Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

05 Dec


Originally posted by manogrande

Yep. a build was released a few hours ago. Updated and all is fine again. Funnily enough, now that I think about it, the problem started on the last build before this one, that happened about 2 or 3 days ago.

Yay! Glad to hear it is fixed, sorry about that!


Glad you're enjoying the challenge level presented since the update :)


Thanks for the kind words! I'll pass along the feedback :)


Hey, I believe I know what the issue is. Is this fixed for you in the newest build?


Originally posted by rekohunter

Nope! Sure didn't. I play with the same person every time I play, and they were as shocked as I was to see that it was there. Checked my volatile magic count and it hadn't dropped. All my possessions in game are intact and none of my gems and gold are gone so I don't think anyone is farming on my account and decided to pick it up.

I dunno. It just... showed up last week. Not sure how, why, or where it came from. I put in a ticket on it to flag it for support to take a look at. Maybe they will tell me the years of mixing IT and alcohol have finally gotten to me. Maybe it's a super weird bug. All I know is I've got neat little purple thing hanging out in weird places in my home instances and no clue how it got there.

If it turns out I'm not crazy and it did randomly showed up, I figure that's something you guys may want to check into.

Hmmmm I'll let QA know!


Originally posted by Anet_Myranda

We are looking into this now! Hoping to have a fix in soon

This should be fixed in the new build, please let me know if anyone is still having issues purchasing!


Originally posted by Anet_Myranda

:D It is only on this body type for Charr haha we already have a fix and should be hotfixing this today. Sorry!

Sorry for the delay! This should be fixed in the new build.


Originally posted by Anet_Myranda

Hmmmm we will look into this as soon as possible. Thank you~

This should be fixed in the new build! Please let me know if anyone is still having problems


Originally posted by Thonyrios

Barely any of these rewards are tied to the strike missions.

They are all tied as you need etrite ingots to craft the T2 weapons. Getting more T2 weapons, gets you those rewards. You could go around the OW and gather some, but to be the most efficient, you'll need them from the strikes as well.


Originally posted by FENIU666

Sweet! I hope we'll see him buffed before the kodan rotate back

That's the plan!


Originally posted by lcpdragonslayer

will you guys be fixing severe clipping issues such as this?

That kind of clipping is not currently possible to fix. We have no way to adjust the cape per armor currently, so we have to pick the best possible option to fit all body types/ as much armor as possible. Moving it out for that particular clipping would cause it to massively float on everything else. Hope that makes sense! Anet-Chelsea talked about a bit here too

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Originally posted by rekohunter

Hey there! Was about to put in a ticket on this. My board is missing for season 4, and I'm still getting the mail for it. HOWEVER to add weirdness to this I have a random dragoncrystal node in my home instance now.

We have a potential fix coming in the first hotfix. We have just been having some troubles with the build. I will try and post in here when it should be fixed ~ The Dragon Crystal Node I have no idea O.o are you sure you didn't buy it from Thunderhead Peaks and forgot?

04 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


But a golden Ad Infinitum has been a long requested feature.

From a technical standpoint you can't create that gold look with dyes. It would have to be a brand new skin with that special material. To anyone seeing this comment in isolation, I don't know what will and won't be happening. I'm just purely talking how stuff is made.


Originally posted by buzzlightyear77777

not sure if you are the right person, but currently, legendary weapons skin totally replace the projectile effects of skills. can we put the original skill effects back in but also just add the legendary weapon skin?

currently if you see say,kudzu or pharus, it changes the skill 2,3 of dragonhunter to a single arrow. can we put the original effects in together with the legendary skin arrow? the f1,2,3 are all a single arrow and feels like a downgrade when you have worked so hard for the legendary.

Yeah I'm not but I'll try to pass it along! That doesn't seem fun :(


Originally posted by SaiyanOfDarkness

It seems to be affecting accounts that have PoF but never bought HoT.. at least for one of mine it is..

Yup~ I will try and remember to reply here when we have a fix in. But, we are hoping to have one in as soon as possible. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by -Gullvieg

To this day, imo, one of the best modeled backs in the game has to be the wings of love. The modeling job was on point, looks real as opposed to the other wings in the game who either look too "solid" and plastic like, or the others that look too flat and almost dead. As for capes, when I saw it I was already expecting it to behave like that, completely understandable, my only problem is the lack of a glider combo. But well done on the dyes, just curious, I know that you will not rework the already existing backs to be dyable, fair enough, but, any chance to make an exception for the legendary backs? They have no ability to dye, neither on the back nor the glider, which is a bit sad for a legendary item.

Thank you so much! While I can't take credit for the original model (the hawk wings) that those are a re-texture of, I did make them white and create their new position. Boy, those were a buggy annoying mess! I'm so glad I got them to at least look decent in the end, and I'm really glad you enjoy them! :D

I cannot speak to which things will and won't be dyeable as that's not something I'm involved in. I don't actually know the answer.


Originally posted by Anet-Chloe

my sister got hired as a designer




Originally posted by officerbigmac

You may not be the most visible dev but all your legendary weapons are among my favourite skins in the game! :D I would prepare all the necessary mats ahead of every single LS release just so I could craft them day one!

Aww, thanks so much! That means a lot <3