Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Congratulations! And Slothasor is ready :)

05 Mar


Originally posted by ImBarryScott

Will a change in game director mean a change in your communication policy? It seems off to a good start, just hoping it doesn't slip back to complete silence.

Also, WvW. Changes need to happen now. Some details would be nice as well.

While as game director I didn't set communication policy, I am really excited to see the things happening like this AMA. It'll be a great advantage having Mo in this role as he can both set policy, and game direct simultaneously.


Originally posted by silvermember

Colin wasn't part of gw1 contrary to popular belief.

Second gw1 and 2 are different games. Best get over that fact, they did not set out to make gw1.5.

That Colin guy very much was on every Gw1 game, he told me so! Awesome memories, Gw1 and Gw2 both :)


Originally posted by Creasyy

Colin Farewell.

Thanks very much! You'll have to put up with me for one more week, but it has been an absolute pleasure being a part of this wild ride for eleven years.


Originally posted by Anet-TylerB

That counts as a forfeit. I'm 3-0. :)



Originally posted by ViiktorH

Do you think it would be possible to let us comment on the bugtracker to help you guys with the investigation of bugs? Or do you think that it would could lead to counterproductive results?

That's not in the plans for now, but I do intend to use the tracker in the future as a way to help the devs gather more information. I'm still thinking about the best way to do that, but I'm leaning towards a new entry for the status column like "Need More Info." Then I could link that status to a specific forum thread for that bug.


Originally posted by GM_Awesomeness

To build on what Gaile said:

The tracker is built upon the solid foundation of our QA department's work. Recently I've been taking a more active role to improve communication between QA and the customer base, and this tracker is the result. In addition to my own efforts, a large group of QA folks puts in a lot of time to comb through bug reports, forum posts, and Reddit reports to get bugs into our internal tracker where they are assigned to the appropriate devs for fixing.

This has all been going on for years - what's new is that I'm jumping in to make sure the players can stay informed of what's happening with the most annoying of those bugs.

There have been some changes in how we're doing QA, but they're not really related to the issue tracker. I'll see if I can get one of our awesome QA people to come over and talk more about that!

To build on what GM_Awesomeness said:

The biggest changes for QA have been around making sure that QA is positioned to work with customer support teams and the development teams directly, so they can identify risks, and raise those concerns earlier in the development process.

QA Engineering has also taken a step in that direction, spreading most of our team out into development teams to work more closely with designers and programmers as they're building content. We've also invested heavily in building tools (like content unit testing, bots, automation, etc) to support those teams.


Originally posted by Wolololo1234

Will it be an actual expansion or will it be the season pass-like stuff we got with HoT?



Originally posted by [deleted]


For test automation, we built endpoints into the game client so we can interact with different aspects of the game. We have internal commands we can send to the game server to put ourselves in specific server states, and a verbose set of observable and control endpoints for different client states.

The back-end for the game is basically a cloud of clouds of services. The server teams write unit/component/integration tests for common regressions and high risk areas, but QAE focuses on testing the whole system rather than diving deep into component testing for individual APIs.


Originally posted by ItStartsAtDusK

Any plans to add any more people to your super-talented music team? ;)

I think the music team is doing a good job with what they have now:). Maclaine, Lena and Stan all work together and of course with all the live players they use are able to keep up with what we need.


Originally posted by [deleted]


QA Engineering (QAE) started up after launch, so our strategy was focused around covering the breadth of the game's systems. Now that we have thousands of tests, we've been focusing on automating high risk areas, keeping automation results reliable, catching up with new content changes, proactively automating new features, etc.

We use Tableau and JIRA for analytics and bug tracking. The rest of our tools (test execution, harnesses, instrumentation, reporting) were built in-house. If you're looking for more info, I gave a talk about our test automation tools at GDC last year.

QAE has been "agile" since we started. We made some early mistakes trying partial implementations of SCRUM, but we switched to Kanban a long while back and it just worked for us. I'd say we are better off for having made those mistakes, and learning from them, because the team is still invested in our process.

We have a lot of environments internally. Most dedicated content teams have t...

Read more

Originally posted by [deleted]


Right now, for the purposes of matchmaking, MMR is currently used when searching for players to be on your team (unless you're in a pre-made group, of course). We do not plan on making any changes to matchmaking until after Season 2 has ended.


Originally posted by chrish162

Hello, Mike. Thanks for doing this!

When can PvPers queue outside of Heart of the Mists?

How players move between maps in PvP is different than in the rest of the game and because of that it there are technical limitations on our ability to have players queue from outside the Mists. If we can find a solution to the technical challenges around this we would love to be able to do this but it is a very difficult problem given how the code between these systems work.


Originally posted by KiLLi4N

Some QA related questions. How big is your QA dept., how is it structured and what is your bugtracker of choice?

QA at launch was a very large group (something like 60ish people) in-house, but since then we moved to a leaner model with more testing being done as the content is developed. QAE started up after launch and we are a little more than a hand full of developers now.

Before launch we used Fogbugz, we switched to DevSuite after launch, and recently transitioned to JIRA after the HoT release.


Originally posted by Mireles

If someone locked everyone in your office and unleashed a crate of really pissed off honey badgers who would have the top kill count?

Hank the Honey Badger of DOOM!

Or did you mean from the devs?


Originally posted by Syrio21

Is Ree Soesbee still at Anet? Haven't heard anything about her since a chinese release interview

She is indeed!

04 Mar


Originally posted by Sznurek066

You you plan some big changes on PvP unpopular maps? For example changing the orb mechanic on spirit watch etc. Do you plan to add some new PvP maps in near future?

From John Corpening earlier in the thread:

It is definitely our intent to build new maps for PvP for both Conquest and Stronghold. Before we dig into that, we are taking a pass on making some improvements to our existing maps. We've had some feedback from some of our top players on how some existing maps could be adjusted to be more competitive. Expect to see some adjustments along those lines first.


Originally posted by GimmeSylvari

@ /u/LeahLorer : Hi ! Could we have the chance to get some lore Q&A in the future ? :)

I'll look at setting up something with the whole Narrative team! It would be fun to chat story with folks.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Why wasn't stronghold adjusted anymore after the last beta? There are still many issues with it, for example archers being basically useless.

We're aware that there are still existing pain points on the Battle of Champion's Dusk map and we are actively working to address them.


Originally posted by Zalladi

If you could tease us expansion #2 with one word, what word would it be? And can we put your face on the hype train?

(Also - thanks for making the thread!)
