Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Originally posted by Erick-Alastor

About support, please don't forget to consider the ease with which each class can provide a specific boon in a realistic scenario, that could very well be a key factor in what will be wanted and what won't despite whatever a dps benchmark may indicate.
That said, I love your idea. It's something I always wanted, since we moved away from the initial approach to the party composition. It should also make filling parties easier.

Don't let the meta settle for to long tho, look what happened to fractals and guardians.
Right now when I look for a HAM+quickDPS two things happen most of the times:
- HFB keep joining, I have to explain each time we already have quick, and sometimes party members get annoyed by the wait to the point of deciding to disband.
- HFB won't keep joining but it will still take considerable amount of time to find a HAM, and someone may leave anyway.

Does this mean HAM is not a good healer?
Hell no, but people got so used ...

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This is definitely something we're working on, and bit by bit we're revisiting traits and skills to get boon ranges more consistent and approachable to use.

For example:
Quick catalyst will have Quickness front loaded to deploying the sphere, not from sphere ticks, and will have sphere radius increased from 240 to 360.

Chronomancer will likewise have some pain points cleaned up- no more 'last pulse' of wells and needing to shoot Tides of Time through your allies out and in.

Shh! Don't tell Grouch I'm leaking secrets.
You'll get all the details on Friday.


Next step will be letting the meta settle for a bit- and then for the specs that aren't popular, I'll be looking at what they're lacking that is keeping them from being successful.

The goal is still that you should never feel pressured to change professions in order to play with your friends- you should be able to play whichever profession you enjoy the most, and have builds available you can swap to that will fill a needed role in your group.


Originally posted by Mobian-

Chrono alacrity buffs + well reworks? That'd be cool.



BUNNY!💕 I have a bun too - her name is Egg.
Ninen is beautiful! I'm gonna have to go find her in game now :D

21 Jun


Originally posted by Pashnakh

For comparison, the last four big balance game updates:

So, depending on how long the balance explanation intros are and how the changes are grouped, I guess we could expect around 100 to 200 skill/trait changes.

Zero explanation intros in this one. We're re-evaluating those - it throws more trouble in for our editing and localization teams (we have a bunch of languages to support!) which makes it harder to get the notes themselves out in a timely fashion.

So the notes will have to speak for themselves.


Originally posted by MithranArkanere

Let me check the Magic 8 Ball...

Ask again later.

Hijacking top comment. Notes are coming later this week, and last I checked, the balance section was something like 4K words.

19 Jun


Originally posted by BlueRoo42

This is a super old thread by reddit standards, but thought I'd try my luck and ask.. is the mech AI for mechanist being looked at in terms of it not following the player properly? Eg. Fractal 99 Shattered Observitory it feels awful to play due to the mech not following you to islands.

The fix atm is to either burn your shift signet, recall and re-summon your mech, or spam return to me and pray, all of which feel terrible.

That's not AI- technically this isn't the pet, but rather how you're moved between disconnected platforms in SO, but I understand what you're asking. In that specific case, I find Return to Me works. You don't need to spam it, just use it once, and in a moment the mech will teleport to you.
This is how Ranger pets work in this case as well- in Shattered Observatory's Skorvald fight islands, you're still too close to it to trigger an automatic teleport for it to catch up to you, but when you click Return to Me the pet will check to see if it has pathing to you, and since it doesn't, will then trigger a teleport to you.

Still, that's not great. I'm making a note to look into putting a special case in here. Ideally, when you get tossed between landmasses from the swirly vortexes in Shattered Observatory, your pet would stow, and then unstow on the other end. (Like Ziplines in Cantha do).

I've made a note to investigate. I can't promise changes any time soon, b...

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Originally posted by MrDarkCript

+1 on bikinis or any underwear, and why not hamsters

Different department. I just nerf the things you love, and buff the things you don't love yet because they haven't been worth using, but once it's good and you try it you might find you love it.


Originally posted by Fidel0o

Is there any chance we get Patch Notes for the 28th early?



Originally posted by ffstisaus

Awesome :D will the same be true for herald?


17 Jun




Originally posted by ObsoletePixel

What other specs did you make? Harb is one of my favs from a design perspective, you killed it c:

My EoD specs were Harbinger, Mechanist, and Virtuoso.

16 Jun


Wow, that's impressive progress! Welcome! We're thrilled to have you here.
(Also, I'm glad you enjoy Harbinger! It's one of the specs I made. ^_^)

15 Jun


Hi Mike! I appreciate you. You're good, and you should feel good.
Thank you for sharing!


Mine's "Glitter Princess". :)


Originally posted by Rihkuazo

Is the tail too?

The tails are the same on all three skyscales, the image above is just at a different angle.


Originally posted by Dremoros

Thx for your answer!!! Always nice to have a dev insight, idk if the speedo is accurate for the meeters but for the speed it definitely is! And since 99 speed is 1800 units/s I can confirm that some racers, me included, can consistently hit the max speed of 2500 units/s with the beetle (137 speed on the speedo).

BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't fix it. The beetle being that way makes it the actual best racing game I've ever played! Being able to gain speed while drifting is such a great feeling :D.

And if you're interested in the actual way we do reach the cap speed you can join our discord (in the video description) and maybe race with us as well :D!

If this was a few weeks after it shipped it would be one thing, but it's been out almost four years now and I doubt anyone would want to fiddle with it at this point. At the end of the day GW2 is a game, not a simulator, so some dubiousness with the physics is fine and even expected, especially if it makes the common user experience more enjoyable.

For the drift speed thing specifically, my guess there is that it's accidental fallout from the artificial acceleration I gave it during drifting to counteract its natural speed loss from friction and other things I don't remember. I felt that it was very important that I could continuously drift in a circle, because that's cool, and I more or less just adjusted numbers by feel until that worked reliably. I did make sure that you couldn't easily accelerate on flat ground by drifting in a S curve, but I don't recall doing much testing with you also being in the air from jumping. Drifts in air were always deep in turbo jankines...

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For the record, when converting from meters to GW2 units ("Tyrian inches" as they are sometimes called) you multiply by 32, not 40. Assuming the measurement in the video is accurate, 2654 meters would turn into 84928 units, which if the max forward speed of the beetle could be maintained would take a minimum of 84928/1800 = 47.2 seconds to complete. It's also possible the tool itself incorrectly assumes a ratio of 40:1 rather than 32:1 when displaying meters, in which case your distance calculation of units will end up correct but you'll be assuming a max speed of the beetle that's lower than it actually is (45 m/s rather than 56.25 m/s). Finally, while the max forward speed of a beetle is listed as 1800 and it won't accelerate past that normally, it can actually go faster to help smooth over some edge cases while drifting etc., and skilled drivers have figured out how to capitalize on that (the real cap is 2500, though I don't know if it's possible to actually hit it).


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14 Jun