Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

25 Sep


That is really nice! (And I love your color choices!)

23 Sep


Originally posted by lawliet89

Hehe I can imagine how happy he was to voice Bob Faren too.

Very much so! :)

22 Sep

Originally posted by Brawhalla_

Yeah, I'd love to know who is actually responsible for creating vistas, whether it's just part of the map designers job or if someone's whole task is to create them. They've always made exploring new areas just absolutely wonderful.

I can actually speak to this one.

Vistas tend to come in near the end of the dev cycle, since they depend so heavily on map geometry (which doesn't get a full lock until pretty late, so we can catch little bugs and world-outs and such). They also aren't really "load bearing," either in terms of gameplay ("is this episode, overall, fun?") or narrative ("does this episode's story make sense and feel rewarding?"). So often, as we're finishing iteration on the bigger-ticket items (like instances), vistas fall to whoever on the team has time. In this case, me.

Having worked only a little with our in-game cinematics tool (the knockout and wake-up shots in the Hero of Istan instance back in episode 1) and having never made any vistas, I was...well, pretty uncertain. So a lot of the credit goes to the cinematics team, who made time this episode to sit down and help me sand away some of the jankier bits after I presented first drafts. Also some to one of our tools progr...

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Yuri Lowenthal is Hero-Tron's voice actor, and he was excited to get to voice "the Tron" (as I like to refer to Hero-Tron) again.


Fun fact: "You can certainly try" got lost in the editing process for the skeleton guy's conversation in the jailbreak sequence of Daybreak (hence "...but you feel compelled to try"). So, y'know. I had to find a spot this time 'round. Obviously.

20 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

Every single VA gave his best!!

I also wonder who

Snaff was played by Dave Fennoy, and Zafirah is played by Cherise Boothe.

... Read more

Huge shout outs to our lead writer, Samantha Wallschlaeger, and our Open World writer, Lily Yu, for not only being incredible devs to work with on a professional and personal level, but for truly elevating the writing of GW2 with this release. They had a direct and massive impact on making the dialog and storytelling in this release great by providing the narrative, editing and design teams with incredible work with every draft; this was honestly one of the smoothest development cycles I've experienced, and that is in no small part because of them.

It takes a village of people to wrangle the story. A lot of people had their hand in planning, designing and executing on this release, and after a billion meetings and iterations that included both of their invaluable input, along with the input of the all of GW2 writers and release designers, it often fell directly to Samantha and Lily to make the pieces fit together in as few words as possible.

Just wanted to make sur...

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Originally posted by TyroneTyreseJamal

Cant progress the heavy requiem armor, at gloves part where u are supposed to buy the mist entangled part at the heart vendor its not available for buy, not even at the buy list.

We're working on a fix for this!


Originally posted by Snossi

Requiem collection asks for two +1 Swim Speed infusions - an item that does not exist, the lowest being +10. Seems players are intended to pay with the cheapest version but the value was mixed up as all other infusions start at +1.

We're working on a fix for this!


What time did you try, and what issue did you run into?


Originally posted by Kaneyren

It's so typical of Reddit to not follow instructions and then get mad when they're ignored.

It's so typical of Reddit to feel superior and not understand the point in the slightest. I am well aware that it was stated that questions should be limited to episode 4 content, but:

  1. The raid wing should be considered episode 4 content, because it was released with it. No raid dev's were available for the AMA. If they want to hold off on that for a future AMA they should tell their community so they don't waste their time asking questions that won't get answered.

  2. My problem isn't that they didn't answer a question about the future of the game, my problem is that they, first of all, have this retarded rule in the first place. Considering they have alluded to the cancelation of expansions in 3(!!!) interviews now and still haven't given their community f**k all in terms of an official announcement, question like the...

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Second of all if you absolutely do not want to answer a question and want to keep your community deliberately in the dark for whatever reason, then why in the f*ck are you commenting on a P.S., praising you, when the entire question beforehand was specifically adressing a topic you desperately want to avoid.

That was my response. As stated, the main question was about a topic outside of the episode, however the postscript was specifically about the cinematics in the episode, and fair game for responding to. As a member of the cinematics team and somebody who was tagged to participate in the forum Q&A, I thought it appropriate to let the poster know that their thanks didn't go unnoticed.

19 Sep


Originally posted by TheDetective13

/u/Anet_Kirk /u/ANet_Heather

Tagging them in a comment because I don't think it works in a post.

Nice find /u/Peshyy

I sent this along to the skills team to take a look. :)


Originally posted by Slick_Hunter

I gotta say, I appreciated this so much. I have kept that item in my inventory for a while despite not using it much and now it's been an immense help. I want to high-five whoever thought of making it be able to port people to Sun's Refuge.

That'd be me! I love high-fives! :)

I also have held onto the item for a long time for sentimental purposes. I thought having it appear, especially given the story and Tahlkora's acceptance of Zaeim, made sense. :)


This bug should be fixed in our next hotfix!


Originally posted by Dhiox

Does your son watch you play or play the game with you? Honestly, it would be so cool to play a game your parent helped make.

He knows what I do, and is somewhat familiar with the game but doesn't actually play it. He's only 7, and while I think the content of the game isn't too mature for him, he hasn't really grown up playing keyboard and mouse games (mostly tablet and now Switch), so the controls would be pretty frustrating for him at this point. He does love when I pull up some creature's art file and make them dance.


Originally posted by Blackpox

I've picked the heavy boot skin. Also there is a bug with the helm collection that requires a swim speed infusion of +1 - which doesn't exist.

Okay, I've definitely identified the issue now. We're aware of the swimspeed infusion bug and are working on a fix for that as well. Thanks for the information!


Originally posted by AugmentedPenguin

If we get spider mounts, I will demand corgi mounts.

I wouldn't mind this. :)


This bug will be fixed in the next hotfix, and we've made a permanent change to some of our processes internally to ensure this sort of thing gets caught on our end first.

I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the episode! I'm sorry this bug affected you. Players have been able to get around it by running to the right of the archways instead of along the green arrow.