Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

19 Sep


We've identified the issue and are working on a fix.

Edit: Which boot skin did you pick from the first Mist-Covered Item sub-collection?


Originally posted by [deleted]

Still happens as of right now.

This issue won't get fixed until our hotfix today.


Oh boy. I'm going to take a moment to get all sappy over this. My son drew that picture! I've worked on this game for nearly nine years, on virtually all aspects of it, but seeing this screenshot this morning really brightened my day.

18 Sep


This is a known issue and something we're hoping to add in a future release. Apologies for the inconvenience!


Originally posted by Sheriffentv

Awesome to hear, other than that give some of your co-workers high-fives for me will you? I haven't tried the raid yet, but the map and story is marvelous in this release and all the collections will keep me busy for a while. This is honestly the best LWS episode to date IMHO.

Much love <3 :)

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! My hand is sore from all those high-fives now, but totally worth it. :)

Thank you for the kind words <3


Originally posted by Sheriffentv

The portal scroll to Sun's refuge can't be placed in the tome. Doesn't seem intentional.

We're aware of this and are hoping to add it in a future release.


Originally posted by SnowdropFox

Is it intentional, that you can port to Sun's Refuge with the Spearmarshal's Plea, even though we have a dedicated scroll?

It's a little easter-eggy thing for those who went through the work to get that particular item. :)


Originally posted by Peachy88

I've tried running around the arrow and it did not work for me, I also tried waiting until Blish was done talking to move beyond that point and it keeps killing me. I spoke to a dev in game and they are on a hotfix. People who are stuck as bad as myself won't have to wait long.

Yep, I have a fix incoming, hopefully tomorrow morning!


Originally posted by 1xdk8n3YOp3p8JIF

Currently stuck in "Storm Tracking", the instance borders are killing me despite the minimap showing that I need to move that way. Really sucks, I'd rather not restart the instance but I'm running out of options. :/

Final edit: Got it to work, you need to wait for a few seconds before going in, if you go too fast you get killed, and if you go too slow you get killed. After the initial part it works out ok. Still a bug though, the minimap doesn't reflect what's actually happening.

I've tracked down the issue and we will have a fix out soon.

Currently if you go around the arches to the left or the right, it seems to not occur for players.


Thank you for editing your post to let us know the situation has improved. That's super helpful!


We're aware of the issue and tracking it down now. If you go around the arches to the left or right you can progress fine.


Hey folks! Just popping in here real quick to confirm that your snake friend does NOT report to enemy players while you are stealthed via Mesmer nor Thief stealth. Like many effects (auras, footfalls, giant floating books) the winged snake does not appear to stealth to you, but no player effects report to enemy players while you are stealthed. I just confirmed this on our development branch to be sure I wasn't mistaken.

Enjoy your new legendary weapon!


Originally posted by qqwhine

I did not even know it kept my progress! What a relief.

The second time it worked fine. I had one pod phase at 66% and one at 33%. On my first run, the second phase started around 50%, and then carried on until the boss' HP dropped to 33%.

I'm glad to hear that. Is there anything in particular you did differently when it worked? Did you maybe have any bubbles up that reflect missiles? Any details you can remember helps.

Thank you!


Originally posted by FalGame

thanks! that worked!

Yep, if you go around to the left or right you can get through! I'm investigating with an engineer to see what's going on! Thanks for your patience.


Hey, thank you for the report. Is this happening every time you attempt the fight? And it's always at 33%?


Originally posted by [deleted]

yup, being told to escape and as soon as i get to the arrow on the map its insta-death

Thank you both! I'm looking into this now.


Originally posted by 1xdk8n3YOp3p8JIF

Currently stuck in "Storm Tracking", the instance borders are killing me despite the minimap showing that I need to move that way. Really sucks, I'd rather not restart the instance but I'm running out of options. :/

Final edit: Got it to work, you need to wait for a few seconds before going in, if you go too fast you get killed, and if you go too slow you get killed. After the initial part it works out ok. Still a bug though, the minimap doesn't reflect what's actually happening.

When you say "going in", do you mean going towards where the arrows are pointing you?


Are you getting an error saying you're out of instance boundary?


Originally posted by FlameFenbi

Y'all should start tagging Matt Pennebaker for these kinds of things. He heads up systems now and I handed off all my rewards-y stuff to him. I focus solely on Living World content now, especially golden path storytelling.


17 Sep


Outstanding craftsmanship! You even nailed the posture of the charr, which is a doubly-impressive feat! Major props (pun intended)!