Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 Mar


Originally posted by DiogoALS

Yes, definitely! The team did raise the bar of excellence. All or Nothing's final instance was one of the most impactful story moments I've ever experienced in any video game, ever. A few years ago, I would have never dreamt that the community as a whole would be crying or left in a state of shock, coupled with youtube reaction videos and internet articles being written about it.

(And now I'm afraid the lay-offs may affect what's to follow in ep6 and lw5.)

I know that there is still more awesomeness to come from the Guild Wars 2 team; I wouldn't count them out because of all this.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Aww, thanks for the support. I didn't see this as that kind of post (or I wouldn't have responded to it) - I actually think it's important to have discussions surrounding the nature of healthy communication and how to interact with one another when we don't agree, or when there isn't an easy solution to a difficult and thorny problem at hand.


Love this SO much. Thank you for all the kindness and warm regards.


Originally posted by Evadrepus

The first dev-tagged person I ever interacted with in game was Gaile. Before I was active on this subreddit or their forums. I saw the tag and walked up to talk to her. As someone who did game development in the past, I was more than a little surprised to see someone flaunting a game tag. She talked to me for a few minutes, being super polite and friendly. She had to be getting peppered with tells, and was also talking in map chat. Made a big impression on me, and I bet she doesn't even remember it.

Every map I've ever been in that has had a Gaile spotting has had people cheering her on. This is a highly disappointing move - if more games had a 'Gaile', they'd have a lot more happy communities.

Since I'm pretty sure she reads here, good luck u/GaileGray - may you and The Frog travel well.
raises an A&W in salute

I really appreciate these kinds words. Thank you for sharing that memory. <3


This is so beautiful! <3


Originally posted by MaybeMisaka

I'm the red glowing frog at the end

Frog. Good call. <3


This was an amazingly wonderful gesture of love and support, but then, we've seen that so much through the years. Thank you for this. Thank you even more for the great memories!

01 Mar


Originally posted by Dagos

Your characters are beautifully made, my favorite has to be your asura. Her teeth look sharp '0'

Thank you so much!! =3=/

This is amazing!

I love this community. We’re blown away again by your support. Thank you.


I love this community. <3


You guys are great. <3

: ) Cheers, all.

28 Feb


This is super cool! It's always awesome seeing digital assets turned into something real =)


<3 You're all amazing <3


A note about me: I'm a QA Embed, not a PvP Designer :)

Hugh was just confirming both of our employment statuses in the same thread.


Originally posted by DiogoALS

That could possibly work. Especially because the most interesting and creative world-building was in act 2 (Tarir, Novus).

That the first act spends so much time (relatively to others) towards that not-very-important frog tribe is what messed up the pace and some of the player's expectations. It (wrongly) established that HoT's story pace was not in a rush, that it as not afraid to start slow and simple before transitioning onto the bigger things... and then, suddenly, when the bigger things came to light, they happened so fast, that it makes me wonder why we spent so much time with frogs at the beginning.

I also think there was some disparity between what HoT's story wanted to be (a fast-paced climatic rush towards the finale) and what the ending of season 2's story promised it to be (especially the focus to nightmare court, which was weirdly absent, and to the focus to sylvari's corruption, which was told well in ambient map storytelling, but not that developed in...

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I appreciate you saying Path of Fire handled it better, as I completely agree that we gleaned a LOT from our experience of crafting the HoT story. I think we continued to get better with every release, and I'm confident and hopeful for the team to continue raising that bar of excellence.

27 Feb


Originally posted by Kezika

Oh, you're Falx? I know I saw your page on TyriaRP a while back but never knew you were a GM.

Surprise :)