Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

04 Dec


Originally posted by enyri

Well that puts a whole new spin on "The Bone Palace".

OMG I'm dying XD

02 Dec


Originally posted by primitiveamerican

I’m on a MPB retina 2015 i7 2.2 ghz.

The problem is all the time, in combat, mount riding, everything. The cursor disappears and gets stuck in action camera mode but I didn’t engage it in anyway. It happens whether or not I’m playing with a mouse or trackpad.

To get it to come back I just mash the mouse buttons a few times and it comes back.


If you unhook both action camera binds does it still happen? What if you turn off gesture controls (in general options)?


Can you describe the problem in more detail? Like under what circumstances is it not coming back? What machine are you playing on? Could it be that you are accidentally engaging gesture camera controls, or action camera?

Maybe some video of it happening could help illustrate it for us.


Originally posted by Hrafhildr

Doesn't bode well for me getting the achievement going anytime soon then. It took them an eternity to fix the Funerary NPC's prices for some reason...

This shouldn't prevent you from being able to complete the collection- Yasna will still give you a collector if you're on the appropriate step of the collection, and the collector should become filled automatically when entering the miasma- the double-click ability is a failsafe- and the filled collector can still be returned to Yasna for achievement progress.


If you guys could PM the details to u/anet_jason, this will help them get stuff resolved faster.

01 Dec


Originally posted by BobbyStein

So glad folks are enjoying the books. It's something we've talked about doing for years and it finally came together late in PoF development. Shout out to programmers Connor Cleary and Kris Watt, UI artist Luke Nalker, and the Episode 1 designers and writers for taking it to the finish line.

I'm riding Bobby's coattails here to let you guys know that I intend to add a way for you to reacquire these books since some of you deleted them out of your inventory before you realized they were, like, legit books. Since they're tracked for the achievement I should able to add an NPC within Istan that can give you another copy. It's going to have to wait for a later update, but I don't want you guys to think you will never be able to get them back.


Originally posted by domky123

I think anet will totally fix this. It looks terrible at its current state xd

I just got the bug in this morning! We're on it! :)

EDIT: FWIW, fixing this should also fix any VFX that are intended to be attached to the end of the staff such as Druid's Solar Beam and Elementalist's Lightning Surge.

30 Nov


Chevy Chase? I just see a candygram delivery person.


Originally posted by choco-muffin

Step 8: Get disconnected and rollback with everything you've mined gone from inventory.

This issue has been fixed as of yesterday. If you're still seeing crashes while mining Brandstones, please let us know ASAP :)


Very happy to finally see this in the game; enjoy!


If this is still happening, where are you and what region are you trying to connect to?


I'll see if I can get them added tomorrow! ~~ Edit: Apologies not going to get to it today but will get them up as soon as possible.~~

Edit 2: up!

29 Nov


We have a fix for this going out very soon.


Originally posted by Yazure

Hey, maybe i am too late but we can have a selfie from the office today?

Wanna see your mugs, your coffee machine! :D

Like Blue Man Group AmA.

I snapped a couple of pics from the kitchen, will update this with them later on once I get them off my phone!


Originally posted by KNevermor3

I have not bought the latest addon yet. I logged into GW2 on Tuesday and it told me that the new LS is available but needs PoF to play. That's fine for me now, but is the LS3 Chapter 1 now unlocked for me, so that when I finally buy PoF I can play it straight away or do I have to purchase the episode then afterwards too, just because I did not own PoF when the LS came out?

P.S.: One of the main reasons for me not to get PoF yet was my insane pure hate for mounts. Everything is so WoW now and only half GW2, I am so sad! (now come redditors, give me your hate because I said something against your beloved mounts :p !)

Out of curiosity, did you try them during the demo weekend at all? I'm obviously very biased in the matter, but if you haven't had a chance to give them a spin yet, I really recommend giving them a closer look. They just feel... real, like a proper part of the world. (With glowy neon scales, but hey.)

(And AFAIK, although I'm not 100% sure, you should be fine. Also note that you have until the release of episode 2 to unlock it, regardless, so if you're planning on buying the expansion sometime within the Christmas season you'll be fine in any case.)


This is a bug that we will fix soon!


Originally posted by ShadowMageAlpha

Honestly, I was just kinda joking. I completely understand why these (and many others) wouldn't be applied. But perhaps you can answer if making the keys actually still works. (I would assume the coding for making Greater Nightmare Keys was "fixed", but just to be sure.)

Is there a bug where you can't currently make them? I didn't touch them at all when I made the new currencies but I can certainly take a look if they're broken.


Copy/Pasting my response from another thread- we wanted to add the most commonly used keys to the wallet; items that players get and consume on a large scale. We believe that keys that are used in a small scope such as events or jumping puzzles (or the aetherpath) are better suited as inventory items to remind you of their existence. If the community has strong beliefs to the contrary, I'm keeping my eyes open for feedback!


As one of the devs in the AMA, it's mostly because the devs that are participating in the AMA following a Living World release don't work on PvP, WvW, class balance, gemstore, or other things that people ask questions about, and we don't know the answers to those questions. Arenanet has hundreds of people, and we don't all know details on what developers working on different parts of the game are doing or what they have planned. Even where we might know some of what is being worked on, we typically don't know enough to give details or speak officially on those topics.