Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

22 Mar

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AldroVanda

That's interesting and all but, are you sending someone out to Korea to pick up that poor quaggan?

No, quaggan should've done more research before traveling internationally.

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

No, we aren't.

It's a redirector URL, just like the one for PVP at - used by game UI to link off to interesting PvP/WvW things w/o having to update game code.

16 Mar


Originally posted by Keorl

please include the 8th bag always collapsing for people who bought shared slots

We thought that one was fixed, too! The inventory code is crazy complicated, I'm told. I've got it back on the list. Thanks!


It was! It's been hard to kill, though. Stupid zombiebugs. I'll get it back on the Known Issue Tracker and make sure the devs know it's back. Thanks for reporting!


Originally posted by kovaleivka

Ascended rings that you can't put in the mystic forge !!!!

At least some of these should be fixed now. If you still have any that aren't working, could you tell me which ones please?


Originally posted by Tulki

Are there any plans to look into stat scaling issues on traits as outlined in my post here? -

I submit all of these types of bugs that I run into through the in-game reporting tool and give precise descriptions of their issues. I figured maybe they weren't listed in the bug tracker because technically some of them can be abused. Should I try to resubmit these? They've been around for a very long time and are actually very severe bugs in certain trait cases. I feel like a dedicated pass through all stat-giving traits could eliminate this problem once and for all, and should have been given priority already (I mean I can't tell the team what to do, but it really is a severe issue for anyone playing in sub-80 core Tyria).

Heya, sorry for the slow reply. You are correct that some of these may be abusable, so those won't be listed. Do you know if the list in the post you linked is still current? No need to go back and check again if you're not sure, I just want to make sure I'm conveying accurate info to the devs.

15 Mar


Thanks for listening:). I'll make sure to pass this on to Maclaine. Great catch, that wasn't the intention, but now that we've looked in to it, yep, only played the first time. Bug submitted, thanks.

11 Mar


Thanks for everything you've contributed over the years. The hype train

won't be the same without you


We'll miss you...


Absolute pleasure working with you, Colin. Good luck out there!


Thank you for all that you've done for Guild Wars and this community over the years, Colin.


Going to miss you, Colin!


I... I think there's something in my eye ;_;

Thanks for everything, Colin. We never managed to meet up in my handful of trips to the studio, but as a player since the launch of GW2 I'm indebted to you for your years of hard work in making a game that I really love.

All the best, and hopefully someone will slip you an invite to the next Christmas party so that I can buy you that beer! o/


We have a potential fix for this being tested as of yesterday.

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Turns out the API doesn't block banned players, so someone who was banned for duping (but still had an account) was able to generate an API key and get onto the site.

We'll be blocking banned accounts from the APIs in the future, sorry!


I didn’t plan to write something like this but due to an overwhelming response from friends around the industry and folks from this great community it has become clear to me proper closure requires a real goodbye. Today is my last day at ArenaNet, so here goes nothing…

Eleven years ago ArenaNet took a chance on me. The company’s very first ever game: Guild Wars (Prophecies) needed a game designer to build the bulk of the quests with just a few months left till ship. The offer came on a Friday and required I fly to Seattle from Virginia and be there by Monday morning to start working. On a recommendation from my friend Lewis who was a coder at ArenaNet - I quit my job and jumped on that plane. I flew with what clothes I could bring in a few suitcases and a sleeping bag. I rented an apartment I didn’t have time to furnish and with my sleeping bag as a bed, I set to work banging out the quests. One of the first quests I got to work on involved a little girl named Gwen who need...

Read more External link →

07 Mar


Originally posted by HIJKay

My guild is doing raids. We have a group of 15ish people that can do them. Around half have completed some and the other half is learning. You can join us if you'd like.

It's really great to see people offering help and being friendly. Thank you!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Still waiting for a proper LFG system for raids so I can start doing them... any year now.

We're working on it. It won't be there for the second wing on Tuesday, but we're doing our best to try to get it out in the next feature update. Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by KerryGD

I'm an instructor in a guild that we (my regular raiding group) created for the purpose of training player. It's quite new and small but it could be useful for you. PM if you want more info!

That's awesome. Thank you for helping the community!


Congratulations! And Slothasor is ready :)