
Halo Dev Tracker

24 Sep


Originally posted by AbsurdTomfoolery

I honestly really enjoyed this. It reminded me a lot of a smaller-scale Red Storm Rising. It also had some nice parallels of the commander's relationships with their superiors (John with Cole and the Fleetmaster with the Prophets).

It was a bit tech heavy, and the Castoffs were a bit too annoying at points, but it was a very solid book.

Glad you liked it!

23 Sep


Thanks for the heads up everyone - I just got word from the team that this should be resolved now. Please let me know if you're seeing differently!


Originally posted by Pesky_Moth


Why not?

22 Sep

21 Sep

20 Sep

19 Sep


Originally posted by Ra1ningSh3lls13

I didn’t know you were on Reddit lol

"When I joined Reddit, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole sub - and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you're one very lucky Redditor!"


Thanks for pointing this out! We just noticed this too and are talking with the appropriate people to get it updated :)

As most of you can imagine, we're not planning to release in 2030.

\pretends to be shocked**

18 Sep


Originally posted by mrbubbamac

I just finished watching the Panel Video for Chicago. I was slated to go to the event and then I had to travel across the country unexpectedly, and I wish I could have seen it live.

For those of you curious, it is DEFINITELY worth a watch! Seeing all those creators together was immensely interesting, but even getting a peak behind the curtain about the collaboration efforts was awesome. What I found most surprising is the apparent freedom that creators have, especially considering the subject matter in Greg Bear's Forerunner trilogy.

I guess I always assumed that 343 would say "Here are your story beats, this is what needs to happen, write within constraints." After hearing these authors speak it sounds like the opposite, the creators will tell 343 what their plan is and if there is a conflict within the lore or something doesn't align, they can veto it.

Anyway I can go on and on but those panels were such a cool look into the creative process and are wo...

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Thanks so much for checking them out! And to your point, it's definitely a mix and match of some scenarios that require tighter parameters and many others where we get to work hand in hand with fellow creatives and benefit from the imagination and skills that each individual brings to the universe. :-)