Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

18 Jan


For the first year+ after Shat first made it in game, it was fondly known as the Shattnerer by most of the early Gw2 writing and content teams. I'm pretty sure Darrin had pictures up on the wall around the office similar to the sweet sweet link from Bobby. Fun memories ;)

For additional trips down memory lane -> This was also the first ever giant boss built that made it into the game.

Though it wasn't actually the first giant boss model ever made, that distinction rests with the leviathan (a massive crazy huge sea creature boss that only ever showed in trailers) was the first ever giant boss model. Early in development after the model was built engineering shot it down as creatures that large in water were too expensive for performance and our engine couldn't support moving platforms (collision) in large open world maps.

14 Jan


Please report players you observe behaving in this manner. Because there is not a better category at this time, I'd agree that filing it under "Botting" would suffice. As a reminder, match manipulation is defined in the GW2 Rules of Conduct as follows: "While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching."

12 Jan


Originally posted by MichaelGol


" As work on Heart of Thorns wraps up, we’ll be treating resolving the remaining core areas in WvW as our #1 live development feature priority for the game to ensure we deliver on making World vs. World not just the great experience it is today *- but the incredible experience we know it can be. As this effort ramps up you will be hearing more from us about the work in progress." Transcript of the statement that John Corpening, game director for World vs. World, made at the beginning of the World vs. World Desert Borderlands Invitational.

Info on this is covered at the end of the blog, but absolutely yes, this is still true.

07 Jan


Originally posted by GuideRanger

Thank you, as for the Collider its Polygon Collider 2D but its more of an oval shape than with slides on the sides

Interesting. I would have assumed that an oval type shape would behave correctly. I haven't ever used unity, and so don't know of any nuances to their collision detection. =/


Pretty fun. Nice job. I liked that I could easily control and direct the rebound direction; it made it pretty easy to plan and execute my bounces.

One note though, I got in a state where the ball was on the far right edge of the screen, and would only bounce directly up. I couldn't get it to hit the right side of the screen and ricochet back into the game play area. At first, I assumed I would be able to time my cloud's movement, and slam into the ball, from the left, right as it was about to cause a fail case. I had hoped that would push the ball into the right side of wall and get me my needed ricochet. No luck :( I ended up seeing no other choice but to just let the ball fall and start over. Maybe that means your cloud's collision volume is a rect? If that is the case, maybe consider putting some banked corners on the top right and top left.

Either way, nice job :)

04 Jan


Originally posted by Kitstheshouter

We went for a Taco bell run. If you asked was it worth it yes and no. Yes being that I love Taco Bell. No because I didn't even get to enjoy the crunch wrap. That my humor to this whole thing. I feel like a million yaks trample all over my body. As for the drunk driver, I'm angry he drank and drove. Though in my heart I'm sad he pass away.
Thank you for the thoughts and I hope this even post. The hospital wifi is not so great. Now I'm going to enjoy these drugs and rest some more. I'm doing this off my cellphone. -Waves-

Glad to hear you and your friend are ok.

23 Dec


You totally deserved it. Happy holidays everyone :)

11 Dec


Originally posted by superjeanjean

And then there's the one who's really into cupcakes.

This totally made my morning!


They were so delicious! Thank you! :)


Cupcake... Yummmmm...

Thank you! <3<3<3333


Also, of course today winds up being cupcake day after I had dim sum for lunch....

Too much good food in one day! Urghhhh....


You guys are so awesome... I can't even believe it. Such a nice, thoughtful thing to do. Thank you so much. <3

09 Dec

07 Dec


This is adorable. Had us cracking up! Nice work! ;)


That's some good work, Os.

04 Dec


Originally posted by Alexander-Youngblood

@matt pls fix this bug: we ran out of coffee

Did you two make a coffee snobs group?! O.O

19 Nov


Congratulations! Nice work :)

And, yes, HoT released the 3 collections for making your precursor. The rest of the journey will be coming later.

11 Nov


Originally posted by grifflyman

Was supper fun playing WvW with you! :D

You too! And, thanks for letting me host you while I took food breaks :)

10 Nov


Originally posted by qaz0r

Had the stream open in background for whole duration minus sleep break. It was really fun to watch devs playing the game just like any other player. Thank you, it was fun!

And watching us die a lot, right? ;)