Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by HaashTag

Thank you for creating such a beautiful, texturally-rich world.

Are there any plans to extend the new human hair to the other races?

Glad you're enjoying your time in Tyria. :)

Originally posted by psykzz

Did that make it hard for you to come up with the mechanics for each fight?

And along side that how free were you to come up with the new skills they used? (Like the traffic light system).

Did you just come up with something crazy and have someone like Hugh who could tell you if you went over board on something?

Finally, I just want to say that bounties is an amazing system that i liked a lot, 2nd only to the mounts, so thank you, and the rest of the team, for your amazing efforts!

I don't think coming up with ideas for the bounty skills was difficult. Believe it or not, the ideas is the easy part of design. It's everything else that is a ton of work.

It was pretty much my system, so theoretically I could make whatever skills I wanted. My objective was to make it fun though, so... that can be a limiting factor in my craziest ideas.

Everything that I really set my mind to made it in in some form. The static build up one probably saw the most iteration as I really struggled to maintain my objective for the skill while still making the mechanic easy enough to understand.

You'll notice some of the skills I stole wholesale from other parts of the game (some needed to be tweaked significantly to work in the new context though).

Thanks for the praise! It was a lot of hard work, and a feature that is a bit under the radar, but I'm pretty happy at how it turned out.


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

Please tell Rob that I give him permission to 20 griffon race in each map (including core and HoT).

About those griffons race, which one of you guys holds the best time for the race in-house ?

Lisa Davis is one hell of a griffon rider and she puts almost everyone else in the office to shame.

Originally posted by razorant

Thanks for the response, Mo.

I'm sure there are lots of people who miss the "guild" part of guild wars. If a little bit of love to guild activities and guild hall costs could be given in one of the bigger quarterly update type patches, we'd love it.

Thanks Razorant. That's a good way to phrase it.

I'll take the heat from other posters in this thread for pointing out that we haven't had a guild team since the start of Season Three and aren't staffing one now. I think it's important to preserve our team's ability to focus. I'm not pushing new mandates onto the team.

But yes, we love guild content too. We have passionate devs. But no promises.



Originally posted by anet_lis

A non-trivial number of the staff across a variety of disciplines were around to create Guild Wars 1. :D

And some of us were fans who played 3000+ hours of GW1 that now work for ANet (like myself).


Originally posted by mhsabertooth

Hey guys!

Congratulations on the expansion, I've done nothing but recommend the game to family and friends with mounts being the main selling point :)

Irenio and Karl - will the DPS be pushed up from the older classes to be more in-line with the newer ones or will the newer ones be pushed downwards to be in-line with HoT classes?

Follow up question - which elite spec do you guys see as needing the most adjustments? which are you the most happy with? which was the most fun to develop/design?

Thanks for coming out guys, we love you!

We're going to try to bring them together bit more, but we don't want them to be the same. That'll require some combination of up and down changes based on what each spec is aimed at - for some it is more damage, for others more utility, movement, support, etc.

We tend to be more critical of the things we work on - at the moment Scourge is an outlier with high value both defensively and offensively. I'd like to separate those options a bit more.

I wish I could give a specific answer on which spec I'm most happy with and had the most fun to developing, but they've all been a joy to work on in ridiculously different ways to the point it was virtually impossible to compare for me.


Originally posted by AilosCount

Do you have any favorite little detail, be it in story instances or open world?


Originally posted by Tenbroseidon

Been loving PoF so far! It's so great seeing African characters and dress and decor in a game's "African" setting, instead of a weird white-washing and otherizing mess. Also the heart in Vabbi where you occasionally set up lesbians -- I did a triple take with that one because I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm not used to such casual and nice queer representation in games.

My question: What was the reasoning behind picking Kalla as rev's new legendary hero spirit? I'm thrilled with it but I know a lot of people feel like she's not legendary enough or there were better options. I have my own headcanon about it, but would love to hear about that process from the people who decided that she was the one to go with.

We chose Kalla because she's a huge figure in charr history and partly responsible for a major cultural shift that made the charr nation more unified and more powerful. And we also wanted to achieve a better gender and racial parity among the Revenant legends, so a charr female fit the bill perfectly.


Originally posted by Chiorydax

Got a few here...

  • The PoF promotional artwork for Balthazar really reminds me of the Transfomers G1 Movie designs for Unicron and Wreck-Gar. Is there any chance someone pulled inspiration from those?

  • When Spoilers. Is that simply a design choice or should we be reading into that?

  • You guys did a great job making the maps fun and nostalgic, but is there any area you would have liked to develop even deeper if it had been possible?

  • I remember seeing the interview where you guys mentioned having a grand plan for GW2 in terms of the huge story steps. So I'm curious, how far back have you been specifically planning to make Balthazar the rogue god?


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Nope, I would chalk it up to artistic choice in choosing to visually represent SPOILER in that way. The narrative intent was simply to emphasize the massive power he accumulated since escaping from the Mists bursting from him.


Originally posted by [deleted]


ArminBarkas, Doppleganger... Doppleganger, ArminBarkas.


Originally posted by EdenFlorence

When will we see the uprising of the Choya?

What makes you think they aren't already?


Originally posted by Anet-ScottMcG

The Commander tells Taimi about Vlast early on, in one of the first remote communicator exchanges.

And a shameless plug: once the story is complete, there's one final call Taimi makes back to Rata Novus that is, IMO, one of the finest things we've ever done. And it's partly the words she says, but mostly because Debi Derryberry (Taim's VO actress) kills it.


Originally posted by SilveryBeing

UI Question Wishlist

  1. With the new toys added as Casino Blitz prizes, can we have a Toy tab in the Hero panel to keep everything neat and orderly?

  2. Ditto for tonics.

Interesting ideas.


Originally posted by StepW

This is a bit of a nerdy request to any of the audio designers if they're around for this AMA (apologies if they're not!).

I've always liked the voice effects in Guild Wars 2, from the sound of the golems in Rata Sum and M.O.X., to a lot of the big bad antagonists (Ensolyss, Mordremoth, Balthazar...), to Taimi's radio/Scruffy voice, and even in Path of Fire with things like this (spoiler).

As an audio producer myself who loves playing around with voice manipulation, I would love some techy or even layman's explanation on how some of these voices were produced and what kind of effect chains went into them.

Thanks for listening and asking the question! I have been working on the voice processing since we launched GW2. It is such a rewarding task to accentuate the wonderful voice acting and make these characters come to life. My goal is to ensure intelligibility and offer hand crafted detail while delivering large amounts of voiced lines. To do this we have created a dynamic procedural system that adapts to the each voice line. Effect plugins and mix volumes can then be manipulated for much greater detail. Let's take an example, Taimi's backpack voice. At the start of the line I add a little static like she is tuning in. To distort the line I am using a bit reduction plugin and applying more or less effect as she talks, this also drifts to offer more randomization. There is also a reverb of an impulsed small speaker to worldize. To go another level of nerdy we are not chaining a set of plugins. For example, taking the dry line, pitching up or down, adding distortion, then adding re...

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Originally posted by Anet_ConnorF

So I had two intentions when introducing that choice. I've always been interested in blurring the lines between the story instances and the Open World, and the idea that you could make a decision that would perminently change one of our main open world hubs was appealing to me, and where i focused a good part of my efforts.

The choice was also designed to help naturally reestablish the viewpoints and values of your party members. Kasmeer and Rytlock's positions both tie into their central conflicts during expansion - Rytlocks historically stubborn self-reliance, and Kasmeer's faith.

I did try to call back to this choice in the epilogue pretty substantially - who attends the party and Imann's attitude towards Utumishi are very different based on your choice. As I said, it was more about the future of Amnoon than yourself - and that may have lasting impact.

The backpack was actually added as part of the choice later - and I'm really glad it was. It's fun to be...

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I actually have the stats as to how many signed up for what.

Spoilers: 100% of all players chose Joko, and you should too.


Originally posted by Agar_ZoS

Story QuestionAlso are you planning to change the Firebrand tome animation as alot of people have suggested? Lastly why while getting the gryphon mount the Library of Kormir is filled with Shades and Aatxes instead of Abaddon minions?

The Commander tells Taimi about Vlast early on, in one of the first remote communicator exchanges.


Originally posted by Shiiyouagain

I just wanted to thank whoever wrote the small exchange with Turai Ossa's ghost, and the conversation with Kossan after earning the Redeemer's Friend achievement. And let's throw the Last Spearmarshal's whole saga in there, too.

I know we can't just reach back through time and connect with old heroes - old friends - centuries gone, like it was the good old days. But this came pretty damn close. So as someone who found all of their fondest memories in Nightfall, thank you. The desert remembered.

(I'm looking forward to Season 4, because I know exactly who I'll be remembering when I toss Joko into a volcano.)

Thanks. Getting Turai and Kossan in the game was one of my endeavors. Happy to hear you enjoyed reconnecting with them. Make sure you go to the Lair of the Forgotten as well. You can thank Rob S for the Last Spearmarshal.


Originally posted by EdenFlorence

When will we see the uprising of the Choya?

You ask as though it hasn't already happened....


Originally posted by Chrystolis

This isn't specific to Path of Fire, but I've always enjoyed that ArenaNet employees have the option to turn on the ArenaNet tag within game, and that plenty do! It's always a treat to see them in game and know that many are players just enjoying the game with the rest of us.

Out of curiosity, when/if you play in your free time, do you prefer to roll with the tag on, off, or a mix of the two depending on your mood? Do you find that the tag draws too much attention, is it mostly positive attention?

Thanks for all you do!

I tag up in ArenaNet guild events like WvW roaming, during meta events or world bosses. I do tend to run around not tagged, to get more of a perspective on how people feel about the game from the raw emotional standpoint. People tend to behave differently if someone who is tagged up is around.