Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by Queen_Phea

wait, you also got layoff? OH NUUUUUUUUUU

Nope, I'm still around. Leading Living World episode now instead of Raids :)


Should be resolved!

09 Apr


Thanks for reporting this as well. We're looking into it now and should get a fix out ASAP.

02 Apr


Originally posted by Gabriel_Aurelius


She led the team that did S4.4, my favorite by FAR (yes, more than S4.5 because I played it WAY more). That tornado 🌪 is STILL the most unique thing in any map of the game. If I directed the game, she’d be my clutch senior leader.

Aw thank you so much!! <3

01 Apr


Just in case you missed them, I wanted to share 2 links that are on the left navigation bar and are particularly useful for new editors:

- General help:

- How to help: ...

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29 Mar


Originally posted by korrin-

I wonder if they still have that costume lying around somewhere.

I've heard people say that we still have the mask somewhere, but I haven't seen it.

25 Mar


Originally posted by K1kobus

centaurs got six of them

Are centaurs technically insects?

No exoskeleton or segmented bodies.

19 Mar


Real happy with how this area turned out in Jahai. It's pretty impossible for "Mysterious red glow coming from a statue" to not look cool, but the updated statue turned out even better than expected.

11 Mar


Originally posted by Nico_is_not_a_god

Reporting that this doesn't happen to me, and I play every race except Human (and use my shrine guardian on all my characters). So if it's always happening for OP and never for me, there's some weird third factor

We fixed this on March 7th, so if you checked after the fix went out that would explain it! :)

07 Mar


Originally posted by SaiyanOfDarkness

So how soon before Warclaw is fixed from being able to Jump directly into structures, like Garrison, or others?

As /u/ChaliElle stated below we are working through the exploits that have been reported. Some of these can take longer than others to fix but we're on it.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I think they nerfed both Battle Maul and Superior Battle Maul, but they forgot to update the tooltips for both. They still say 10 targets. Either that or the update didn't actually go through.

Also, mounts are still disabled in the Borderlands easter eggs.

Can confirm the tooltips weren't updated properly.

05 Mar


Originally posted by Moynaeria

Happens every time I mount since the WvW patch. Restarted game and tried different races, all the same.

This is being investigated. Thank you for the report!

03 Mar

02 Mar


Originally posted by Malyszeq

First, I want to thank you for all of your contribution in creating of this magnificent piece of art that is Guild Wars 2. It changed lives of many people and probably will continue to do so in foreseeable future.

I hope I'm not too late for this thread but I've got a question, that I think does not require any NDA breach and I would really hope to hear your opinion.

Do you think that it is technically possible and feasible for ArenaNet to create a well crafted encounter with an Elder Dragon in-game, (either open world or instanced) that would actually showcase its whole body model without frying the Player's machines or the servers? The only attempt at it was with Zhaitan and I'm pretty sure you are aware that opinions on it are... mixed. Not to mention that Zhaitan's size in comparison to Kralkatorrik's head or snout of Primordus is quite small. I would be happy to hear what you think about this.

(btw. Kralkatorrik encounter in All or Nothing was nothing s...

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Your question is one that our teams have certainly set out to answer since 2012. I can't divulge anything I know about future story content obviously, but I wanted to take the opportunity to call out that the amazing encounter in "All or Nothing" was the result of tremendous collaboration by many team members, and was helmed by the incredible content designer Cameron Rich.


Originally posted by glowinggoo

Oh my god. I am so late for this. I hope you can still see this reply, Matthew!

I can't describe how much I love GW2. It's a game I keep coming back too after everything else---I'd play some other game for a while and feel like 'I miss GW2, why isn't this as fun as GW2' and just come back, run around in a few maps helping other players, and it'd feel almost as new as it was back in 2013 all over again. There's so much that is fun and addictive in it, and unlike much of the vocal playerbase, I really, really love the story. To say that I legitimately enjoyed it more than Bioware's offerings since DA:O and ME1 would not be an exaggeration.

I love how many things the story are not laid out in front of you or dramatized for super clear emotional impact like most other games, but are things that you have to soak in the world for a bit and let them sit for a while before they sting. I'm one of those weirdos who gain no emotional response from characters breaking down and ...

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Wow, that is high praise indeed, and I'm truly humbled by your words! :">

As for the "smoke and mirrors" bit - I don't know where that idea came from, but even if writers might feel/see it that way, I think they might not be giving themselves enough credit. The truth is, the Commander is a character - we have to be careful in how we handle that character, because we want the player behind the keyboard to have a vessel that they want to inhabit while they're playing, but they still have an arc during every episode (and the most important one overall, IMO). So while all game development is "smoke and mirrors" to some extent, I think it's maybe an overstatement to think that this means that we aren't plotting out the Commander's journey or that their dialog just happens to come together by happenstance.

I'm extremely pleased to read that their personality has left such a mark with you (I feel very much the same about my main human mesmer, played by t...

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Originally posted by Landylachs

As Malyck was one of my favorite story bits from GW2, I always greatly appreciated you taking the time to chat about his storyline here, especially post-HoT. While it would have been beyond amazing to learn what you had in mind for him, I'm also glad you shared that his potential story was thought about and exists somewhere, even if it might not be told.

(Though, I think you might inspire endless fervent speculation on what might possibly be contained in your 4-page outline and powerpoint pitch, haha.) (Not a bad thing at all, as far as I'm concerned! :) )

Thanks for your time and very best wishes to you and everyone affected! I'm sure everyone here is looking forward to what you do next. :)

Thank you as well for your passion and interest - I really hope that we haven't heard the last word on Malyck myself. Exploring that story is one of the things I'm personally disappointed I was not able to make happen before my departure.


Originally posted by Landylachs

Having joined in 2014 (I believe after the festival had already concluded - or I was too new and clueless to realize it was going on, haha), I was completely blown away by the quality of 2018's Festival of the Four Winds. It was by far one of my favorite pieces of content I've experience in the game - beautifully designed environments with fun, engaging map mechanics. Loved all the little touches scattered around the map for us to discover - I always spent longer than I meant to wandering around the map, and kept uncovering new, fun little tidbits added in here and there. With each little feature I kept stumbling upon, I remember thinking many times how the map truly felt like a labor of love by the people who worked on it.

It reminded me of the first time I played in 2014, with the festival map evoking that feeling of wonder and exploration. Thank you for your work on it (and everything else!), and for reviving it for everyone to enjoy!

This is wonderful to read, and thank you for playing! The Festival in particular was indeed a labor of love, and also for me at least, one of healing.

In May of 2017, I lost my father to a long bout of health issues stemming from with complications after surgery in 2016, and our family had already lost my mom in 2004. So in the wake of that loss, when it came to reviving the Festival of the Four Winds, in ways both conscious and subconscious, I explored the grief and loss I was enduring.

As a team, we knew we wanted the theme for the festival's return to be about people coming together, and the Zephyrites were suffering losses of their own, and this provided a nice springboard for me to attempt to answer difficult questions I was grappling with surrounding mortality, recovery and healing. I tried to keep that exploration below the surface (since this IS a festival, and it needed to be FUN) but in many ways, the NPC's, the execution of the theme, and even just the e...

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Originally posted by nosolovro

btw the cutscene in hot were amazing to watch

I agree! Our cinematics team is rock solid, and they continued to get better and better with every release!


Originally posted by Taiaho

When people were talking about the festival and it coming back in my guild chat, I thought they were playing a trick on someone. I "played along" for a while - then I saw the news on the website.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The festival was one of my /all time favorite GW2 memories/ and I was feeling so happy and nostalgic when strolling around the cliffs and gathering crystals again. I don't think I knew that you were involved - thank you!

Man, I totally feel you on the nostalgia and happiness of running around in that map - I logged in almost every day of the entire two weeks of the festival last year! Seeing people relax and unwind, play events and compete in races together, explore high and low and just embrace that joy and freedom of movement and is such an amazing feeling knowing that people love something you had a hand in building.


Originally posted by Asks_For_Sources

Well let's take three examples: WoW, EvE and Runescape. in runescape, you cast a spell to heal someone. In WoW, you cast a spell to heal someone. In eve, you run repair cycles to repair someone.

In gw2 if you're a water elementalist, you have 0 direct heals basically, and most of your healing capability is either very light or on cooldown. It's got some similarities with Dota2. If you're a druid, you have to have an enemy involved to use your basic heal usable, you can't just beam the ally directly.

In WoW and EvE, stealth is a thing you do, it's permanent. in GW2, it's more of an in-combat thing (by the way, I'm not complaining about this)

The ranger's first unlock with sword (aside from 1) is hornet sting, which is actually a gtfo button.

Point is, a lot of tactics in gw2 are very indirect and are seemingly designed for combination tactics, and I don't think that appeals to people immediately. I think the spirit utilities for ranger are the best ex...

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Ah, that makes a lot more sense now. I can understand that, yes - there are certainly some mechanics and skills in the game which are not straightforward or simple. I know there are some classes I still can't play, with any frequency, because like you described I haven't been able to get the "feel" of it (lookin' at you, Revenant). I think that there are definitely many choices to adjust each to your particular playstyle however (unless you're looking for direct 1-to-1 healing since that was a deliberate design choice we avoided, in favor of having everyone have some ability to heal themselves).

Hopefully, if you play more, you'll find the stat/weapon/gear/skill combination that best suits your playstyle. If you're still struggling, I can definitely vouch for our community being SUPER helpful at pointing you to a set build that probably does what you're interested in doing.