
Halo Dev Tracker

11 Jul


Originally posted by dwz_falcon

I’m trying to DM and it says I’m unable to message your account. Do you have another way I can message or send?


i just sent you a DM to start the conversation!


Originally posted by dwz_falcon

Hello! Yes I do have it. I can dm it to you. And reddit is the only open social media i really use.

would love if you can send it my way!

10 Jul


hey there! do you have the native clip of this? and any social media? :)

09 Jul


looks like there was a small hiccup somewhere but we're seeing things recovering.

if you're still running into issues, or if it happens again, i'd love if you guys could be sure to send Halo Support tickets. that's one of the ways we're able to see emerging server issues.


Thanks for the revive! 👊

08 Jul


i assume this is on PC right? try this...

paste this into notepad, save it as a .bat file and then run it:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command "cmdkey /list | ForEach-Object{if($_ -like \"Target:\" -and $_ -like \"Xbl\"){cmdkey /del:($_ -replace \" \",\"\" -replace \"Target:\",\"\")}}"


Originally posted by Kalbelgarion

I dunno. Sounds like the kind of grammar used by every brute I’ve ever met.


i miss you guys - hope all is well! say hi to Goose and the lil ones for me! 💜


Originally posted by Skyridge

Misplacedyank, more like misplaced grammar. Eeeeeyyyy!


i am totally not going to throw /u/Haruspis under the bus or anything. nope, never.


hey hey, do you have this native file by any chance? :)



edit - oh good this is today's so i can fix it.

edit2 cruise control - YOU SAW NOTHING. 😅


Confirming the team is aware of this pesky bug. Seems to happen approx. 20% or less of the time. No ETA on a fix quite yet but it is flagged.

25 Jun

17 Jun


we're seeing this too - the team is going to take a look!

07 Jun


Originally posted by jabe25

But you've gotta understand that there are people who want to just play the Halo 3 maps without the other maps. We want that option. Not to mention, we were told this was a permanent playlist just 6 months ago. Match composer is nice, but we want a way to select just the Halo 3 maps. That playlist was such a huge part of Halo nights for my squad and it really stings that it's just suddenly gone without a way to set it up similarly in the composer.

i hear ya loud and clear. i've seen the feedback across reddit and steam and made note of it. :)

06 Jun


hmm. i cannot guarantee the UR crew can open the survey back up but it's a good note for future Workshops that some might be holding their feedback until the playlist goes away so thank you for that.


if you're on discord, the Halo Discord has a forge section set up with a lot of the forgers that have content in-game and are Very Good with the tools. they might be able to help point you in the right direction or tell you if this is possible.


free gift with purchase i guess!


Originally posted by Revolutionary_Web805

Hey 343. Not sure if you'll ever see this, but could you enable 4 player splitscreen for normal BTB on Series X|S? It's enabled for the heavies variant, but not for regular BTB for some reason

It's enabled for the heavies variant, but not for regular BTB for some reason

that's....interesting. this is going to sound snarky and it's not intended to so apologies ahead of time but are you sure you can't do 4 player across the board?

if you truly can't, would suggest submitting a bug report to Halo Support so they can take note of it.

04 Jun


Originally posted by AzureRapid

Ah, makes sense. I paused all downloads while I was playing on the console so that my internet connection didn't go bad in game. Resumed it when I went offline

ahhh yeah that'll do it.

i did it for the last Operation on accident and had to reinstall the whole thing then. was definitely a sad panda day for me!