Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

24 Aug


Originally posted by Crimson__King

Careful, it might tap your shoulders from behind while you're working.



Many many thanks to /u/PaperTigerFolds for building this for me (and many apologies for my awful photo) — it came out beautifully! I'm absolutely thrilled with it.

22 Aug


This is fantastic! I really like the color scheme and the sense of character and personality on this. Thank you for sharing!

21 Aug


Originally posted by Presac

Odd this isn't on the wiki site.

This is called an "inter wiki link". It's like a prefix that is used to redirect to a different site and you can find the full list here:


Originally posted by [deleted]


You don't need a lot of wiki proficiency as there are various ways to help. As /u/Alcohol_Intolerant says, editing is less hard than it looks. But you also can find an article where the information is relevant, click on the "Leave article feedback" link and drop the information there. Other wiki editors will use it and change the wiki code if they find the information relevant!

20 Aug


Your post made my day. :)

Ree and I (and the whole team) put a lot of love into the development of Kalla's personality, her lines, her gameplay style and skills.


18 Aug

17 Aug


Originally posted by PaperTigerFolds

Lol Wouldn't be opposed to getting some gems/money in exchange for making models for their office though.

(psst check your messages :-) )


These are fantastic! I'm more than a little biased, but I absolutely adore that skimmer. Is there any chance that you transcribed folding patterns for these? I'm pretty terrible at origami, but for these jewels I'd give it a shot...


I wondered if this was possible... Very impressive!

13 Aug


I lost my father a couple years ago, and it still hurts. It sucks, but it does get better. As you said, keep living; live with joy and keep your friends close. You have my sincere empathy and sympathies. Best wishes.

10 Aug

09 Aug


Originally posted by Nyanatama

... does that mean you need an Arenanet tag thingy?

Gaile got me, thanks :3

Originally posted by Narrrz

the hints for the greatsword were a bit ambiguous. they all say "in ebonhawke" and they should say "fields of ruin"

Yeah we're aware of that one. You're right it's misleading currently. It will be fixed but I do not have an ETA.

08 Aug


Originally posted by GaileGray

<3 !!!

Aaaaa, I'm the designer who made Camilla's composite and I love everything about this!



We're aware of this issue. We'll have a fix out as soon as we can.

07 Aug

Originally posted by Lascax

Was that a total original addition by them or did the weapon creators give some inputs?

I did not personally speak to the winners but they gave us short blurbs on their inspiration for the weapons, as well as some of their character names and what not. The three npcs are named in some way after the winners or their in-game character names.

I took that and expanded out the overall story and background for each weapon. Then, Novera and Alex came in to write the dialogue in the framework I set up and really breathed life into the characters.

Originally posted by Linuky

The collections were short, but fun. And you don't even need a guide if you know the maps somewhat, no events required.

The story they told were also really enjoyable.

Thanks! I just want to take the chance to shout out Novera King and Alex Kain who really brought these characters to life.

06 Aug

Saw some right answers in here. I made the gloves drop more commonly so that more people would have a chance to get them.

However, with increased drop rate you also significantly decrease their value. To compromise, I decided they would not unlock all armor weights so that when people got duplicates they would be able to sell them.

And while this is not consistent across the entire game it is currently consistent with the other armor that drops from this box.