Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

19 Dec


Originally posted by Marvelous_Choice

I really agree, and I can totally see how hard it would be to find new inspiration for weapons in video games. I think it's especially difficult for artists because weapons aren't just a cool skin anymore, but they are basically a whole audio visual experience. I want to say how exceptional the new legendary great sword is in how it addresses this, but it's quickly becoming the norm, give it 10 years and that'll be the starter weapon for x new mmo. Saying that, your work is really exceptional. I just hope to God that it's not released as a gemstore thing. That'd really kill the excitement for a new weapon release.

Thank you so much! <3


Originally posted by uaitdevil

glowing bow string with diamond grip

the part i like the most, sadly, it always disappear while dismounting, or for some reason is almost always gone while doing wvw.

but kudos, this is one of my favourite legendary weapons in game :D


18 Dec


Originally posted by Sir_Alymer

I'm just sitting here like "Finally, a sword/Torch combo to go with Pharrus."



Originally posted by Samo276

First of all you've made amazing job with those weapons.

Secondly, Mystic longbow/(shortbow)? and Pharus are both looking great, I am aware of Pharus's special particle effects, but we are looking at a still image here, which if you don't go to imgur is very small, that makes it even harder to diferenciate between those two, and casual player won't notice the diference whether on picture or other player's back while stowed.

I've speand around 5k hours in game and if someone haven't told me this wasn't Pharus I wouldn't be abile to figure it out myself (I have never been much into bows tho...), probably because of that glow, it was the most unique part of Pharus in my opinion (might be wrong).

Now, that's no longer the case, it's both sad to see Legendary loose part of it's appeal, but on the other hand more people will be abile to have awesome weapons.

Nice Style tho... :)

Thanks! And I completely understand. At a glance they can look similar if you don't have the other next to it and don't know what the other looks like. It's easy to focus on their strongest defining features: the color family and the fact that they glow. This means they become more similar in your mind than they actually are since you're only comparing those specific features. I agree, it's problematic, but I'm not sure there's a solution.

it was the most unique part of Pharus in my opinion (might be wrong).

When Pharus came out people argued that Pharus itself was a "copy" of the chaos bow. And herein lies the problem: with how many weapons we have now and the limited number of ways you can create cool weapons, there are inevitably going to be ones which you can pair up and say "these look really close". Anything that has a glow on it is a chaos weapon. Anything that has gold on it is like that other gold one. It's an ever increa...

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Originally posted by casusev

Beautiful work :)

Thank you! :D


Originally posted by Samo276

WTF!?!? Why is Pharus one of the skins?

What you're seeing is my art style (and that they both glow). I made both Pharus and the Mythic weapons. I was fully aware that this set's glow would mean encroaching on Pharus' territory so I did what I could to differentiate them and they really aren't the same. The shapes aren't even remotely similar. The only similarities are the glow and my art style. Pharus has so much more going for it that the mythic bows do not have: special projectiles, enemy hit effect, character draw effect, animated parts, glowing bow string with diamond grip, cascading effect on draw, unique metal material, etc. The mythic weapons simply glow and have my style. That's it.

17 Dec


Originally posted by AwiesGoesRawr


They made another amazing mechanic, yet it doesnt do anything. It doesnt punish you at all, and people dont even care about clearing stacks anymore because there is no way you are going to get killed since you are able to self-break it.

We experimented with harsher conditions but the fact became that it was just too annoying while trying to do a collection or event or story bit. There is absolutely room for a stronger version to exist in the future. With that said, if you are flying on a Dragonscale or griffon and get turned to ice, you fall hard haha. So that is something that is a bit more punishing.


Originally posted by irreversible92

we don't deserve you

aw shucks! It sounds like we've identified the fix and we are actively working on getting this back online. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!


Originally posted by truvaldak

Dont do us like that

TBF it's really small stuff like this, but yay! First one found!


Originally posted by Traderrrrr

IF the system somehow got abused by PvE players (I still don't see the issue) we could just get a debuff on after moving to the instance that prevents us from getting rewards, easy.

2/3 of the tech is already here (mentor, volunteer) so I think it is doable.

EDIT: Well, I still think it is doable. But maybe /u/Anet-Clayton or /u/Anet_Myranda could tell more (even if it's "no") or at least pass the suggestion(s) forward?

Everything is doable :) But the amount of resources and time would be an unknown. I think it's a cool idea but it sounds like a lift tbh. I don't believe maps are currently set up to have togglable conditions set. I.E. this map is only allowed to populate people with this flag set.

This would also require a UI design and QA so it wouldn't just be engineer and server work. I'll gladly pass the idea along! I think, however, it would be some work to figure out. That work would have to be prioritized and weighed against other high demand things.

13 Dec


Rad as always. Thanks for making this!

12 Dec


Bad things happen when you mix combat and chairs

09 Dec


Originally posted by EVANDERYNE

was a great fix, tyvm. Now the boss is challenging and badass a bit

Taylor and the encounters team did a great job getting this fix out ASAP!


I'm late to this thread, but I just wanted to say hello! Thank you for the kind words. I strongly believe that communication is important for both the community's health and to be able to do my job well. I've only been at Anet for the last 5 months but I've been a huge GW2 fan since launch and only want the best for it. I intend to do my best to interact as much as I can :)

07 Dec


Originally posted by FelicityJackson

Any reason why the chance of a unique weapon or armour skin is not an incentive to keep doing these? Once you have the achievement, there is literally no reason to do this unless you like the fight.

Sure, but the same is true once you get that unique armour skin.


Originally posted by thisiskitta

Truthfully, it's not. Everything in the strike mission can be obtained without and it's really not that hard to get it out of the strike. I'm 3 weapons away from having completed every single reward from this patch and it's not like I played it every day nor dedicated that much time to it as I've mostly been doing wvw or pve raids instead.

There should be a unique reward per strike :)

Feedback noted! :)


Originally posted by chowdrister

Just wanted to say I appreciate that you are communicating on Reddit with the community

Of course! I love our community!


Originally posted by shinitakunai

/u/anet-clayton I know you probably aren't related to this, but I saw you are active in reddit lately and it seems like the person responsible for this achievements fix just forgot to do it (has been almost 6 months), so I'm pinging you hoping maybe you could tell them to fix it. Thank you man.

For reference:

I'll pass it along! Thank you for bringing this to our attention :)

06 Dec


Originally posted by Ben-Z-S

One of my favorite things in game is collecting backpacks. Also wverytime there's a must ha e legendary, I find there's a note somewhere that you were involved. Keep up the awesome work
