Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

25 Apr


Originally posted by RuBiK79

Entry 13 has been bugged for days. The event spawns but the tiger doesn't. The only way to get it is by resetting the event by NO ONE going within a ~1200 unit radius of the area at the end of the jumping puzzle in Diessa for 10 consecutive minutes. If someone does, the 10 min timer resets. The problem is that Diessa is so rarely visited, there's been only one instance of this map so everyone that comes in to do the JP/get the tiger den resets the 10 min timer and we're all f**ked. How has this gone so long without anyone at ANet confirming it's a bug?

We've confirmed with the public that this is a bug with all tiger fight events with the Chuka and Champawat journey last week. We're working as fast as possible to fix up these areas for everyone.

23 Apr


Originally posted by inkthedink

Are you triple sure? haha

:p I've got other things to attend to that are much more important than repeating myself more than necessary ;D


Originally posted by Eastcorn

Hugh Norfolk killed it with his section! Super insightful (especially the part about amulets), and I'm glad that he's finding that most of the feedback on the map changes were positive.

Glad you like my section! Always excited to talk what considerations we make when thinking about even the smallest decisions. Thanks for watching!

22 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


Nope. Same guy. You should trust me on this. :p

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This should be fixed, that was a tough bug to track down (づ°‿°.)づ


Originally posted by TheWilkinator

Anyone else think Mike Obrien would make a good president at anet?

i know hes just working there temporarily cause of colin leaving, but the higher ups really should consider hiring him full time after that great patch

Mike O'Brien is actually our president and founder. :)


Originally posted by kitamoo

Spirit watch still has too many issues. It still favors ranged and teleport classes (LB ranger from a height advantage can kill a guy in the open before he can find cover), and the orb mechanic is still unbalanced. They should standardized dodges while running orbs. Dash and bound thieves still get a movement boost in comparison.

Skyhammer is...better now. Maybe Skyhammer. It's interesting. Jump pads are still buggy though.

Thieves having a movement boost when running the orb is a bug and as such will be fixed.


Originally posted by Charrikayu

Is the Superior Skelk Liver on the radar? I sent in a support ticket hoping they could help me out (they often send replacement items) but no response yet, want to make sure the team is aware. Under some circumstances the Champion Skelk drops the first superior liver but no more (though oddly enough sometimes drops normal livers). I've been stuck here since last night, made the infused tiger milk but can't get the second liver for infused tiger food. I'm definitely not the only one who's only gotten one.

21 Apr


Originally posted by xerokitsune

I'll be honest, I have no real interest in the legendary. That being said, I love this story!

I wish I could finish it. A few bugs have me hung up.

We're working hard to get any issues with this journey solved. Sorry for the trouble!


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're working hard to get this issue fixed, rest assured. :)


Thank you. I am so glad you enjoyed it!


Originally posted by Jaffar-Deathangel

You're very welcome! I really do hope that the Legendary team doesn't take all of these rude comments and take them to heart. Some people can't appreciate what they are given, just because it's not perfectly within their taste.

This shortbow is my absolute favorite legendary; not because of the bow itself, or even because of the animations. This is the first time I actually felt like I went on a quest for a legendary, and felt like I legitimately earned it. The collection quest was perfect, and I sincerely hope that y'all continue with the future legendaries (whenever they decided to continue with them) in a similar style. There is so much you can do with these stories, and this has been the best 3000+ gold I've spent in a long time.

In all seriousness, this is the type of content I want. Great, fun stories that feel unique and interactive. Having done all the story modes, I felt more attached to this shortbow than I do any of the characters in the LS1/2 or main T...

Read more

We appreciate the kind words. :3 They're always welcome. The designer who was in charge of this one put a lot of heart into the journey and it shows. :)


Originally posted by pentaquack

Hey - sorry to disturb you - after delivering the infused baby milk - the infused skelk meat for the infused food from the champion next to firebreak fort stopped dropping for me. Killed it 5 times now, nothing. thought i'd write you here first, since it's faster, before filling out a bug report

No disturbance, you're fine. We're aware of this one too :) This is being addressed. No ETA but it should be soon


Many thanks! This was a big project for our team, we all put a lot of hard work into it. :)

20 Apr


Originally posted by Galandil

Please don't forget the Final Salvo and the Blast Gyro bugs. Scrapper is completely unplayable in PvP atm. :\

We didn't forget! Those should be fixed too.


Originally posted by dulfy

I can confirm this bug as well. Being trying to bypass it via finding a different map but no luck after ~12 hrs as I keep coming back to the same map. I actually watched him bug as well and all the attempts to lead him out resulted in failure as no matter how far he swim out he just swims back to the same spot and get stuck again.

Yep, dunno why it re-broke. I went into Live weeks/months/timemovesdifferentlyhere ago and it was working fine the 5 times I ran through his event. :/ We'll get it sorted, thanks!


Hey guys, if all goes well this will be rectified in the hotfix later today. :)


Originally posted by blaurascon

Same rock that Tostarian posted a picture of. He was fighting jellyfish and when he lost aggro he was trying to path to some point inside the rock it looked like, then he got angry at another jellyfish and ended up inside the rock.

edit: Yeah once he's inside the rock he won't come back out.

Thanks for the prompt reply! ♥

Thanks, thats what I assumed was happening. We'll look into it. For now, this seems to be an infrequent thing. Im assuming you both only saw this happen once, yea?


Originally posted by Toastarian

Here you go

He stuck right in that rock there, as I said before, we can kite enemies to him and he'll come out to fight, but then won't move after hes done fighting.

EDIT: Also a guildmate of mine is stuck at another event in Fields of Ruin, The hunter's journal entry #15. I havent made it that far yet, but I felt i should mention it.

Thanks. Tell him to submit a bug report via the in-game tool and we will see it