Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

25 Feb


Originally posted by Harb33

As a vet player i'm having fun with them, i even grabbed my key farmer to do the lower level stuff before i got his key. The only thing i can grumble about is as of yet i don't see any visible in game CC tutorial and i feel this would have been the perfect time to introduce it no?

I'll take the AP though!

The reason why I didn't (other than being short on the time to do it) is because we were specifically targeting level 1-10 players and break bars aren't relevant for them.


I agree that we need a break bar tutorial. The reason I didn't push for it to happen with these tutorial achievements (other than being short on the time to do it) was because we were specifically targeting level 1-10 players and break bars aren't relevant at that level.

24 Feb


Oh... Oh no... As soon as we reveal their secret they decide it's time to rebel and break the rules.

More seriously, I have an idea as to what happened here (one of those one in a million things), and I'll look into it.

22 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


I am not begging for a new game to work on. I am committed to Guild Wars 2 and see incredible potential for it to grow and thrive.

This game is special and has an incredible community, aesthetic, story, and combat system . Being given the opportunity to work on it is not an inconvenience, it is an honor.

21 Feb


As a big ol' lore nerd for this universe, I think there are two good main avenues to start with:

1) I would suggest playing at least some of Guild Wars 1 if you are able to, in particular the Prophecies campaign and the Eye of the North expansion, as those are probably the most relevant to current events (priority after that would be Nightfall campaign since it takes place in Elona, which is where the GW2 expansion Path of Fire takes place). GW1 takes place 250 years before GW2 and adds context and establishes a lot of what exists in GW2: the human gods, dragons, charr-human conflict, etc. The Eye of the North expansion introduces the norn and asura races.

2) I would highly recommend reading the three novels that exist as well: Sea of Sorrows is about Zhaitan (an elder dragon) and the city of Lion's Arch and takes place about 100 years before GW2. Edge of Destiny is about the guild Destiny's Edge, which is made ...

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20 Feb


Originally posted by Nebbii

I haven't seen most of these, are they specific to players? Can't i see them all? I only saw the book and the picture. Tried really hard to proc the koda leap, since they can be only seen once maybe i just casually strided by them and didn't see?

Give it time. All the spooks will find you eventually.

If one triggers and you don’t interact with it, the game knows you didn’t actually see it, so don’t worry about missing out :)


I’m pretty proud of these - the team had a fun time figuring out how to execute each on in a player specific way. :)

19 Feb


Achievements and changes are not live just yet, but coming Very Soon.


Originally posted by Remxer

I am glad some progress is being made.

However, has there been word about 15v15? Or 2v2 queue?


The first mini season is a 2v2 queue!

As for the 15v15, I mentioned on the forums a while back that getting the UI changes we need is currently unscheduled. So we don't know when or if we'll get to it, sadly.


Originally posted by Skelegro93

This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!

4, actually. :)

18 Feb


Originally posted by anabasisgt

I haven't been able to commit to raiding in a very long time since my static disbanded, but I still remember when you joined us so we could get Carry the Creator. It's one of my fondest memories in gw2 along with getting Voice in the Void after months of trying with my static.

After that, people were excited to share it on discord so more of my friends wanted it too, so I think I whispered you like 3 or 4 more times, and you gladly accepted every single time despite being on lunch break. You even joined us for a run on swampland fractal to get Channel the Creator, one of the rarest achievements by completion rate till this day according to gw2efficiency.

Anyways, I wanted to thank you for your time and I hope you don't get an overwhelming amount of requests when you log on!

Awww, thank you <3


Originally posted by shinitakunai

Tell use something you did for us! I like to know when a dev created content that I enjoyed to Praise Joko them.

Stay tuned! I'm a content designer for Visions of the Past; I unfortunately cannot go anymore into detail on it at this time :)


Originally posted by sajisan

Welcome :)

Hey, thanks so much! I'm super happy to be here, I've been a huge fan and giant lore nerd of Guild Wars ever since my sister started working here almost 11 years ago, so it's really exciting to finally be a part of helping shape the game :)


Originally posted by Symmol

that was my same reaction! :D

Me too.


Originally posted by Guildwars1996

Also something to note: a fair number of folks who have left the studio have come back in recent months. They don't always publicize so I wouldn't expect the community to realize that. Just something Bobby Stein said when he replied to a comment on the Hugh Norfolk leaving Anet post a few days ago.

You also have fresh faces like me who were hired without any publicized hubbub - in my case probably because I have very minimal social media presence. People leaving gets publicized, but something to remember is that people are also joining, even if you don't hear about it (I've been here since July!) :)


hahaha, that was a lot of fun, thank YOU.

Wise advice, indeed. "Kill the boss before it kills you" :-)


Originally posted by Anet_Ben

It’s good to be back ^_^

Previously at ArenaNet I worked mainly on encounters in fractals/raids, see my LinkedIn for a somewhat detailed breakdown.

Not sure exactly what all I’m working on this time around but I can say that I will be working on content and gameplay features for GW2. I’m heading up to the office now! Looking forward to seeing you all in game :)

welcome back, my dude!


Originally posted by Vichornan

Can two Bens be stacked or does Anet need to stack them separately?

We are speccd differently. No need to worry about stacking. ;)


Originally posted by Anet_Ben

It’s good to be back ^_^

Previously at ArenaNet I worked mainly on encounters in fractals/raids, see my LinkedIn for a somewhat detailed breakdown.

Not sure exactly what all I’m working on this time around but I can say that I will be working on content and gameplay features for GW2. I’m heading up to the office now! Looking forward to seeing you all in game :)

Welcome back! :)

16 Feb


Very cool! I've also been playing around with this (as a side-project), but using a wireless gamepad instead. It actually works pretty good, and I'm looking forward to playing it on live servers one of these days.