Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

27 Feb


I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with Amber's friends, family, and guild.


Originally posted by JPUlisses

I play daily for 6 years since release. Plus guild wars 1 never saw Dev. Im not saying they don't exist though.

I can't speak for everyone, but I know myself and plenty of others play almost daily. Keep in mind, we don't always have the fancy logo near our names - that only pops up when we are representing the ArenaNet guild. Some of us prefer to stay somewhat anonymous, but it doesn't mean we aren't out there~ :)


I've got so many characters and memories I could share, but let's stick to four of my favorites...

Kaelryn Silverleaf

- Sylvari Elementalist, Magister of the Durmand Priory, and my first real RP character. She's been around for a good long while and has been through so many exciting narratives... Some of you out there might even recognize her from before I started working at ArenaNet! I've been an elementalist main since in the beginning, so she's also been through plenty of fun in the other game modes, including ...

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So much love in this thread. <3

26 Feb


Here's my charr scourge!

My headcanon for her is that she was born and raised an Olmakhan, but left for the solitude and dry climate of the Crystal Desert, where she spends her free time using her sandshifting talents to craft and sell desert jackal pups. Ironically, she has a hypersensitive nose, which she has to keep covered while outdoors to prevent the dust and sand from causing massive bouts of sneezing.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Anyone heard if Linsey Murdock is safe?

Worst day of my professional career, but I am still with ArenaNet and dedicated to the rebuilding efforts. Living World is still going, but we are all grieving our loss. Thank you for thinking of me.

Here is my main!

His name is Artimus Leoheart and he's a descedant of my main character in GW1

who was a hippie ranger in Ascalon pre-searing and had to become a hardened soldier afterwards. Now his descendants are all warriors and soldiers.

That is such an amazing story. Thank you for sharing! It's a devastating time for the studio right now but for those of us who remain, we know how important this world is to all of you. It's important to us too. I have been a fan of Guild Wars since GW1 launched. I would sneak back out after going to bed to play all night and sleep through class. No matter what happens Tyria will always be one of my favorite fantasy worlds and I'm going to do whatever I can to keep bring you all more adventures in it.

I was lucky to work directly with Josh on a few projects and be desk neighbors for the last year. Josh is just as awesome of a person as you think he is. I'm heartbroken that he won't be at ArenaNet anymore but I know that just means he'll be using his time to continue to build and create awesome things. If you guys are fans of his please check out his twitch and youtube channels.

He's got a lot of exciting things in the works, and I am hyped to be able to watch him start revealing them!

25 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

I'd like to thank /u/Anet-TylerB for trying to breathe life back into WvW and amount of effort and communication he had with the WvW community. While everyone else ignored us you were the only one who actually tried to save us.

Thanks for the callout, I appreciate the support. As of today, I'm no longer with the studio, though my departure was voluntary. My time at the studio is something I'll always treasure. Best of luck to the remaining dev team, and fans alike.

24 Feb


Originally posted by Dyveros

u/GaileGray , She is so sweet. I am fill with joy every time I see something from her... since GW1.

All my thoughts are with you and everyone at Anet.


22 Feb


Thank you for the kind words. It means so much. Creating games is so much more than just a job for me. Interacting with you fine folks always brightened my day. :) /allthehugs

20 Feb


Follow up post after doing some digging into the matter, and some tips for contacting support for OP and everyone else reading this:

1) The ticket definitely isn't deleted, and appears to have been submitted normally. Our agents also replied to it, as they normally would, earlier today, so we're not entirely sure where things are going wrong in this case.

2) Make sure to always submit your ticket using the email connected to your game account. If you're contacting us about the game account on [email protected], don't contact us from [email protected].

3) Since it seems that we did re...

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Originally posted by TheBandicoot

Just to throw it out there, thanks for generally being around.

04 Feb


Originally posted by OneMorePotion

My mother always liked watching me playing GW2. I've asked her every time when she was sitting next to me, asking questions about everything in the game, if she wanted to give it a try. She always said no because she was afraid of "destroying my character". xD

When I moved to another country, she wanted to surprise me and find me ingame. Thing was, she didn't even remember the game title or my characters name. So she asked all of my friends behind my back if someone could show her how to do it.

Long Story short... One of my friends took some time to help her creating an account and showed her around a bit ingame. He even went out of his way to update some hardware parts in her old PC, that she could play it smoothly. We had an guild event planned one Sunday, to do some missions and dungeons together. The friend of mine asked me, if he could bring "a friend" as well. Needless to say that I was a bit speechless when I've heard my mothers voice in Discord. :D


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That is a really sweet story. I'm glad you shared it!

31 Jan


Annnd desktop background at work. I love this. :)

30 Jan


Originally posted by southsun

Could you by any chance make the font a bit bigger? It is totally unreadable on the mobile devices and small laptops.

Not my area of expertise, but I'll pass the note on. Thank you!


Originally posted by [deleted]

I’ll happily second that. HUGE thank you to our amazing Narrative team. :-)

I'll tell the team you said so. :-)

29 Jan


Originally posted by Varorson

I hope that you do this more often, be it in this format or like Taimi's Notes from Rata Novus series.

Would love to get other characters' insights than just the three, but you picked the best three IMO.

Glad to hear it! Yeah, the general response has been very positive, so we'll certainly take a look at doing more as time goes on.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I get an error.

Sorry to interrupt, but this story's code has got itself in a mess.

init@ main@ init@

you may be able to continue playing, but some parts may not work properly.


This issue should be fixed now. Be sure to hard-refresh (CTRL + Reload).