Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

03 Oct


Originally posted by XiahouMao

Do you know if all the invisible walls are going to be fixed? There was one at the entrance to Dissun's Mine in Dredgehaunt Cliffs that I saw pointed out in another thread.

Yes we will eventually get them all (unless they are there to stop exploits) - they are a bit hard to track down so you guys alerting us helps immensely.


Originally posted by Anet_Tirzah

This has been fixed and is in the queue! Sorry for the inconvenience. Think of the Orphans <3

Some more information on the recent invisible wall bugs - We had to re-adjust all the boundaries for the core tyria/jungle maps to allow mounts. This had an unfortunate side effect of some invisible walls accidentally getting shifted over areas. Thank you for the bug reports and patience!

27 Sep


We are looking into it :)


Short answers:
- This is intentional.
- You can't gain too much height above where you started.
- Griffon is the best mount.

Longer answer:
Griffon flight numbers were tuned for a dive -> fly level for a while -> pull up flight pattern, where you could get back up to your starting height at the end, more or less. However, given that speed drops off over time, the pull up had to be quite strong through a combination of reduced gravity and the forward push of the climbing wing flap. This in turn meant that if you tried to abuse the system by diving and climbing repeatedly, you could gain significant height, as demonstrated in the video above. Rather than compromise the intended gameplay, I added a "soft" ceiling based on your last ground position, where if you get too far above your starting point gravity will start to increase, until eventually it's no longer possible to climb. What I didn't want was for people to start from anywhere in the map and ge...

Read more

26 Sep


Originally posted by GrayWynters

wait, seriously?

that's impressive. I just assumed that with all the decorations, teleporters, and details that it'd been done earlier, and over a longer period. that's impressive.

Most of it was built with existing assets used in creative/different ways. A few new props were added like the white lillies and the cloth draped over the top.


Originally posted by suitedcloud

That's quite impressive actually. The Lily is beautiful. I love the white and gold colors as well as the style of the building. What made you choose teleporters over stairs to get to the crafting area?

Stairs are harder to put in surprisingly! we would have had to build custom stairs for this which would have added time. Also I wanted to let people use the Springer to get up (but we needed to make sure people could still use it if they didn't have the Springer). Thus teleporters :)

25 Sep


Originally posted by Anet_Tirzah

hue hue hue :3

You call my name 3 times and I appear! :D

24 Sep


Originally posted by Gzarig

I did something similar yesterday: Across Lornar's Pass in 60 seconds

During development I frequently used Lornar's Pass as a testing area. I was pleased to see that you couldn't resist diving under the bridge outside the Priory, because it's a bridge and one must fly underneath bridges. It's just common sense.

23 Sep


Thanks to those of you who kindly wish me well. It's been an honor to make content for you. I dedicated 10 years of my life to making GW2 the best it could be because I love the game and I love you fans who love the game too. Those of you who think you know what content I created and find it worthwhile to say you're glad I'm gone, I wish you better karma. If you're interested in learning more about my future project, you can check us out at Love and best wishes to you all! May you enjoy GW2 as much as you do (or don't) now for the rest of your time with it. <3


Here's the current flow, which we'd like to fix when possible. It's a non-trivial problem.

  1. Get error 1083:5:7
  2. 1 minute wait.
  3. Now you can login again.

I'm connecting to work now to find out what the duration of that timer is. Will edit this post then.

Edit: It's a 1 minute wait.

22 Sep


Some items saw HoT/PoF stats added to their selections. Those items that were updated should allow you to choose your stats.


Originally posted by Anatoli_Ingram

I wish graphics like this only took a few days to make! :D We did have a secretive chortle at that thread, though, as is our wont.



Originally posted by grigdusher

These images are beautiful!

21 Sep

20 Sep


Originally posted by Lishtenbird

No, I'm pretty sure you have this cap.



Originally posted by BluJasmine

Makes me wonder if they also have the 2k placed decorations cap?

We have the same cap as everyone else.