Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

27 Jul


This was bugged, yes. We have a fix in place, and it should be pushed out to live servers pretty soon. Sorry for the inconvenience :\


Originally posted by jucelc

Doesn't seem to work with the Shining Blade Secrets instance first fight. Have to keep rewatching the same 8 mins of dialogue every single time.

There are only two checkpoints in that instance:

The First Checkpoint...

The Second Checkpoint...


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

26 Jul


Originally posted by godsie

agree art critic achievement bugged for me done twice now destroying all statues not triggered ach dulfy seems to think that possibly the hotfix from last night has messed with the achievement - has anyone got it today since the hotfix last night was applied

Hey godsie, thank you for reporting this! We're aware of the issue and are looking into it. We think this might be an issue with the player dying in the instance before destroying all of the statues. I'd recommend running through the instance until the final fight and then, if you happen to have died, leave and re-enter the instance.

There's a checkpoint that will put you before the boss when you go back in so you won't need to worry about having to do it all over. From there, if you destroy all of the statues the only ones you'll need to deal with are in the boss room. Once you destroy those, you should be awarded the achievement! Let me know if you find that this doesn't work.


Originally posted by chaklong

The "Precision Blade" achievement in One Path Ends isn't working properly. I've killed 50 White Mantle invaders twice, but still haven't been given the achievement, and the icon for eligibility on my buff bar disappears.

Hey Chaklong, thank you for reporting this! We're aware of the issue and working toward a fix. In the meantime, we feel this might be an issue with dying before Shadow gets away during the Henge of Denravi Fight. A work around is to not restart from checkpoint if you happen to go down. If you "restart from checkpoint" and continue the fight there is a chance the achievement won't be rewarded.


Originally posted by Rymayc

Precision Blade may or may not work at all. Completed it three times, twice I just died at 50, the last time I wanted to get 51, just to see whether it's just "more than 50" instead of "at least 50".

Hey Rymayc, thank you for reporting this! If I may ask, were you the instance owner for these attempts? Also, did you die and restart from checkpoint at all during the fight?


Originally posted by Cixia

Did the Shining Blade instance with my husband. Not sure if it's a bug, but would be nice if each player could pick up all parts of the book. He got 8 pieces, and I got 2. I couldn't get what he had picked up, and he couldn't get what I had picked up.

Hey Cixia! Thank you for reporting this. We're aware of the issue and are working toward a fix. :) For now I'd recommend having each person do one at a time. This should help stop the books from hanging between interactions from people.


Originally posted by MO_Evangelos

This is actually a table made by Izzy. It is, in fact, small, though also multi-dimensional (and sturdy). ;)

Can verify this is, in fact, an actual table made by Izzy. =)


Originally posted by Chris_7941

Do I understand right that you can only buy 6 items a day with the seed and with the gobblers i could create up to 24 a day?

The seed offers 4 purchase options, one corresponding with each gobbler. Purchasing the option that takes bloodstone dust and dragonite ore shares the cooldown with the sentient anomaly, so if you buy all 6 from the seed, you won't be able to use the anomaly anymore, and if you use the gobbler, you won't be able to purchase them from the seed anymore. You can get a total of 24 fluctuating masses either by using all 4 gobblers 6 times, or buying 6 of each listing from the seed (or by doing a combination of both).


Originally posted by ReLiFeD

and come back in at a checkpoint not far from the step you got stalled on

Wait, for how long has this checkpoint feature been a thing?

If my memory serves correctly we've been doing this since Episode 3.

25 Jul


Originally posted by basemoan

Is it intended that all the legendary trinkets are gated behind the Sentient Seed? We must give up our Sentient Anomaly, Oddity, and Aberration by combining with the Unbound Magic munching Singularity?

Dragonite and Empyreal have no function beyond crafting Vision Crystals and so these munchers are a blessing. However Unbound Magic is a required resource for all new merchants in the last year and must be farmed.

Til now we had the choice of keeping them separate so as to not be forced to farm Unbound Magic constantly in order to destroy trash excess Dragonite and Empyreal. Gating Legendary Trinkets behind the being forced to delete Empyreal and Dragonite again seems harsh.

edit: added Vision crystals.

After you combine these in the mystic forge, you get a single item that has the same functionality of all of them combined- using it will open a vendor menu with all 4 gobbler options (and which shares the cooldowns). You can purchase replacements from Hobbs in LA if you prefer the gobbler format though (or want to make more for alts).


Originally posted by RisingDusk

/u/Mike-OBrien-ArenaNet or /u/Anet_AndrewM maybe you can help answer this. When legendary armor was released, there was talk about legendary weapons allowing players to swap sigils like legendary armor. This would be one of the most enormously important QOL updates for these weapons since we currently can't recover sigils from our legendaries. Is there any movement being made in bringing this functionality over to weapons? Thank you in advance.

We have some things we're working on in regards to this, but it's not far enough along to discuss specifics.


Originally posted by Poobsi

Who is behind that jumping puzzle?! Whoever it is, I love you. Can we expect more jumping puzzles with a checkpoint system like this one in the future?

:D Thank you!


:D Thank you!


Originally posted by maxt0r

Anyone else missing the new home instance node from the vendor in Siren's Landing.

Hey Maxt0r, thank you for reporting this. We are aware of the issue and are currently investigating it :)


Originally posted by [deleted]

It was a bit weird that two particular people didn't recognise us from the human personal story. And a bit of a slap that person didn't trust us, considering her last interaction with us was telling the PC how their parents would be proud of them. Is there just not enough time to tie in things from the personal story when writing Living World episodes? Also you'd think spoiler I'm just curious as to why these weren't included.

EDIT: I really enjoyed the episode btw! This is a writing/prioritisation question, not a complaint!

It wasn't so much that person didn't trust you, per se -- it was that there was this automatic assumption of everyone agreeing to just do the thing Their objection had more to do with the apparent breach of organizational policy than anything specifically personal against the commander.