Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Originally posted by benbernards

Hey man, just checking in to see if you got my previous comments and Crash section? Still unplayable (have uninstalled and reinstalled, etc. etc., no luck. Works fine on my other Macs, but not this one.)

Yep, we got it and we're investigating. I don't have anything interesting to share at this time.


Originally posted by diruuo

I think /u/Anet_Tirzah mentioned somewhere that she puts a swinging boy and cats on every map she works on.

I also believe Josh Foreman includes this particular gold coin in maps he worked on.

I can confirm there is a swinging boy in three of the desert maps ;) He loves to travel!

15 Oct


Originally posted by Stergeary

Is there a way to manually un-snap the target when I have that option turned on? Some AoE spells need to be manually placed for best effect but this option forces me to center the AoE on my target.

There is indeed. Under the targeting keybinds there are two things of interest, Snap Ground Target and Toggle Snap Ground Target. Snap Ground Target will temporarily invert whatever your snap ground target checkbox is set to. In other words, if the checkbox is set and you push the key, it won't snap; if the checkbox is not set and you push the key, it will snap. Toggle Snap Ground Target will flip the state of the checkbox if you would prefer doing things that way.


I assume you're referring to aiming ground-targeted skills at your feet. There's a secret function of the Snap Ground Target to Current Target feature (enabled via checkbox or toggle keybind), where if you're using action camera and aim all the way down it will snap the ground target marker to your feet, regardless of zoom.

14 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]

Is it? It barely does anything with 8 of mine. Does that include hyperthreading?

That includes hyperthreading.

12 Oct


Why do you want more races? We did just add 5 to the game. 1 per each map in PoF :D

07 Oct


Originally posted by LordDankus

Who is your favorite hero and why is it Palawa Joko?

Praise Joko


Originally posted by ImNotBeyonce

What was the weirdest bug that happened during development?

Some creatures would occasionally spawn in riding on raptors. So I'd say running from a Cavalry Horde of Choya riding Raptors was one of my favorites.


Originally posted by BeowulfBjornson

In regards to my third point, I believe a better term would be ground speed. Maybe this clarifies it:

Since on scenario B I had to move up to get to the second checkpoint, I assume it took me longer to reach it, right? Or does moving up and down not affect my ground speed?

Ground speed will be substantially lower while climbing and diving.


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

World map is sooo huge now. A friend of mine just started GW2, and when I made him open the map and zoom out, he went balistic.

On that subject have you seen that_shaman historical guide to tyria ?

Right?! The worldmap is one of the big things that, for me at least, gives a real sense of scale to everything and makes GW2 feel like one continuous world. (fractals/pvp/wvw not withstanding :) )

Also, yes, definitely have seen that_shaman's map. It's a very cool project!


Originally posted by Exfrus

As a rule of thumb, how long does it take to make changes like that to existing maps? Taking the mounts into old maps has been hilarious, sometimes it's hit and miss though. I keep dying in Verdant Brink because I keep trying to fly to the flax farm from Noble's Folly. I build up a ton of speed, sanic my way over there, dodge vines and low hanging rocks, lightly graze the killwall that is VB's map boundary, then watch my corpse gracefully descend into the depths. I also got up quite high in the Silverwastes and flew to the airships overhead only to find that they have no collision and you fly straight through the texture.

I was one of the players extremely leery at the prospect of mounts in Guild Wars 2. I, somewhat cynically, thought it was just going to be WoW pandering but the way they've been implemented has been a ton of fun and it's truly affected gameplay more than the speedboost and cosmetic goldsink I was expecting. You've all done a fantastic job.

It usually took us a day or two to modify the actual borders of each map and then any additional fixes for falling through props and so on was additional time. It usually didn't take long to make collision changes, but it was hard to catch them all.

Originally posted by Lishtenbird

but probably won't, because it's not worth derailing a team that could otherwise be making great new content.

While I respect this opinion, for a lot of players looks mean just as much as "real" content. I know I've spent so, so much time designing my characters instead of playing actual content that was available that this argument doesn't fully satisfy me.

I hope this sentiment reaches the team :)

There are only 14 of them. But they're distinct from a lot of other appearances in the game. I'll check again on feasibility.



Originally posted by DakotaCoty

Firstly, Thank you to the team for the dedication you have all done in this expansion, my guild are extremely happy with the quality of work in PoF (about 365 members active); you have also not only made mapping once again fun but you've made it completely fair for everyone to do so - no more "play this class for the fastest map completion".

Question(s) and points for Duncan Kay - UI

However... My guild feels that the UI and the amount of clicking needs a drastic overhaul - it's been a long time since the last UI overhaul, and the amount of clicking for items is getting excessive; make people happy with their inventory and interface again.

What needs to change?
Note: I asked people from several communities, one community as large as 20,000 people.


  • Direct one-click buttons for: Compact, Deposit all and "delete click" tool
  • ...
Read more

Awesome suggestions. We're constantly looking at where we can make QOL improvements to the existing UI, while also continuing development on new content and features. I can't say anything about future plans for development, but I can say that the pain points you've mentioned are definitely on our radar.

Originally posted by ImNotBeyonce

What was the weirdest bug that happened during development?

I always get a kick out of the placeholder computer-generated voice. So many serious lines are accidentally hilarious because of how the computer pronounces them.

But the weirdest bug would have to be dead NPCs randomly riding mounts.


Originally posted by rude_asura

On the topic of dev teams:

Since John Smith has left the company earlier this year, was his position as game economist taken over by another employee or were his general responsibilities (as he was responsible for alot more than just the economy) transfered to several other positions?

John had helped form a working group of analysts and reward designers to monitor the economy, and that group continues to do it.


Originally posted by Anet-shwang

One of the things I enjoyed working on was trying to create memorable characters in the open world. The kids at First Camp are part of a family that has had some loss, so has Jingo. Giving the Followers of Ascension a motive why they seeking it. And how the last survivings sunspears still try to fight the good fight. Refering back to the GW1 characters in some way in the Desolaiton, that was really satisfying as well.

And finally as one who helped layout the worldmap for Tyria and Elona, just matching up some of the locations, and trying to show what became of them 250 years later. Not too many times you get to revisit areas that you worked on a decade later.

Steve, you nailed it with the First Camp!

I'll echo what a pleasure it's been to be able to revisit content and themes from GW1, with many of the same devs carrying forward their work.


06 Oct


Originally posted by kogpaw

When you were developing the mounts, did you have to go back to every single old map and fix boundaries, add textures, etc to places that players had never reached before? Or was this something that was already in place? Can you give examples of old maps that had to be fixed before PoF mounts?

Yes, every single central Tyrian and HoT map needed to be modified when we added mounts. A lot of our hills, larger props, and borders were never meant to be accessible from above, and so the Springer and Griffon were our greatest challenges. Maps like Queensdale for example, had houses where there was no collision on the roofs and you would fall right through! A well placed Springer hop could also get you out of the map and looking at mountains missing textures entirely. A consequence of this is a few accidental invisible walls being placed over JP locations and gathering nodes when we got a little over-zealous (sorry!) We did sometimes add more rocks and decals to hide the worst offenders, but we tried to keep it close enough to the mini map and pre-PoF so nothing dramatically changed visually from what you would remember.


Originally posted by BeowulfBjornson

Nice work on the mechanics, it feels reaaaally good to fly around on it!

Since we do not have a way to measure how fast we are going, could you very briefly answer these questions? Myself and a couple friends were really trying to go as fast as we can on the adventures and understanding the mechanics better would certainly help.

  • Is flying close to the ground faster?
  • Does flapping your wings after diving, boosting and leveling help you maintain horizontal speed or even increase it?
  • How does moving up and down impact your "horizontal" speed? Is this related to the altitude buffer?
  • It is not, but you lose altitude more slowly (this is the ground effect I mentioned in the stream).
  • It does not.
  • I'm not sure what you're asking but I'll take a stab at it. When you're climbing you will always lose some speed due to gravity, but so long as the altitude buffer is non-zero the gravity while climbing will be greatly reduced, so you won't lose speed very quickly. Once the buffer is consumed, gravity will be set back to normal and you will lose speed rapidly.

Originally posted by Anet-Connie

Re: moments during story development when we had to rework stuff, we actually were re-working the story constantly to the point we were giving ourselves anxiety attacks. Spoiler So to answer your question more directly, the last six months were full of "aw crap, we need to redo/address/change this moment" XD

Some props for Connie here. She worked on three of the most storytelling-intensive missions. That's a big workload. And it was always our deal that we wouldn't rest until we got it right. Connie put in a lot of extra work and iteration to get the details right, and I think the end result shows. Connie, your missions shine.



Originally posted by Tee_Wrex

I love my wolf mount... absolutely my favorite. Every time I ride I think I enjoy him more. I think, out of all the time spent so far, I REALLY loved working on my skills and learning new ways to use him.

Whats are some tips to getting the most out of this mount?

I've found it's fun to play around with endurance.

If you get the rhythm down, and you space out the blinks just right, a fourth one becomes available right after the third blink! It's incredibly satisfying.