Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

26 Oct


Originally posted by iopish

I'm glad to pay homage to your work in 2019 :D I joined GW1 just a year-ish ago and I'm loving everything about it.

That’s great! We go back to play regularly when we’re revisiting familiar locations in GW2 and I’m always surprised to see I still have all my Monk muscle memory from all those years of GvG. 15th anniversary is coming up soon! I’m officially old!


Wow this takes me back. I think the chamber pot line might be my crowning achievement.

25 Oct


Originally posted by SaiyanOfDarkness

There are 2 gemstore sales (that I could find) that should qualify you. One is for the Extra Life Karma Booster, and the other is the Extra Life Donation Bundle (mini, halo and karma booster)

this is the correct answer!

21 Oct


Originally posted by HastaKalistaBaby

How about giving an okay at specific functionalities?

I get you cannot allow 3rd party software for the reasons you said, but maybe you can say if a 3rd party build template is fine. Or if parsing game data to determine DPS is fine.

Then users can check a 3rd party software and see if it's "fine" in its current state.

side eyes

At your own risk. Always. Functionalities can be changed as much as the whole package. I will not OK any third party tool, or any part of it.


Originally posted by Nebbii

Thank you for taking your time to address all this reddit shitshow Dorn, every time this happens you are forced to come out and then we around and go and just forget all the other times it happened.

I just pray the people who shared accounts to wintrade will be also punished harshly because if we just keep tapping their wrists, then people like this guy who had this many accounts will just keep doing it with new ones while getting more clients.

's all good. I don't like users being spooked by rumours, that's all.

If anything,. I hope the message of: Do Not Share Your Accounts gets out. That's all I can hope for.


Originally posted by FreedomPanic

so none of the bannings were for the hacked version of build templates? Now I feel like a BAFOON arenanet. I posted an entire angry comment. I threw the baby out with the bathwater but it turns out the bathwater was perfectly fine!

Just make sure that poor baby is safe, y'hear? 's all good.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Heh, I wish you could give us a "use whatever, it's cool".

This is however a very specific case: the unmodified template functionality of specifically and only ArcDPS.

Hope I'm not coming on too strong. I know this is a difficult topic for you, to put it mildly. Have the guy who hacked the .dll put in some hidden gearcheck functionality and boom, you got a reason to ban and people will get pissy as always about everything since the dawn of time.

If that's still not phrased exact enough, I'll give up stop bothering you with that hot mess.

Edit: Oh wow, that conversation triggered so many people.

At your own risk. That's all I can ever, ever say to third party software.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Aw man, you know how wishy-washy that is. Just tell us if we need to f**k off of that or if it's fine, like the rest of ArcDPS.

That is the policy. Third party software may be changed by whoever makes or uses it to lead to severe breach of the terms of use for the game. As such, I cannot give you a "use whatever you please, it's cool" - because we have no control over it or the changes that may be made to it. What looks fine today could be modified in the next hour to break the rules, and then if users get banned, they would point at my statement.

So, third party tools, tools we cannot control and have no say over what they may do in the future, cannot be OKed by me or anyone.

As such, they are "use at your own risk".


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hey Dornsinger, thanks for the update!

Out of personal interest, what's your/Anet's stance on the reverse engineered, hacked .dll that keeps the ArcDPS template functionality running?

And can you tell us how much additional template slots are going to cost?

As with all third party tools, it is : Use at your own risk. Always.


Good morning and happy Monday, everyone.

As you can possibly guess, there's not a ton I can say, as I am sure there will be users in the mix who would highly prefer to not have their actions put forward to the public and who have kept mum since their accounts were closed.

However, I can give a few points.

Firstly, there was no ban for ArcDPS. Not sure how that rumour started, but it seems to come up every time a padlock is placed and so far each time it was brought up, that was not the core issue. That folks spoke up who never used it could have been a tip-off, too.

And with that addressed, I can only go into general things here.

Last week, a user was actioned for very, very blatant cheating in PvP (which is why the meme thread is kind of funny to me right now...). The user in question had a bunch of other violations piled in as we investigation the situation and we actioned his accounts and the accounts used to cheat with.

In doing s...

Read more

16 Oct


I've Been around since a few months before the Guild Wars E3 for everyone event back in 2004. I Worked on Guild Wars Beyond content with Linsey and Robert Gee who are also both still here. There are still some of the old school Guild Wars folks around, and certainly plenty of people who worked on the initial launch of Guild Wars 2. I don't know the exact numbers, but I think it's safe to say, as the saying goes, "there are dozens of us!"

15 Oct


Y'all are awesome. I wish I had time to respond to each comment individually, maybe later this week, but for now I just wanted to say thank you so much for this support. I'm reading all of this. Your voices are heard.

Like I said in my original response, I can't promise anything, but I will carry your thoughts, ideas and values into future conversations.

Thanks everyone. Happy Halloween! :)

14 Oct


Hey, it's really nice to see love for Nightmare and Shattered, even three years later. They were designed from the ground up for replay value, but I never thought they'd still be this popular.

It's my intention to try and take the best parts of these fractals and apply it where we can to future content (fractals or otherwise).

I can't promise anything specific, but I can take the feedback in this thread to future conversations to help guide our path.

What aspects of these keep you coming back?

What do you wish was different?

What could we have done better?

What did we do well?

Seriously, thank you for the support. It's been a tough year and seeing this post today really lifts the spirits. Y'all are awesome.


Originally posted by wheadna

They have confirmed that they are still working on Fractals, but the dev who was lead designer on Nightmare and Shattered Observatory has sadly left Anet.

I'm actually still here at ArenaNet. After Nightmare and Shattered Observatory, I was asked to move over to Living World to help as a content designer on Season 4 (The Olmakhan, and the Episode 5 Kralk Battle) and now The Icebrood Saga.


Imma haft to use one of these for myself. Only question is - Cidd or Zolius? Hmmmm.

12 Oct


You guys are awesome! Thank you for doing this. :)

08 Oct


Originally posted by IsaiahCartwright

... it is...

turn anything off

By anything you mean almost anything with a varying degree of granularity but yes a very awesome system.

02 Oct


Originally posted by der_RAV3N

Are the extra unlocks per-character or per-account?

The Build and Equipment tabs are per-character. The Build Storage slots are per-account

01 Oct


Originally posted by MechaSandstar

Fixes can be implemented after the patch notes are finalized?

so, technically they can, even if it's a bad practice to do changes after that deadline. That said, and I'm totally not saying I was irresponsible like this, but some devs make a change and then forget to write up the patch note until it's too late.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I seemed to me that you get a base tab, plus two extra tabs? the screenshot kind of shows this too, would love confirmation from u/Anet-PaulS

It is two base tabs with more unlockable. The screenshot was taken on a character who had already unlocked an extra one, which was probably a mistake.