Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by ijohno

Question is for Devon - Do you guys have any plans on further developments of the Guild Hall? If so, what are some types of changes you're looking to add into the game?

Continued Guild Hall development will likely remain focused around decorations.


Originally posted by windwarrior

As a fellow programmer, what is the strangest/funniest/weirdest bug you have ever created?

My favorite thing was we kept having issues with Awakened army sizes. Sometimes the mummies would be the size of minis and another day the Junundu general mummy lady was 20 feet tall!


Originally posted by THC4k

Hey, great work on the expansion. The level of quality is just amazing. I loved the story and mounts feel great, can't wait to get my griffon.

My favorite part about those huge maps is how many little treasure caves and other secrets are hidden on the maps. I've played a lot and completed the first map 3 times already and today I still found a new place, the spider cave under the griffon rooster.

You guys really delivered a lot of fun and interesting content and I appreciate that very much. Thank you all :D

Really glad that you are enjoying it. We appreciate you all playing! Thank you! :)


Originally posted by -GrayMan-

What is one thing you guys wanted to add with Path of Fire but couldn't find the place or room to?

A Choya themed map with a Choya city and a Choya Emperor with a Choya army and...


Originally posted by Stormdancer

It's interesting that none of the human NPCs seem to react at all to Charr, Sylvari and Asura suddenly showing up in their midst. Are there plans to add more racial-awareness to the NPCs? It seems odd that they don't seem to care about this hulking beast-creature stomping up and talking with them, especially given that they were so isolated from all the events of the north.

I know this is about PoF, but an expansion like this, where you build so many new parts of the engine, and made sweeping changes to other ones, shows that it is possible, and to great effect.

So... can we please get the town clothes returned to the same basic functionality as armor? Mix-and-match. Heck, just let us use clothing pieces as skins on armor. Anything that lets us mix and match, rather than using the one-size-fits-all approach of tonics and outfits.

Also... any chance you're exploring backporting the (awesome) new movement system for the rest of the g...

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There is the loquacious little boy at the oasis camp who can't stop asking the Asura questions.


Originally posted by Anet_ConnorF

I'll jump in for 2 about Balth, and point out that he entered the canon he was carrying his father's severed head. Humans viewed him as the god of honor, and in some ways his refusal to back away from confronting the dragons IS honorable... but he was always ruthless.

Likewise, Balth the god of war had been more or less idle since the Exodus, with very little in the way of human contact or terrestrial combat. He's a fiery god of action and he was champing at the bit for the chance to do what he was born to do (as he sees it).


Originally posted by Anet_Tirzah

For our environments we took a lot of inspiration from real life! From Turkey, Egypt, Africa to even closer locations like Bryce Canyon and high desert type landscapes. Before we started building our environments I built a collage of a bunch of images to get a "look and feel" for the location:

And we can't forget our amazing concept artists who supplied us with great fantastical ideas and color palettes too. :)


Originally posted by SpoonsAreEvil

Are there any plans to introduce barrier to core classes?

We’re excited about the new barrier mechanic, but are still wary of its placement. Yes, we have some places we want to inject barrier in core specs. An example here would be the ele’s Conjure Earth Shield, whose rework was delayed until barrier was released in POF.

Overall, we’re still in conversation as to where it should go and which professions would get it, in what capacity. As an example: Guardian is controversial in this regard because it’s got a lot of support through hard mitigation and damage reduction, and adding yet another defensive mechanism may muddy its theme.


Originally posted by deathbotly

  1. The new maps look great, and I love them all dearly (I can't wait to try and 100% all of them once I get the jackal! ... I'm slow). Were there any especially important artistic inspirations that led to the designs we see?
  2. I've always been curious. I've never actually been in an MMO where you can just bump into them in-game, on reddit, etc. but I've frequently seen them in this game -- and well, obviously, here. Do you have any big limits on what you're allowed to do or say to the players?

For our environments we took a lot of inspiration from real life! From Turkey, Egypt, Africa to even closer locations like Bryce Canyon and high desert type landscapes. Before we started building our environments I built a collage of a bunch of images to get a "look and feel" for the location:


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

I tend to build huge spoiler in minecraft whenever I go back onto this game I do believe this will make for a great inspiration.

Final instance spoiler below Is this what you mean by flowing color ? The sky was glorious in this instance.

Spoiler image

Yes, all the swirling effects in that scene in particular and to a lesser extent what is visible when you are running around in the non-instanced version of that area. Also, the sky in story spoiler


Originally posted by Anet-Clayton

Headless and naked NPCs running around everywhere...

That was on meeeeeeeh.


Originally posted by SilveryBeing

Of course it is, cause once you find it you stop looking.

I've always told myself that one of these days, I'll look one more place just to say I did.


Originally posted by Ixillius

1) The raptor mini collection was pretty cool which made me wonder if there is any chance of seeing the fire and ice skins as usable legendary mount skins?


3) Much like ember bay's skulls, Desolation's mouth of torment has strange faces crawling their way out of the centre. Image What drives the land to take these forms and will it ever be tied to the story in any meaningful way?

4) Since PoF is a bit more demanding, what would be the best option for people upgrading? Going the route of i7700k or the newer CPU's...

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Originally posted by Varorson

Warning: Some main plot spoilers.

Questions for the Writing Team

Questions on Balthazar and the Forged:

  1. Is the Herald of Balthazar actually as folks suspect?
  2. Balthazar seems to have changed quite a lot. He went from honorable combatant to proclaiming "I AM CONFLICT!" But we're never given a proper explanation for this change. Why did Balthazar turn from honorable god of war to evil god of war? He basically became Menzies, by all show of GW1 lore to now.
  3. What is the fate of Menzies? Now that Balthazar is killed, it seems rather pointless for us to ever deal with him now. Kind of like Malyck, his ship has sailed and we never got to see it.
  4. Why did you settle on using Balthazar as the antagonist for Path of Fire, rather than Dhuum, Menzies, or another god?
  5. What's the story behind the Forged accessing the Realm of Torment? As far as I could find, we're only told that they'...
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4: The "last Forgotten" cited in HoT was the last Forgotten in Tarir, not the last Forgotten period. The Forgotten did not have 100% perfect communication between the two cities so they did not necessarily know exactly what was happening in their sister city at all times.


Originally posted by Kami_of_Water

Hey, I love you all and all of your work, thanks for everything! I still remember the wonder I felt 3-4 years ago when my mum (a secretary at the time for you guys, IIRC) showed me the game, and I feel like in the long run, GW2 has lived up to everything I dreamed and more. The new Scourge spec makes me really feel like I'm a Commander, or perhaps a tactician, sitting in the backline and pushing out barrier and conditions to help my allies in battle, and Deadeye really feels like the heavy-hitting sniper I always knew it could be.

So, I guess since this is an AMA I should ask you guys questions - and here are mine:

During development, did you ever get an idea while playing the game that found it's way into the game? For instance, "Oh, but what if X did Y," or "Hey, wouldn't this be a really cool thing to see in GW2?"

And then secondly, what was the absolutely flat out coolest thing that was either planned, or in development but ultimately had to be cut?


I know when Justin did a fabulous job of remaking Augury Rock, it just brought back memories. I was running around the map and it made me remember the three ghostly heroes that were at base of Augury. What happened to those guys? Well, they're there.

Justin also was working on First Camp and there were four tents... and I was thinking, there were three trials and augury. What if we had kids help retell what happened in fun way.

And while working on the Desolation, we were trying to figure out how to include the Junundu wurms. Ben had a great idea to give them a bigger presence that made sense and we were able to fit them in. Hanging out at the perch and having the ghost guides recount old times was fun too.


Originally posted by LordDankus

Who is your favorite hero and why is it Palawa Joko?

Praise Joko


Originally posted by ImNotBeyonce

What was the single happiest moment in the development process?

What was the single biggest heartbreak moment?

Happiest: Learning that we were putting in (limited, contained) open world PVP events in the Vabbi map!

Heartbreak: Learning that we had to cut the open world PVP events (for performance reasons among others). :(


Originally posted by BobbyStein

It's Lord Faren, and thanks for playing.

I'm rather surprised this is not coming from Dara first...


Originally posted by Dreamscyther

When are we going to get distinguishable Winds of Disenchantment, ie different colors for friendly and enemy bubbles.

It's really ruining WvW.

We are looking into it.


Originally posted by indigo121

Crystal desert team/story team: As a GW1 vet, I want to say thank you for the whole expansion. Its been amazing to revisit some of my favorite places in tyria, and to finally deal with plot threads established about a decade ago now. What were your favorite places to revisit and why?

Although Highlands was my favorite map to work on, the Desolation held a special place in my heart. My very first environment was one of the Junundu missions in Nightfall. So much sulfur!