Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

11 Dec

Hey, we're aware of the issue and will get this fixed up as soon as we can.


Hello, friends! I conferred with our Marketing team who were able to provide a few answers:

If you are signing up to receive the newsletter for the first time, you will receive an emailed confirmation message to verify your email address. If you’re signing up for the newsletter for the first time and don’t see this confirmation, you’ll find steps in this article that may help to fix the problem. If not, take a moment to ...

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10 Dec


My oldest friend here at the company, whom I've known since raiding in other MMOs dating back nearly 15 years, is Crystal. Her character when I met her was named Gaets. I named it after her, like /u/Ywhre mentioned.

06 Dec


Originally posted by Alcohol_Intolerant

Adding a (clean, no ui) screenshot is a quick and easy way to contribute to many pages. Adding content summaries to story pages is a good one too. If you look at a formatting guide that's been listed above, and compare it to an existing page, you'll be able to easily see where information is missing. (Maybe an item is missing its item code, maybe it's missing acquisition info, etc)

Thanks for considering it /u/riderkicker and also thanks to /u/Alcohol_Intolerant for following up with the information :) Remember that it's not always about the quantity of edits but also the quality ones!


Originally posted by Alcohol_Intolerant

In some pages like walkthroughs or content guides, reorganization can be astoundingly helpful and merit credit. In item pages and armor pages and such, we use our own formatting structure and usually all that's left is spell and grammar checking which usually isn't credit worthy. If you find a page on the list that's large and in charge and a huge mess, go crazy and fix it. If there's one not in the list, feel free to go for it too! The WvW pages used to frequently have this problem and the fractal pages have undergone full reworks at least 5 times.

I'll let /u/Delsea reply on the eligibility question but wanted to mention that these kinds of edits are very valuable as they contribute to improve the readability of articles. The wiki is already an incredible resource for the Guild Wars 2 community but it's been written by many hundreds of editors over long period of time. I know that the most active and engaged editors regularly update the copy but they're also busy with other important tasks (formatting, rules, templates, etc.). This was my brief .2 cents contribution to this topic :)


Originally posted by GambitDeux

Nolan North is bae

Sylvari Male also has a lot of good moment. I don't know who his VA is, but I remember watching a vid awhile back of Confessor's End (S3 Ep4 end chapter) being done on a sylvari male character, and the end dialogue inside you-know-who's bedroom about you-know-who's portrait was absolutely f**king priceless, moreso than any other commander VA i've heard that line said on thus far. It's like he just gives up on it in the middle of the sentence it's f**king hillarious

I honestly think Charr Male from Season 3 onward sounds the weakest out of the commander VAs, but that's nothing against Lex Lang. I think it might have something to do with the voice modulation they apply on the charr's voice in post production. It makes it sound like his vocal chords are just two balloons rubbing against eachother lmfao it's kinda annoying.

Sylvari Male PC is played by Brandon Bales:


Tommie Earl Jenkins has been great to work with. :)

One thing not mentioned in this video is that Tommie's not only the voice of Blish, but he was also the voice of Utumishi, and a few minor npcs around the game. He's got amazing vocal range. :)

03 Dec


Originally posted by TheThreeThrawns

I remember splurging karma to get that mini so fast and it's never left my side. There's nothing like looking behind you and seeing a tiny chicken running unscathed through hordes of enemies xD

Moana makes so much more sense to me now. Alan Tudyk was her mini!

29 Nov


We're aware of this issue. I don't have an ETA for a fix, but we're on it!

26 Nov


Originally posted by Spiralchasm

I am aware that my country laws suck, but can I still win in-game prizes, if I don’t live in any of the listed countries or should I not bother at all with this event?

Yes, you can win the in-game prizes. Good luck with the racing!


Only suggestion is adding some VO at the end yelling "JOKO! JOKOOOOO!"


For fun and posterity:
PC Asura Female: Colleen O'Shaughnessey:
PC Asura Male: Steve Staley: ...

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Originally posted by Skyy-High

That's funny because they switched VA for PoF.


Originally posted by Devbo22

Have you played Mass Effect? It's Ashley's voice.

Popping in to confirm, yes, that's Kimberly Brooks as Kay.

21 Nov

19 Nov


Good work, son.

15 Nov


Shoutout to the shoutout. Then even more shoutouts to every single editor, every single day. Because they're amazing

13 Nov