wyvern and elemental issues have a fix in the pipe, and the Deathshroud issue is being investigated.


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

Just finished playing the story for this patch, you guys have done a great job as usual.

What was the best part of your job this patch (favourite thing you worked on for example or really anything you enjoyed) ?

Also, how many different voice recording for any character (ennemy, friendly npc, player character, really any character) do you have saying "Praise joko" ?

The Corsair ships in the Palawadan meta were the worst and best thing I worked on. Worst because they were a total pain to hook up both for me and our prop artists, and best because it's a freakin pirate ship you can board, sink and blast with cannons.


Originally posted by Sodenia

I don't have a qustion, I just want to thank you for this awesome release! This is clearly my favourite content update of GW2 so far!

Everything, the living world, new fractal, new raid and even the new legendary weapon feel so connected by the living world which is absolutely one of my most loved aspects of this release. I hope that future releases will do the same thing! :)

Glad you're enjoying the release!


Originally posted by MakubeC

When are you going to announce the Design-a-Weapon winners?

Our intention is to have a blog post announcing winners soon!

Originally posted by queicherius

With the (entirely deserved) promotion of Lawton a few weeks ago, the API has effectively not been supported. This manifests itself in some parts flickering between working and broken, some parts having outdated or missing information and no new features getting developed.

The community has poured thousands of hours (1) into developing applications and sites that make use of the API (including the official wiki). This is a labour of love towards the game.

These applications support a massive amount of players (2) in their in-game pursuits (such as looking up items or helping with crafting), keep the players engaged with the game when they can't play it (such as checking on your TP orders during travel or school/work breaks) and even give additional goals to complete (such as competing on arbitrary leaderboards or finishing all parts of specific content, for example gilder skins).

TLDR: Are you planning to continue supporting the API?


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Awesome work on gw2efficiency! :) Your question in primarily for SCW, who's out today, but yes we'll keep supporting the API.

~ MO

Hi all,

A few months ago I announced my intention to gradually hand the reins of GW2 game direction to Mike Zadorojny, "Z". You probably already know Z well: he's a 10+ year veteran of ArenaNet, who worked on GW2 from the beginning, and most recently served as the lead designer of Path of Fire.

I'm not going anywhere – Z and I sit next to each other and continue to work together – but I won't be able to continue spending virtually all my time on GW2 in the coming year as I did through most of the past two years. A game director should be 100% dedicated to the game. Z is absolutely dedicated to GW2. He has a deep passion and enthusiasm for the game, the same today as when he started working on it a decade ago. As game director I know he'll continue to champion the needs of players, and continue to set the highest quality standards for everything we do.

So today I'm making it official: Mike Zadorojny is the new game director of GW2. Congratulations Z....

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27 Nov


Originally posted by Anet_Ben

Chelsea is by far the better raider. Don't tell anyone though I want people to think I'm good.


15 Nov


Originally posted by Salphir

As someone who works in audio, I think it's much more likely the producer of the trailer track just reused the same samples for the drums/percussion (sounds like Kontakt Action Strikes/West African package, /u/maclaine ?). Maaaaaybe they took a drum loop from the Twisted Marionette fight and sped up the tempo but this seems like a bit of a leap. I don't really hear much besides similar samples to suggest a reference to a motif of any kind.

It was actually one of our newer audio team members who handled the music for this teaser! He did a fantastic job, imo. And if I have to guess it was either that library you mentioned or another from Kontakt. ;)

13 Nov


Originally posted by Lorsio

Thank you!! I guess it wasn't as long as I thought it was. xD