Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

15 May


Originally posted by LukeD1uk

Awesome! Do you work on the trailers?

Yup. I'm the point person for those (along with a ton of assistance from various others).

14 May


Originally posted by SkinnyTurtles

They said that all of the conflicting magic inside Kralk was causing him pain (hence his "Torment") but I have to wonder what this means for Aurene. She absorbed his magic and became an Elder, so doesn't that mean that that the conflicting magic will hurt her too? Unless she only absorbed some of it.

If she only absorbed some of it though then whatever is left must have been released which is exactly what we were trying to avoid. Was the released magic not enough to destabilise the world? Or did she really absorb all of it and is just more capable than Kralk at holding magic?

Interesting question.


Originally posted by Worufi

You ever play Mass Effect 3's citadel expansion? We need that. An episode following everybody and having a stupidly good time.

Interesting idea...

Thank you so much for sharing!

13 May


Viirastra is voiced by Courtenay Taylor.


This is a great representation of my work and career up to this point at ArenaNet. The Ep1 trailer was my first piece. Very nicely done /u/LukeD1uk.

11 May


Originally posted by graven2002

I think Eve is more like a producer or "VO wrangler" according to this dev. That guy seemed to be a director.

You can see me in the center of the back table at ~0:15, laughing. As VO Lead I'm kind of like a producer, but I do a whole lot more than just production.
The gentleman in the front on the left, and also briefing Mara at ~2:33 is Chris Faiella, one of the VO directors we work with. ( )

09 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


I would actually disagree with this. Verdant Brink is not the map where you want to try out your raptor. You'll end up falling into the abyss on the mount and not able to glide to get back up.

30 Apr

Originally posted by Oneiric19

Could you link his Twitch? I would love to follow him

Originally posted by Telefragikoopa

Huh, so the GS has a unique effect for Spatial Surge.

I wonder if any other skill will also see some visual changes other than trails or projectiles.

I wonder if any other skill will also see some visual changes other than trails or projectiles.


26 Apr


You made my day. :)

24 Apr


oh my god the crossover I never realized I needed O_O

22 Apr


Originally posted by HassanBaa

thank you for your response. I have two extra questions but it's ok if you can't answer them:

  • does the r-slur fall under the 'prejudiced language' umbrella or not? I tend to see it more often than racial, transphobic or homophobic slurs, so it'd be nice to know whether it's worth reporting them

  • one thing some games do (f.ex LoL) is have automated feedback on reports (something as simple as "one of the reports you sent lead to a punishment"), I figure there's probably some technical reasons in-game why this wouldn't work in gw2 but has it been considered at all?

Hey there! I'll try to answer these as best as I can. There are quite a few reasons why I can't go into all the bells and whistles with our reporting or account action policies, but hopefully this will be enough info for you!

  1. Yes, any and all offensive or prejudiced language can potentially be grounds for suspension - "racial, sexual, or otherwise," as mentioned in my post.

    I say potentially since we of course need to be aware of the incident, but also because context and frequency will matter in some cases. Like, for this case, there are obviously other contexts and definitions where "retard" can be used non-offensively, such as in a musical context, or where a simple discussion between friends might arise in an educati...

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Originally posted by rude_asura

Here is a statement from last week by a Anet Lead GM about how reports for verbal abuse get handled.

Thanks for posting this! Came here to link the same thing.

@OP, if you want another look into our process, I also made a post on the official forums recently. While it echos Dornsinger's post almost exactly, I know some people appreciate a different take/different format, so maybe more context can be useful to you!

17 Apr


Originally posted by Mittsandbrass

Yep sorry that it read that way. In fact when Linsey cut in to interrupt thats what actually made me think 'what were they about to say!? Did they just stop their colleague saying something they shouldn't?'. I'm just super pessimistic about the media 😁😁

Naw, it was just a turn of conversation. Not me trying to control anything, just help out in describing what happened.


Originally posted by [deleted]

It's a source of biased, one sided and probably carefully prepared information. I'm not saying they're lying, but they are not objective source. They are presenting a PR prepared point of view.

That's not what this was. We were being interviewed about the Skyscale and were asked a lot of questions about this as well, which I guess wasn't totally unexpected but definitely not what I personally thought I was going to be answering. I was doing my best to answer genuinely and honestly about my experience working at ArenaNet and my experience with the layoffs we had. These were not prepared statements at all. I'm not in a PR position, I'm a game designer that happened to be asked a lot of tough questions about what happened and tried to do my best to express my truth about it. Of course, I am biased, as noted, since I have worked here a long time and continue to, but I'm a deeply honest person too. It saddens me a little bit that didn't read through in my answers and came off as some kind of press release (which, again, this was not), but I get where you are coming from.


Originally posted by Lascax

I really like the emphasis on how the crunch times are bad for the devs and the industry in general, even if you're such a passionate company.

The modern industry internally celebrates this awful practice and I always hope that a team that goes against such toxic and damaging culture can prosper even higher.

Coming from a studio that brushed off extended crunch as "part of the job", ANet's culture of promoting a balanced work and home life was a huge draw for me.

15 Apr


Oh, she was always there! She just got a little less stealthy after A Star To Guide Us. ;)

(Translation: yes, we added her. I was then amused when people started talking like she had always been there.)

Totally irrellivent side detail - I used this instance when initially testing her sniper mechanics before we had our map, putting her in the rafters above the party so you could hide behind the pillars when approaching the pyramid. Somewhere out there is a very bad timeline where I forgot to remove that test.

12 Apr


This looks like some extreme screen tearing to me. If your drivers are up to date make sure Vertical Sync is turned on in the options menu

11 Apr


Originally posted by Queen_Phea

I am not sure how I should feel about that, because raids are the only content I really enjoy :c

They're in good hands with Byron.