Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

26 May


Originally posted by ChairYeoman

Could you re-enable the animations people are talking about in this chat?

Or, if that can't be done, can you change the nonsense /stretch emote from IBS for human female to the old removed emote that also depicts the character stretching?

That's outside my wheelhouse and a much bigger conversation that would have to take place between multiple disciplines for a variety of reasons. And whatever would come of it would have to, in my opinion, fix or address the very reason the change was made in the first place (ability to have more control over those idles during in-engine cinematics). Not saying this to get anyone's hopes up or string anyone along. Just sharing a bit about game dev stuff so folks have some context as to why we might do things the way we do, or why certain legacy decisions were made by others to the best of my understanding.


Originally posted by ChairYeoman


Your Dragon's Watch friends have random nonsensical dialogue when you talk to them and when they leave combat, and that makes sense?

The scene right after Belinda is killed has Kas and the rest of the crew laughing and that makes sense?

That's an issue of legacy "NPC chatter" triggering under certain circumstances (combat ends, F interact greet, etc.). We've since updated those packages for newer content but left the old stuff alone. And yeah, it's not great. Old content can be brittle and sometimes making adjustments to things built under different standards and tools (remember, this stuff is like 7 years old and was made with the legacy dialogue system) can cause lots of headaches. Not saying we couldn't ever revisit that stuff and either turn it off or rewrite/re-record but it's definitely a low priority compared to other things.


Originally posted by ResonanceSD

noting /u/BobbyStein remarkably quiet on this particular issue.

This was a decision that was made far above my paygrade. If I recall it was partly a technical call and partly a stylistic one.


Do you think she'd go under the Plant category or the Architecture category? 🤔


Originally posted by Teletric

  1. Dead prisoner corpse decoration from Bastion of the Penitent

Are their lives forgotten (no pun intended)?!

The ones impaled by spears? Or the ones taken out in the riot? *ponder*


Aw crap.

*makes note to fix this*

25 May


Originally posted by BobbyStein

I've been watching both of them lately, too! Also have been checking out VelikiVuya on occasion.

Also been catching Deeg's GW2 streams. They're mostly interviews with content creators, fans, and devs (including one with me) but he also did a cool Elder Dragon retrospective a little while back that was great.


Originally posted by Kenny741

I love to watch new players trying out the game. Lately I have been watching Xandrii (sounds exactly like Taimi and she reads every tooltip and lore there is to find) and Visoman (really funny guy and has a great youtube recap of streams). Both are small channels so give them some love!

I've been watching both of them lately, too! Also have been checking out VelikiVuya on occasion.

24 May