Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

04 Jun


Originally posted by justn6

Hey my dude, i just bought the two expansions ealier last night (still waiting on payment approval). Is it too late to get this deal?

You can get in touch with our CS team, they can help you out. :)

02 Jun


Originally posted by nastyjman

Excited as well! Fallout Co-Op? :O But I am also hoping for a Switch port FO3 or FNV.

I'll take whatever excuse to FINALLY buy a Switch. I've been dithering for ages.


Originally posted by MakubeC

Man, I have a seen a lot of Guild Chats, and this is not normal. First time I see her so hyped.

Truth! YOU GUYS I get to go to work EVERY DAY for my favorite game in the whole world--that alone makes me grin every day.

And then knowing what the surprises are and anticipating the fun people will have but not being allowed to talk about it yet? It kills. But yeah Mike is right. It's not E3. Like we said on the show we work on things WAY ahead of time and I'm having so much fun looking forward to sharing stuff.


Originally posted by nastyjman

No, it's GW76.

AAAAHHHHH. (I'm pretty hyped for Fallout 76, whatever it turns out to be)

31 May


Originally posted by RedLikeARose

Now I wanna make a dutch version :/

But then again 1: i guess the population isnt quite on par

And 2: Unlike Spain France and Germany, we speak an avarage of (correct me if wrong) 2.4 languages Per Person, most of the time the 2 would be dutch/english and the .4 something magical like fae, you know, drugs language

Nothing stops you from creating one (or 2.4?). But I'm afraid we would not give them official support in the form of hosting (and maintaining) the site.


Originally posted by NikolaiLev

I just wish auto-attacking worked better with it. So you could just click once to "toggle" attacking.

This may not be precisely what you want, but maybe it will be close enough. While in action camera mode, if you have skill 1 flagged to autocast (ctrl+right click) and you press 1 rather than left mouse, you will autocast skill 1 on your current target until you drop the target or leave skill range (more or less what autocast on a skill would normally do).


Originally posted by Ankudan

I did some tests with it, and it seems that even if you hold down mouse one (which usually makes you auto attack continuously) and use a skill, it will cancel the auto attacking anyway. I'd love a dev to come in to this post and see this, cause I'm pretty sure it's a bug with action camera

This has been on my "annoyances I sure would like to fix some day" list for a while now. I've made a few attempts at a fix in my spare time, but inevitably the side effects end up being worse and other stuff ends up taking priority over continued investigation. The harsh reality of development is that there's always way more stuff that needs doing than time to do it in, so here we are.


Originally posted by Jackjakea

35$ for both path of fire and heart of thorns, it works for the combo edition, its an insane deal in my opinion. sad that i can't afford this right now any idea on how long will this be?

It's good until June 8 at 11:59 PM Pacific time.


Originally posted by PurpleFries

Depends on what you are trying to do.

With thief I found the issues of action cam are more noticable. If you try to stack stealth with a shortbow into smokescreen it is quite hard to hit all 6 cluster bombs due to being unable to aim straight down. It makes the arrows arc slightly more, and stay in the air longer which means re-firing the skill takes longer.

I'm currently in the process of un-learning action cam because of this specific annoyance. Granted I do not know what other situations it affects, but I'm going under the assumption that I am likely not noticing it.

When using action camera, you can use the "snap ground target to current target" option in order to alleviate this problem. You can check the checkbox under the Combat/Movement general options section, or if you don't want snap ground targeting on all the time there are keybinds you can use to toggle it as needed under the Targeting keybinds section. When target snap is active, if you aim the camera more than 90% downward, the ground targeting marker will be placed at your feet rather than under the crosshair, even if you have a target selected. There are some skills which will ignore target snap (such as shadowsteps), but by and large this should work. Hopefully this helps!


Originally posted by Something_Memorable

I have the pages on my watchlist and will be able to fix or undo mistakes using the page's history, so don't let fear hold you back.

I have so much appreciation for you for doing this to get more people comfortable with updating the wiki.

This has been a common theme of discussions around this project. As the Wiki liaison at ArenaNet, I wanted to jump in here to emphasize that this is a good place to discuss this. A few players commented in the past that other editors would undo their edits, and I would then ask them to give me details so that we can discuss what exactly happened so they better understand the system.

The motto of the wiki community is "Be bold in improving articles!", as listed in the Help center and it's never been more...

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Originally posted by [deleted]

Oh my god, I'm an idiot. Of course they must do because it's an ohline game. This is really my first mmorpg so I do apologize. Thanks.

Don't sweat it.

Welcome to Tyria, Mister!

30 May


Originally posted by Hanakocz

Unofficially official. I mean, they point that wiki from forums, their webpage, launcher etc. So it is official one, while dulfy is not official one, as not pointed at their main page/launcher etc. Even though they may not be maintaining it directly (but players), they do take it as a serious part of the game and that is cool :)

Oh man I can see how that's confusing. Sorry. :D What it's saying is that the Twitter account is not an official "ArenaNet owned and operated" (so to speak) channel like @GuildWars2 or @ArenaNet are.

But the GW2 wiki is the official one that we, ArenaNet, support in and out of game.

29 May


Originally posted by Blackops606

Thanks /u/ANet_Rubi!

Happy to be able to pass it along. <3

24 May


Thanks for the video evidence - that often helps narrow the cause significantly. We're looking into this!

23 May



16 May

10 May


Originally posted by Rkoturdo_Ndo

That might be a good long term idea. Some information (and the stat table) are actually taken from the wiki. I am not sure how exactly the wiki technology works, but I will look into it.

Right now I want to get a version 1.0 first before.

Thank you for your help :)

Something trully awesome on the wiki is that you may not need to do a lot of work, a project is collective work where people team up to bring their own skills to make the project successful. The technical bits could be handled by other wiki editors, while you'd retain a certain role (that you can decide yourself). It was just a suggestion, not assuming anything about your own goals for this guide. Thanks again! :)


That looks great /u/Rkoturdo_Ndo ! I have a related suggestion for you:

You could start talking to the Guild Wars 2 Wiki community to figure out if there's a way to replicate that guide into the wiki and potentially make it more visible? The wiki is not organized like a guide but it probably has a lot of these information (it's worth checking in detail though). But your guide could help with that (there's even potentially technology in the wiki to help make it sustainable, for example via templates and including text from other articles), and it also would be a lot more visible since a lot of players (old and new) read the wiki.

If you're interested in going this route, you just need to create a wiki account (technically you don't since you can edit the wiki anonymously) and start a discussion topic here: ...

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08 May