Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

21 Nov


We're looking into this issue now.

18 Nov


Originally posted by nabrok

That's not 200Mb of content, I'm sure there is plenty other things,

There's not. The patch process apparently doesn't actually patch files, if a file has changed it gets downloaded in its entirety. One very small change to many files results in a large download with no significant changes.

Not true, when possible (and more efficient size-wise) it will delta patch.


Originally posted by [deleted]



Originally posted by malgalad

Theoretically, is it possible to utilize HTTP/2 since you control both servers and clients?

Theoretically, yes. It would however require an update to our HTTP client code, and we try to refrain from messing with the patching code whenever possible. If it were to somehow break, our only possible fix would be for affected players to have to re-download the game client (best case) and re-patch the entire game (worst case).

15 Nov


Originally posted by Kaida_Kirk

So first of all, the music in that preview is incredible.

You can check out more of Lena's music here:

11 Nov


Originally posted by Ezuu

My inventory keeps expanding every time I open it.

It's been happening since last patch

Thanks for the gif, that was actually super useful in tracking this down. It smoothly sizing between 4-5 width and which bags you were using were actually important information.

09 Nov

Originally posted by smitske

No runescape? How disappointing.

Yeah, I was all about Maplestory during that era. I technically tried out Runescape, but I died immediately after leaving tutorial island and lost all my stuff; decided that was bs and decided to stick with happy, friendly, Maplestory. :D

Originally posted by Redfeather1975

Path of Exile never gets old for me. It's a nice break from it all, when I just want to worry about hacking and slashing and pouring over game mechanic synergies.

I thought it was all right, but enjoyed Marvel Heroes a lot more for that style of MMO. Still play Marvel Heroes from time to time, but I've actually taken a step back from the MMO space to catch up on the single player experiences that are out there, especially since I play most MMOs alone anyway.

  • Gunbound
  • Maplestory
  • Tried a large variety of other free to play over the ages (Vindictus, Dungeon Fighter Online, Terra, Flyff, Aion, Dragon Nest, Star Trek Online, Tera, Forsaken World, Firefall, Guild Wars, Wizardry Online, Dofus, Lord of the Rings Online)
  • DC Universe Online
  • Dungeons and Dragons Online
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Marvel Heroes
  • Still try out the occasional new one that crosses my radar (Elder Scrolls Online, ArcheAge, Neverwinter, Spiral Knights, Path of Exile, Realm of the Mad God, Wildstar)

Enjoyed Maplestory a lot when I was younger. DDO was pretty sticky for me, but Guild Wars 2 was the first game I tried with friends that stuck with me even when all my friend quit. I still had fun doing stuff by myself, and that is how I knew it was pretty much the best MMO on the market. Then I got a job here. Yay!

08 Nov

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It'll reset after patches still, but yes the bug that caused it to reset after every login was fixed.


Originally posted by meowimmasheep

My first characters all have a Fluff theme, with their second name being Fluffles, or Fluffington. Cringey kid in their first MMO names:

  • Mini Fluffles
  • Kitty Fluffles
  • Lord Fluffington

I moved onto pun names for my next set of characters:

  • Edgar Allan Hoe
  • Winston Charrrchill

My latest and all future set of characters all follow the same pattern of Syd Bear the [x]:

  • Syd Bear the Salad
  • Syd Bear the Dead
  • Syd Bear the Downed
  • Syd Bear the Sassy

I actually ended up buying character slots to make new characters of the same classes because I didn't like my original names or races, but the old classes all have one of the crafting professions at 500.

Hah, great minds think alike. I've got Winston Charrgehill, and Charrle Mange, for a couple of mine.

03 Nov

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I do a lot of different things, so investigating the bank API issue is on my to-do list but not gonna happen immediately. Sorry, I wish I could give you a better answer :(

01 Nov


When you receive a duplicate Grasping Phantom Glider from the Black Lion Chest you receive two Black Lion Keys and a red game message that states 'Duplicate, account-bound unlock detected. Item has been replaced with free keys.'


Originally posted by Raiden95

On a tangent, why is Zuzu the few-gold-on-the-TP Cat of Darkness sold for ~100 G-worth of cobs in the Halloween vendor?

I'd ask /u/ProbablyJohnSmith

Because he pops out of Tot bags.


Originally posted by Kaiiku

We did indeed try this and it did not do much :(



This is a little late, but another thing to try is the "enable camera teleportation" checkbox.

31 Oct


"When I'm in charge, every mission is a suicide mission..."

28 Oct


Originally posted by Heurix

This basically means everybody who signs up is getting their Conquer the Creator achievement for absolutely free. Update the prize list ??

This guy -.-


Cmc and I are probably going to sign-up. What's a good team name?


27 Oct

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Redirects for the new support site are unfortunately more complicated than we'd hoped, it's being worked on.