Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

03 Jul


Originally posted by Samug

SGM is "senior game master" I guess, but I can't decypher LGM, unless it's "legendary game master"?

Pfft, I wish. Nope, just Lead, meaning Magister and myself who lead the troops, as it were.

02 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


We really are friendly, I promise. Even when we say no. lesser than three

27 Jun


Originally posted by Ornwyyn

Just fyi, the bug is still around. I also finished the collection long ago and the item is still locked. Is there a fix comming anytime soon or should I submit a support ticket?

I'm still looking into this, but it seems to be a very rare, specific case that I am having trouble reproducing. For now, I would suggest putting in a ticket for this so we can see what state your account is in. This may help replicate the issue which would lead to finding the core bug sooner.

I apologize for the frustration this is undoubtedly causing you.

25 Jun


Originally posted by dalennau

He's actually an Engie, if I recall correctly.

That's a bingo... a Holosmith to be more specific.

20 Jun


Hey /u/Minor_Miss_Demeanor and friends!

I did some poking around on the Known Issue Tracker this morning and got a really quick and dirty table whipped up that will allow us to manually track a few of our most prevalent issues. It won't be updated as often (or be nearly as pretty) as the existing tables, but hopefully it helps in the meantime!

Enjoy! (°◡°♡)

18 Jun


Originally posted by Sir_Alymer

Might as well be a concept art leak, right?

This is exactly how we drew out the prototype.

14 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


It really depends on what you are reporting.

If you are suggesting a change to the game, then we direct those to the forums immediately.

However, if you submit a bug our process will usually be to escalate it to the programmers in charge of the issue (if they don't already know,) provide the users with a temporary fix or workaround (if we have one - sometimes it's not possible,) and then let you know we're working on it while the programmers get to work.


Originally posted by wheadna

Is the forum the best place to report bugs? I've tended to use the /bug feature but the categories have never really been updated to fit the current state of the game and I don't know if it's even being looked at!

There's a few different places/ways to report bugs, so here they are in what I would feel is the best priority:

  1. In-game bug report. This makes sure it gets to the place it needs to be (the big bucket of bugs and new features in development that our programmers look at on a daily basis,) although you won't receive a reply or update, and sometimes you can feel like your issue is getting lost. That being said, this is the best and most intended way for players to report bugs to us.

  2. Customer Support Ticket. Please don't report every single bug you see here, since our main priority is always directly assisting players with login issues, tech support, and the like. However, if it's urgent, we can sometimes give you a temporary workaround while also passing the bug along to the programmers who can fix it. Keep in mind, however, that wait times on tickets can vary wildly from day to day, so this is by no means a guarantee that you'll get an instant fix or r...

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Originally posted by Lishtenbird

Known issue: Known Issue Tracker not tracking known issues.


I was half tempted to just clear out the existing table of Known Issues and just put a single one that said "Known Issue Tracker. Status: Broken."


Hey folks! We haven't abandoned it, but something got broke that is taking a bit of time to fix up. Once we get it fixed, though, it should work better and in a way that will avoid these sort of outages in the future.

Sorry that we haven't had a chance to communicate this. The support team has been totally swamped lately!

We hope to get it back up and running soon! :)

(In the meantime, feel free to report any bugs you come across as normal. We'll still get them and make sure they get to the right teams! More reports is never a bad thing... Well, as long as you don't spam the support ticket queue, please! <3)

EDIT: Also, I just added a notice to the page to inform visitors of the maintenance of this tool. Hopefully that will also help until it's fixed up! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

11 Jun


Looking into this now. Thanks for the report!

10 Jun


Originally posted by chuffingpenguin

Imagine that warning wasn't there and you appear before that vendor but really are not in any mood to buy branded masses. But you buy them anyway. Just to get it over with. And afterwards you continue with your mundane existence.

Later that day you suddenly feel a powerful urge to buy branded masses. You travel to Dragonfall, sprint to that vendor (your need is so strong that you forgot you got a mount), with shaking hands you open the vendor's tab and...they are gone. You already bought them.

As you break down sobbing in front of your computer, you'll wish ANET would have provided you with a warning that this might happen and not sent you down that dark road, where you'll end up selling fake hamsters with missing limbs on the street in order to finance your drug habit which you acquired because of that one time you bought your branded masses too early.

Yeah. All that.’re welcome!

06 Jun


Quick clarification. The way the cross-map data works, you have to log in to one of the maps where the community goal bars are displayed to get the community goal rewards. That would be all of the maps where the tracked events occur, or any city. And yes, once you've contributed at all you will be eligible for all community goal rewards.

04 Jun


Originally posted by redditkoz

What event?

If you click on 'Show me where to go' from the in-game UI, it'll bring up the map and circle a location... If you wait a few seconds it'll show another and keep showing you more locations after.

31 May


Wait... Howl, is that you?!

I hope that if you ever see my dog wandering around Lion's Arch alone like this that he is being a good boy.

Sometimes he likes to steal my water balloons and bobblehead tonics, though...

Originally posted by rude_asura

Since this reward structure is quite different to what we have seen in the past, it would be nice, if you could elaborate a bit on it from a designer perspective. For example why you chose this structure and what you think are the advantages over old reward structures that gave similar rewards.

Basically, what was the reason why you implemented this reward structure in that way and what do you hope to improve with it?

On a personal note, I would like to say that I am quite a big fan of your work. I tihnk I started following it after the major reworks of Halloween Bags and Wintersday Gifts in 2017 (?). I think especially the WD Gift overhaul was a great update to festival rewards, even though it will probably take a couple of more years to get rid of the oversupply from previous years and take full effect.

Are reward systems a major focus of your workload or what else are you working on?

I appreciate the kind words!

The majority of my time at ArenaNet has been focused on rewards and reward systems. However, I have had the opportunity to work on a variety of other projects for short periods of time.

Just for you, I will share some of it in no particular order:

  • Birthday gifts: I took over the birthday gift from year 3 onward. I always loved the birthday gifts in GW1. We couldn't do the same thing in GW2 for a variety of reasons but I wanted to make them as exciting for GW2 players as the GW1 gifts were to me.

  • Auric Basin: Each HoT map had it's own team. I was brought on to be an extra hand partway through development. I worked on the Auric Basin team and my implementation task was to populate Tarir. That was an interesting challenge because we wanted the city to be fun to explore and have NPCs to interact with but I didn't want it to feel like it was teeming with life. It has such a magical atmosphere and I wanted the ...

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30 May

Originally posted by Asuaka

I assume this counter resets once a weapon drops? e.g. if I get one after 500 chests, I start at 0 again?

So worst case scenario means I have to open 19k chests?

The ascended bonus does not reset. It is a one time bonus for your account.

This is correct. Every 3 chests guarantees a drop of 3 rare items. There is an effect that plays when this happens. After opening 100 chests, you will no longer continue to get the rare items and a different effect will play to demonstrate that you hit the limit. This daily limit has been in place since the map shipped.

Additionally, there is a rare chance to get one of the Weapons of the Scion. If you haven't received one by the 1000th chest opened on your account, you will get one guaranteed.


Originally posted by Sairini

Thank you very much! Not everyone seems to have this bug, so thank you for looking into it.

Hey there, after looking into this I believe you should be able to purchase the Vision of Equipment from Ethall in Atholma. Could you check to see if she has the item available for you?