Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by PeterFries

Happiest: Seeing the choya in game for the first time.

Biggest heartbreak: Having to cut Palawa Joko's big musical number.

/u/anet_connorf so very very very much wants to make this happen. at one point he might have even written lyrics. all i know is "genuflect peasant!" was key to the chorus line.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I always enjoy seeing UI ideas that the community comes up with! (and that_shaman's mock-up for a radial menu was prettyyyy nice, not gonna lie.) To answer your question, we actually did look into a radial menu. Early in expansion development we explored several options for quick mount-selection, including a radial menu, and we went with the skill-select style menu because it would be the most familiar/friendly way to introduce mount selection. That said, a radial may not be available in the game now, but if there were enough player requests for it... ;)

Originally posted by Stormdancer

I have to say this is one that's never made sense to me. Town clothes... your default clothing... you have to continually re-apply? Whyyyy?

Town clothes provided non-combat appearance, and tonics provide non-combat appearance, so that's why they got translated that way back in the day. I agree it's weird. It's one of those things that I'd love to improve, but probably won't, because it's not worth derailing a team that could otherwise be making great new content.

Another one that drives me crazy is that you lose the visual sense of your armor breaking if you wear an outfit over it. You have to know to look at the armor status icon; otherwise you'll start taking a lot of damage and not know why.

It's a big game. There's no end to the improvements we could make to these older systems. ^



Originally posted by weissnicht01

How often do you praise joko?

I do not understand the question; it implies there are times I am not praising Joko in all his glory.


Originally posted by MithranArkanere

How many skritt kilts could a skritt kit quilt if a skritt kit could quilt skritt kilts?

Champion Chupa Chup the Choya Champ chided skritt kits for skritt kit kilt quilting quickly quashing skritt kit kilt crafting.


Originally posted by Kami_of_Water

Hey, I love you all and all of your work, thanks for everything! I still remember the wonder I felt 3-4 years ago when my mum (a secretary at the time for you guys, IIRC) showed me the game, and I feel like in the long run, GW2 has lived up to everything I dreamed and more. The new Scourge spec makes me really feel like I'm a Commander, or perhaps a tactician, sitting in the backline and pushing out barrier and conditions to help my allies in battle, and Deadeye really feels like the heavy-hitting sniper I always knew it could be.

So, I guess since this is an AMA I should ask you guys questions - and here are mine:

During development, did you ever get an idea while playing the game that found it's way into the game? For instance, "Oh, but what if X did Y," or "Hey, wouldn't this be a really cool thing to see in GW2?"

And then secondly, what was the absolutely flat out coolest thing that was either planned, or in development but ultimately had to be cut?


Originally posted by psykzz

I'm a pretty small software engineer working for Riot games, and I never really know how other devs work on big deal things like this.

Typically within my team, we all share the work, nothing is really owned by one guy like you've put here.

Is it really like that, that one person (say Trevor with the bounties) works on just that feature? Would they be the product lead for that item? Also what does that mean, are they able to complete the feature solo, or do they need to find time from the software engineers or artists to get the things needed to complete the feature?

So, I (Trevor) was in a bit of an interesting position where I'm an engineer by discipline, but was given the opportunity (and burden) to do some design work for this expansion. I was pretty much the end to end owner of the random skills system being used by the bounties. That said, I was not in it alone. The open world team took my system and plugged it into the world (and provided a ton of valuable feedback). The always awesome James Showecker helped with almost all of the messaging and effects. Duncan Kay did the icons. I was embedded in the creatures/mounts team so I leaned heavily on the expertise of Roy, Ben, Rick, and Hugh. Hugh also saved me by taking on the final balance and fine tuning work necessary to bring the skills up to our quality standards.

So yeah, all that to say, every aspect of the game is a team effort. I'm the owner of the random bounties skills, but I was not alone.


Originally posted by Hammerguard

If you dive + flap with griffon you don't slowly go down like a glider?

Is that image also suggesting that you don't need to pull up instantly to maintain height you started with?

edit: second image says "altitude buffer slowly decays while level" which mean first image is a lie.

And last question, is there a cap on altitude buffering?

My artwork is completely accurate (and also fabulous). Even without any altitude buffering system, your speed plus the climbing wing flap will let you get back to around your starting height after flying for a while, so long as you pulled level out of the dive right at the moment you reached maximum speed. The altitude buffer is just there to give you some slack so that you're not penalized for continuing to dive after reaching max speed. And yes, there is a limit on the buffer, though it is fairly generous.


Originally posted by TheRocknight

We were very careful to present the name "Gleam" as something poets/bards coined to describe the first scion. When it came time to present Vlast in PoF, it was clear "Gleam" didn't fit his personality. We chose Vlast because it's sharper, more percussive, and closer to his mother's original name (Glaust) to highlight his wilder, rougher edged nature.


Originally posted by Ilien

I don't have a question, but please let me just thank you, all of you, for this amazing journey. Since Pre-Searing Ascalon till Path of Fire. GW has been with me since 2006.

So. Yeah. Thanks.

Awesome to hear you've been a fan and have enjoyed playing in the world going back that far. It means a lot to me, as someone who has worked on GW since Prophecies.


Originally posted by Tusangre

What is the long-term goal for power vs. condi balance in PvE? For most classes right now, power builds aren't even aren't even close to doing competitive dps.

Power vs. Condition.

There are a a number of factors coming into play here and it could easily take up all the time available to this AMA. I'll try to reply with some of the theory behind what is going on.

Power is intended to be more spike damage-centric. Condi more ramping sustained damage. Currently there are some issues with how quickly condition damage can be spiked up, negating the benefits of power damage.

If I presented you with a power skill that dealt 1,000 damage instantaneously and a condition one that dealt 1,000 damage over 4 seconds there wouldn't be a question about what build to choose; you'd go with the instant option every time. Not counting other effects, condition skills must inflict more damage over their duration in order to make power vs. condi into a real choice.

Moving forward we'll be aiming changes to bring a bit more parity between the options through the ramp time and using that to emphasize some of the differ...

Read more

Originally posted by Chrystolis

This isn't specific to Path of Fire, but I've always enjoyed that ArenaNet employees have the option to turn on the ArenaNet tag within game, and that plenty do! It's always a treat to see them in game and know that many are players just enjoying the game with the rest of us.

Out of curiosity, when/if you play in your free time, do you prefer to roll with the tag on, off, or a mix of the two depending on your mood? Do you find that the tag draws too much attention, is it mostly positive attention?

Thanks for all you do!

One of my favorite things about working here is that we are encouraged to interact with the players as ANet employees in the game (and on reddit, etc.). Nearly all of the interactions I've had with players while tagged have been very positive.

I usually tag up if I'm just running around doing events or map complete, and only turn it off if there's something very specific I'm trying to achieve and want to focus.


Originally posted by sigmacephei

Are the warrior Spellbreaker burst Counter and the trait Revenge Counter inspired by Meliodas? Or perhaps I need to stop binging netflix anime

We take inspiration from a lot of different places. Life, movies, games (video and other!), anime... a lot of concepts, presentation and styles can help shape the things we make. Thus, I can’t say that Full Counter has been inspired by the anime. I can, however, say that everyone on the team has seen the Seven Deadly Sins. :)

Originally posted by jojo_iso

2006 here as well. This game has been with me from the beginning. Thank you.

Thank you! It's always a pleasure to talk with players who've been with us since GW1. You love Tyria as much as we do, and your support makes this all possible.



Originally posted by XiahouMao

In the Domain of Vabbi, doing a /salute by a statue of Joko will cause your character to shout "Praise Joko!" and give you credit towards an achievement. However, if you try to /salute again at the same statue, you'll be informed that you've already saluted at this statue and no exclamation will occur.

Can this be fixed to allow for Joko praise to be repeated? I'm currently living in worry of my fate once I've used /salute at each statue. My character will no longer be able to verbally praise Joko. That leaves me with no reason to live!

You speak as if this was a problem. Once you have shown your loyalty to our glorious god-king by undertaking his divine pilgrimage, make the ultimate statement of commitment to him by joining his Awakened army! Feel secure in the knowledge that you'll be praising our father-king for the remainder of your unlife.


Originally posted by ImNotBeyonce

What was the single happiest moment in the development process?

What was the single biggest heartbreak moment?

Happiest: Watching the announcement live with all of the players. There's something special about getting to finally show off all of your hard work after pouring so much passion into it. It's even more special when you get such a positive reaction like PoF did.

Biggest heartbreak: Spoiler


Originally posted by biffpower3

When designing the new PoF maps, was there any conflict between the map design you wanted, and staying true to the GW1 maps?

I think you did a fantastic job with map design, and loved the nods to GW1.

Also - favourite weapon / armor skin in PoF?

Glad you noticed and enjoyed all the call backs to GW1 we put in. Just like when we planned the maps for original release of Core Tyria, we would look at the GW1 worldmaps and ask what was memorable and what could've survived 250 years and how would it be changed. As Tirzah said, we try to keep landmarks in the same locations. I'm one of a handful on the team who helps make sure locations line up pixel perfect if possible. That said, perceptive players will notice that we had to shift landmarks around, such as Augury Rock, which is slightly south of its original location.

All our environment artists are amazing in how they have translated Crystal Desert maps and Elona 250 years into the future. Some like Justin F, Jesse C, and Darrin all worked on the original GW1, so they know those areas well.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Is Glint Kralkatorrik's daughter?

Yes, in a way of speaking. Glint was created by Kralkatorrik as his scion. (While "scion" technically means "son" the story team is using it to mean any offspring, son or daughter).


Originally posted by riddlemore

To Peter Fries: on a scale of 1-10 how much do you love choya butts?

To Dodge Lafnitzegger: your name is hella cool.

To Gaile: hi. You're awesome.



Originally posted by Anet-Clayton

Headless and naked NPCs running around everywhere...

Pssh, that's not weird at this point Clay, it happens all the time!