Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by manumotate

Hello Mike and Team,

  • You said in the forums that you guys had some opportunities to make some adjustments on how to approach developing each episode that will help hit your quality standards more consistently. Do you have any insight on what are those new adjustments?
  • Do you guys plan on making adjustments to the Gandarra Meta event? the biggest issue i have with this event is that we are unable to fully explore the city.
  • On the 1st episode of LS3, we got some information on how the team were structured for the next expansion, is it possible to give us similar information on how is ANet structured ?


1) A lot of what we were doing was to change how we were developing content and when we were syncing with the teams at large. The stories that we are telling are complicated enough that when you span across multiple teams that are all in flight at the same time in different parts of the production process, it meant that sometimes things were getting missed, or we had to course correct on things fairly late in development and it was painful for teams to adjust. This episode specifically lost time due to these types of corrections that forced us to look at the scope of the episode. When teams review their content with leads and directors has also changed to allow the team better visibility in to how their work is progressing and how their content lines up with the teams before and after them.

B) There are discussions happening about changes we can make, nothing that I can announce yet. Part of the reason why you can't explore the entire city was because of the time necessary ...

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Originally posted by Heartsure

Quite a few questions, will appreciate if any are answered:

  1. Any plans to do something about the LFG and Dailies sections bloating with each additional map? Maybe just how the achievement panel works in general and things getting really long (story journal section, etc. . . .)

  2. Will raids ever be a non-living world release? I'm not really asking about specific dates here, but moreso whether you're considering just releasing a raid when it's ready instead of holding for an episode release.

  3. Are fractal reworks still a thing? Any info on this would be much appreciated.

I can at least answer #3:

Fractal reworks are still a thing for us, absolutely. For minor tweaks, we do them as there is time, then find a suitable window to bundle them up for shipping. The larger reworks take more time and effort to design and then get through the approvals process. Ben is working on a redesign for a couple fractals that need to be brought up to current standards right now, actually.


Originally posted by [deleted]

As it stands, a lot of of the space in Lost Precipice is unused. The art assets are gorgeous, but they aren't ideal for decorating either. A lot are out of reach from waypoint, and there's just... nothing there.

Has there ever been consideration what to do with this empty space in guild halls?

Was Lost Precipice always a guild hall, or were the "unused" sections of it once intended for something else, like a normal map?

Lost Precipice was always a guild hall. I don’t know exactly which space you are referring too, however there is definitely way more space in the original two guild halls than was strictly necessary. Part of this space was to give us room for future unknown features. Part of it was for stretch goals that we ended up not having time for. And part of it, I’m sure, was just the map designer having fun.


Originally posted by Something_Memorable

FTT turrets: were these intended to ever be used elsewhere other than just the new map? Having such awesome abilities - would be great to take these elsewhere given that to keep them running require the new map’s pseudo-turret-currency (thus helping a bit with the replayability/motivation to play problem)

They were designed to be part of this map exclusively. They had a little more integration in the story early on, but some of that was lost. We had started discussing allowing them in other maps, but at the point the discussion happened it was too late to do it with the amount of testing we deemed needed for such a change. That said, we are discussing the possibility of loosening the restriction in the future.


Originally posted by Kantoku83

The fractal endgame currency sink was fantastic. Can we get something similar for luck? Even after maxing out our account magic find, we still get luck from dailies, festivals and salvaging gear with nothing worth using them on.

This has unfortunately been low priority, since there are a lot of players who don't have their Luck maxed, but I agree, the system needs something to use your excess Luck for.


Originally posted by RandommUser

Matt Lambdin

Is the beetle adventure boost resets gonna get fixed? Is the endurance regen something you think might get changed?

Cinematics team

Why are some of the "movies" so heavily processed instead of using the in-game settings?

Marketing team

Why was there no interviews, articles, etc. for this release?

Who might fit

Why is there no adventure to using the 2nd instance mechanics? I feel like that could make for an interesting one to speedrun

I’m trying really hard to find a way to answer the Marketing team question in a way that isn’t obnoxiously pedantic, but the short answer is that there were articles etc around the episode, whether or not they felt like the sort of coverage that one might find personally interesting.
That said, we’re always looking for new and different ways to promote episodes before or after they’re live and I’m all ears on suggestions for content that folks personally find appealing. Whether or not we can act on all that feedback is, of course, another matter.


Originally posted by nononsenseresponse

The final cutscene was spectacular - well done cinematics team! How long does it usually take to go from story board to finish for such a cutscene? What was the most challenging part of the cutscene to get right?

The cinematics can vary greatly depending on scope, but usually they take us anywhere between 3-6 months from storyboard to finish. The Joko one in particular took us a bit to get right with newly implementing mocap and was closer to the 6 month time frame.

Having the pc in the cinematic provides an extra challenges for us, and was one of the more difficult things about that cinematic.


Originally posted by holymonkseal

This beetle collection was great. Can we hope for more core-tyria collections with new living stories? Also, more only core-tyria collections? And maybe some only orr related?

It is exceptionally likely that you'll see collections in the future take you back to core tyria maps. As for core-tyria-only collections, it's possible (I'd even say likely) that we would make some, but probably not as part of a Living World episode.


Originally posted by seboot

I'm probably not going to get an answer but I'm still trying, any plans for a Joko combat tonic / proper Joko outfit ? How am I supposed to properly praise him :D

I don't know if there are plans, but I will take note of your request!


Originally posted by Charrikayu

Has there been any consideration about adding an "accessory wardrobe" to the current wardrobe list? Guild Wars 2 has dozens, if not hundreds of absolutely beautiful trinkets which ultimately serve no purpose by virtue of being too low level or having the wrong stats for a particular build. This system would have several major advantages:

  • Practical applications such as transmuting Aurora (or the eventual legendary ring) for players who wish to have a legendary accessory but not the cosmetic effect, as well as differentiating accessories of the same type, such as two rings from the same living story chapter or raid which have different selected stats.

  • Content applications, as it would incentivize replaying old story, dungeons, open-world, and other things which contain trinket appearances unique to them for unlocking.

  • Personal applications for those of us that like customization, and although many accessories have no outward appearance...

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Due to how the wardrobe works, it's extremely unlikely that accessories will be added. In the long term, I'd like to have a solution for the legendary accessories (turning off the effects if you don't want them, and ways to acquire additional accessories for alts), but it probably won't be through the wardrobe system.


Originally posted by endelon

Are there any plans to finish Gandara based on player disappointment/feedback ?

We've made a couple changes already to the Meta to better reward players for their efforts and are continuing to talk about different options regarding the map as a whole moving forward. Sadly I don't have anything concrete that I can announce at this time.


Originally posted by DoctoredMonocle

Hello dev team!

I really enjoyed the Beetle collection and the addition of the new mount, but looking forward I'm slightly worried about Petey.

Are there any plans to implement Petey either in previous maps (races in vanilla GW2, you know you want to!) or looking forward will he still be part of our gameplay (kind of like Jackal portals being nifty short cuts)?

Given the episodic nature of LW, I'm scared that he'll be used only for Kourma and we won't see the need for Petey any more.


I would definitely like to add rollerbeetle-tuned races in Core Tyria. There could always be some kind of disaster stopping it, and I want to take the time to get it right, but it's very much on the table.


Originally posted by apostles

Would you be able to shed some light on the issues that happened during the patch (and pre-release)? Always interesting to hear about what happened from a dev perspective.

What happened, how it was fixed, when did you realize it was code red, etc

Absolutely. When we announced that we were initially delaying the episode, enough of the content was not stable enough or polished enough for us to feel comfortable releasing it. When we felt we were in a good enough spot, we gave marketing the thumbs up to release the trailer. Internally we were excited and we were building momentum for the release.

Fast forward to the morning of the patch, initial runs through the episode by internal QA before we distributed the build and external players looked good, but quickly started crashing in a way that we didn't see in our development or staging environments. When the map would crash it took down every instance or map running on that server. To protect the rest of the game we isolated all of the new instances to specific servers which contained the crashes, but blocked everyone from getting into the new map. The rest of the day we were investigating the crash reports which gave us completely bogus data and was a red herring to the...

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Originally posted by SystemSound

Dont know if any of you can answer this, but, why Living World soundtrack is not on Spotify? Both expansions and core game are but not LS...

Hey there! The PoF and HoT soundtracks are on Spotify via the aggregator we use for our album releases. Living World and other music that isn’t bundled into an album can be found on our soundcloud (


Originally posted by DoctoredMonocle

Hello dev team!

I really enjoyed the Beetle collection and the addition of the new mount, but looking forward I'm slightly worried about Petey.

Are there any plans to implement Petey either in previous maps (races in vanilla GW2, you know you want to!) or looking forward will he still be part of our gameplay (kind of like Jackal portals being nifty short cuts)?

Given the episodic nature of LW, I'm scared that he'll be used only for Kourma and we won't see the need for Petey any more.


Glad you're enjoying it! Petey will not be forgotten as we go forward in the rest of the season.


Originally posted by lokikaraoke

Hi guys! Thanks for doing this AMA. I guess this is a Jason/Ben question related to Fractals and Raids.

I have over 5000 hours in this game as do a bunch of my friends and guildmates. We've definitely gotten our money's worth! But over the past year or so, we've been playing this game a lot less. It's not that we don't want to play, but it feels like the pace of content releases for grizzled vets like us has been lacking.

We're all okay with repeating content, we WANT to repeat content, but the pace of raid and fractal releases just isn't working for us. We've gradually gone from playing 3-4 hours/day to playing a couple hours a few times a week. It's getting harder and harder to keep people engaged in our raid statics. Guild and raid recruiting has slowed significantly.

Do you have any good news for those of us who desperately want to have more organized, instanced content to play? Do you think the current pace is representative of what we can expect moving...

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We absolutely have content for you on the way. Obviously I can't commit to when, but I can say that the next raid is essentially done, and only waiting for late-stage development assets, like VO for example.


Originally posted by DemethValknut

Why don't you consider making story instances, repeatable, instanced PVE content ( i wont call them dungeon but it's the spirit).

Ep 3 last's instance is basically already that, just allow me to make it again and again for loots and fun, you put =so much time and effort behind them !

If I am understanding your question correctly, you already can. Once you complete the episode you can open your story journal and re-start it. In the second play-through all instances appear on the map as purple stars. Go to your instance of choice and play as many times as you like.


Originally posted by lostsanityreturned

Do you plan on doing more in engine cutscenes like the last one? (It was amazing and looked a lot better than the prerendered ones imo)

Are there any plans to put in a break bar tutorial into the game, if no, why not?

I'm investigating what we'd need to do solid tutorials for things like the break bar. Don't expect it in the immediate future, since it's still in the design phase and a quality tutorial will need voice acting and a lot of testing to make sure it actually teaches the skill, but it's on the radar.

  • Edit: And if you've got any other things you think really need tutorials, such as bundle items or combo skills, feel free to mention it and I'll make sure they're considered.

Originally posted by Artumes

Which is your favourite Quaggan?



Originally posted by holymonkseal

Can we get some lore about other gen2 legendaries like Verdarach has?

Response to the piece of Verdarach lore was really positive! I'd like to do similar for upcoming legendaries, and if there's interest we could see about adding it for other existing legendaries.

I'd like to have that sort of thing findable in game though, so it's a balancing act to not add too much workload onto the legendaries.