Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

13 Nov


We have noted this issue and the team is working on addressing it now.

12 Nov


Outstanding! You really make the song yours: the vocals, the mix, everything. I've long been a fan of Soule's work, but this may be my favorite rendition of this piece yet! Bravo!

09 Nov


Originally posted by EmperorApo

Impressive. Most impressive.

Hello there!

07 Nov


Love these! We shared them on our August 2018 Community Showcase Live. They are very well made, and the personalities are adorable!


These are hilarious. I love your style!

Originally posted by caprealarva

Thank you :)

When you start taking commissions let us know, I'd love to buy one!

06 Nov


Hey, these are awesome! I hope you kept a close eye on Balth, though.


Originally posted by Chabb

The sigil was salvaged and given as a level up reward.

Which means it wasn't "only obtained by salvaging a gear", but kind of a special case with two options. Also, the quote redditor feliscat gave only mentioned runes, so I was lead to believe sigils were different.

But this was addressed by an Anet dev so it's pointless to discuss this further.

You're correct on both counts -

  • The level-up reward was another way to get the Sigil of Nullification.
  • We consider level-up rewards a special case.

Originally posted by Riddle-of-the-Waves

Between this and sigil swapping legendaries, I'm not convinced we're in the right timeline anymore.

This had been the intended release for Legendary sigil swapping; hope you enjoyed it coming out a touch earlier than we'd intended!


Originally posted by Chabb

Sigil of nullification recipe then?...

Additional Information: Upgrades that were ONLY available from salvaging gear virtually all gain a recipe with the Nov 13th release.

So, yes, Sigil of Nullification is among that group.


Should be fixed this year. Let us know if you run into any issues!

05 Nov


Originally posted by kodaxmax

considering the popularity and playerbase the wiki is really bad compared to even small games like rimworld or wazhack

considering the popularity and playerbase the wiki is really bad compared to even small games like rimworld or wazhack

With over 70k articles, the GW2 wiki is very well maintained considering the size (and age) of the game it documents. While I do not know the 2 wikis you indicate, they're small (the first has 15k article but it's only been there for 5 years compared to the 11 years of the GW2 wiki) and seem to correspond to small games. It's often easier to document something that has a limited amount of content.

There isn't a good benchmark of how good a wiki is but having helped its community for now more than 6 years, I believe that it's a AAA wiki for its content and it ranks pretty high in a few categories as you can see here (unfortunately they don't list articles, only pages): ...

Read more

Originally posted by Enshakushanna

we try our best, ty

And your best serves the community at large, thank you for being an editor!

02 Nov


Originally posted by maclaine

So, this particular track is actually a mistake that ended up in the game. I'm still not sure how it happened. It was written as a sketch to get some ideas out for the Vehtendi Academy area. However, it isn't finished, and in my mind is very unpolished sounding.

While working on Path of Fire's soundtrack, I would write 30-60 second sketches of each piece to get feedback from the team and to get an idea out in listenable form. Then, once I had at least one sketch for every track, I would go back and finish them, sometimes months later. This one inexplicably ended up in the game somehow. It's actually been removed at my request. I'd like to finish it properly at some point, but I don't know when that will be. I'm glad you like it, but for me it's like serving an undercooked meal at a dinner party. Thank you for listening.

Probably my fault. WHOOPS.

30 Oct


Originally posted by Zman1719

How the hell does THAT not make it into the patch notes!?!?

This wasn't supposed to go out until the next release. It would have definitely been in those patch notes.

28 Oct


Originally posted by SimeAi

Ah, thanks for the clarification. On wiki, someone else than Courtenay Taylor was listed as Ellen's voice actor for very, very long time. Going to fix it asap. That also means the IMDB page lists it wrong as well.

I'm not sure where that came from.

Here's Courtenay Taylor as Ellen Kiel, giving the opening speech for the Festival of the Four Winds:

(And Sam Riegel at the end. :)

27 Oct


Originally posted by SimeAi

It is nice indeed, though it is not really up to date, as for example Ellen Kiel got new voice actress for Path of Fire which is not indicated on the IMDB page. But I agree about it being an ad for the game.

Ellen Kiel has always been voiced by Courtenay Taylor, we did not recast her.

26 Oct


Welcome back and congratulations! A LOT has changed over the last four years, so remember to take it slow and enjoy the journey! It's an awesome ride, and we have so much more in store! =)

25 Oct


Noted on the Known Issues Tracker: This is definitely being worked on.