Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

21 Oct


Originally posted by Robinzhil

TIL: Stop clicking links on Reddit, can end up in reading 2 hours about economical constructions and theories.

What, that's the best reason to keep clicking links.

19 Oct


Originally posted by mustardpi314

so did they change glyph of elemental power or is this just clarification of the previous patch notes?

i see now they edited the description of what was changed. makes more sense.

Notes are updated now.

Crossfire: Fixed a bug that caused this ability to give the lower bleeding value regardless of positioning.

Glyph of Elemental Power: Fixed a bug that caused this ability’s effect to have an unintentional reduced cooldown.

18 Oct


Originally posted by Delsea

It wasn't a joke. Anthony Ordon seemed to genuinely want to convey his desire to work on more of these, but he does not control which projects he is assigned to. If you watch the entire segment in context, it's clearer that the laughter was because Rubi's phrasing asked if he personally had added more over time here and there, to which he said no. Really, she was fishing for the answer to if ArenaNet ("we") had added more. There had been previous banter about taking credit for the work of people not present.

However, only two missions for guilds have been added since Anthony stopped working on them: the two guild hall capture instances. These aren't easily repeatable, but deserve to be counted. Heart of Thorns also came with PvP and WvW missions, but these are just incentives to play those game modes rather than the unique specially-designed objectives found in PvE missions. No new missions have been added to the rotation.

I'm guilty of wanting to work on everything honestly. I'll probably be saying I wish I could have added more guild missions when I'm 60 years old. I've greatly enjoyed recently contributing to living world and current events as well (where I can also envision endless possibilities). Fortunately ArenaNet has been great in that there's always been a ton of flexibility when it comes to projects. Various leads will probably roll their eyes when I admit to encountering some difficulty deciding over the years.

I do distinctly remember volunteering to stay behind to finish up those mission 'booster packs' when the time came for everyone to help out on other things. Guild missions have their ups and downs but I still really like them as a format for large-scale coordination challenges. One of the hardest things about working on a live game is that you can always add more. It's almost like working on anything means leaving something else behind. Another big part is that it usually ...

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Originally posted by selendra

Well my mom introduced me to GW1 back in the day, does that count...?

My mom also introduced me to Guild Wars 1 :)

15 Oct


Originally posted by ClockworkSalmon

Just curious, what are the reasons for game developers not to release stats like these?

I'm not an expert in community management (obviously) so I can't speak to their expertise, I just listen to them.

14 Oct


Originally posted by Oneiric19

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can find the results here!

Haven't been cleared for full stats, but those aren't even close.

13 Oct


Originally posted by RandommUser

Step 2: make ranked actually rank based on skill, not time played/how carried you are

I'm Grouch, and I support this message.


Originally posted by ChaliElle

After clicking link on site I'm bieng redirected to

I guess it's not intended behaviour? :P

That's odd. Perhaps try signing out and clearing cookies?

12 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]

I'm being told there is no poll running ? What ?

It's up.

10 Oct


Originally posted by Irish451

I screwed this up once, let's try again!

I picked up this game at launch and played through the main campaign once. I sort of rushed it as my friends and I tend to do when a new MMO comes out. When they stopped playing so did I, but I've come back several years later because it was an experience I truly enjoyed and wanted to get back in to it to give it the fair shake I never gave it. I'm trying to make different decisions this time around, and as such this was the first time ever to Durmond Priory. When I began to see it take form I assumed it was some kind of visual bug, but when I realized the scope and beauty of what I was looking at, I got full body chills. Such a beautiful game, and a beautiful world. I can't wait to keep exploring and see it all.

Lornar's Pass is personally one of my favorite zones in the game, and the Priory is probably my favorite location there. Views like that still take my breath away too, if given the chance (I say that because familiarity and routine seem to result in becoming numb to surrounding beauty). Sometimes I have to remind myself of how beautiful it is here in the PNW, and every so often get blown away by the scenic views, just by looking at things with a different eye or perspective.

Welcome back to Tyria, and good luck in your adventures! :)


Originally posted by ANET_McKenna

I'll change those boxes so they stack :)


05 Oct


Originally posted by Anatoli_Ingram

I always carry the Kiel support button with me, and he knows I'm onto him.

Right on! Next time I'll catch his scurrilous wisecracks before they make it to print. We don't tolerate mudslinging around here.*

*This statement has not been fact-checked by the Lion's Arch Citizens' Advocacy Coalition.

I know where you work.

04 Oct


Originally posted by inanis

I'm so happy! I never thought I'd see the day :D

A glitch went in with this, unfortunately, in that the Miniatures have been hidden message now appears when you glide with a mini out. This will be fixed in a hotfix later.

edit - The hotfix for this just went live. Sorry for the inconvenience while it lasted!

03 Oct


Hello, all!!

Thanks for making us aware of this. We'll look into it! :)


30 Sep


[Summon Poker Suit] - Get your bluff on.

[Take Loot] - Gimme.

28 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

You're very welcome!

And thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I've always hoped I'd get a dev response someday! <3

Also, postyourcharrselfieheremaybe? :D

OMGIamSoDoingThat ;)


Originally posted by alpacalypsical

please no

Oak, I'll just log out now.


You wood think one of them would be board of the relationship by now.

27 Sep


Love it. Thanks for the fun tutorial!

I'm totally doing this tonight with my Charr! :)