Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV Dev Tracker

23 Apr

Hello there! It's your friendly neighbourhood Community Manager, Katten, here. The first War Effort update of the year has finally been released! It mainly focuses on bug fixes and some balance changes, including adjustments to the USA MIOs, which Content Designer Gareth will discuss below.

Remember to please send in any bug reports when you discover them HERE, so that we can fix them as soon as possible!

Hello! My name is Gareth (AKA MordredViking). I’ve grown to really like the MIO system we have in the gam... Read more

19 Apr


The War Effort continues with Operation Grouse, so to prepare you for the battlefield, we've gone ahead and grabbed some intel from Command on the upcoming changes coming in patch 1.14.5 and are releasing them on an Open Beta.

To join the open beta, right click HOI4 in your Steam Library and go to Properties. Once there, you can go to 'Betas' and at the top right select " open_beta "

Prepare for some Balance changes, some minor graphics and UI changes, and a whole LOT of bug fixes!

Balance ##################################

- USA MIO: Changed description of North American Aviation and Lockheed to better describe their roles.
- USA MIO: Added new variants to Douglas, Detroit Arsenal, Brooklyn Naval Yard and Norfolk Naval Yard
- USA MIO: Switched Norfolk Naval Yard to Escort and Brooklyn Naval Yard to Taskforce
- USA MIO: Changed Electric Boat Company from Raidi... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

The War Effort continues with Operation Grouse, so to prepare you for the battlefield, we've gone ahead and grabbed some intel from Command on the upcoming changes coming in patch 1.14.5 and releasing them on an Open Beta.

To join the open beta, right click HOI4 in your Steam Library and go to Properties. Once there, you can go to 'Betas' and at the top right select "open_beta "

Prepare for some Balance changes, some minor graphics and UI changes, and a whole LOT of bug fixes!

# Balance

- USA MIO: Changed description of North American Aviation and Lockheed to better describe their roles.
- USA MIO: Added new variants to Douglas, Detroit Arsenal, Brooklyn Naval Yard and Norfolk Naval Yard
- USA MIO: Switched Norfolk Naval Yard to Escort and Brooklyn Naval Yard to Task... Read more

04 Apr

This Sale has now Ended
Hello there! It's your friendly neighborhood community manager, Katten, here. It's been some time, but starting right now until the 8th of April, the game is Free to Play! This is also accompanied by a Massive sale that is larger than any we have had previously, both of these starting at 19:00 CET

If you are a new player or a veteran looking for people to play with, tips for your games, or just... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Hello there! It's your friendly neighbourhood community manager, Katten, here. It's been some time, but starting right now until the 8th of April, the game is Free to Play! This is also accompanied by a Massive sale that is larger than any we have had previously, with both of these starting at 19:00 CET

Click the above image or ... Read more

25 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Helion139: I mean I wouldn't be suprised if some mods do have genuine porn (probably not ones on steam tho) but the game itself has no direct sexual content other then indirectly hinting at sex in for example seducer trait for spy.
On Steam it wouldn't be allowed, as we moderate that away, but I'm sure there are third party websites where that exists.

24 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Here is my personal description of each DLC and why you might want one of them. (Im biased I know, but I just want you to make the right decision for yourself) ^^

Trial of Allegiance: Adds Focus Trees for Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay (Purchase if you want to play in that region with those countries)

Arms Against Tryanny: Adds International Market & Military Industrial Organization Mechanics as well as Focus Trees for Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland (If you want more peace time mechanics and more action in northen europe then this would be for you)

Man the Guns: A completely rehauled Navy system with ship designer similar to the NSB Tank Designer, and a bunch of naval changes alongisde a new focus tree for USA, UK, Mexico, Netherlands, (so if you light democracy and boats, this one might be for you. (

23 Mar

    PDX Katten on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DJBacon: Just wondering if someone can explain that to me lol
Users can input their own tags into the game, and its a general "meme" to input that into every PDX game at release.

21 Mar

GBV said: I hope this results in the has_dlc trigger for former DLCs always returning true)
It will yes.  
Hello, Community Manager Katten here. I want to begin by thanking you all for the feedback we have received on our two latest news posts regarding the DLC Integration and Trial of Allegiance Reception & Thoughts. We are reading all your comments and are working on responding to as many as possible.

Steam Store Changes Since our update last week, which added "Country Pack" to the beginning of the names for Battle for the Bosporus and Trial of Allegiance, we have received more feedback about the unclear naming of our DLCs. Of particular concern is the Subscription, referred to as the "Expansion Subscription," which may suggest to some that it only includes expansions when it actually encompasses all DLCs for the game. As a result, we have made the following changes to provide better transparency:

  • Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Pack > Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes
  • Hearts of ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Hello, Community Manager Katten here. I want to begin by thanking you all for the feedback we have received on our two latest news posts regarding the DLC Integration and Trial of Allegiance Reception & Thoughts. We are reading all your comments and are working on responding to as many as possible.

Steam Store Changes
Since our update last week, which added "Country Pack" to the beginning of the names for Battle for the Bosporus and Trial of Allegiance, we have received more feedback about the unclear naming of our DLCs. Of particular concern is the Subscription, referred to as the "Expansion Subscription," which may suggest to some that it only includes expansions when it actually encompasses all DLCs for the game. As a result, we have made the following changes to provide better transparency:
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Pack > Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Fro...
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15 Mar

Hello everyone!

Our latest Open Beta is now Live, see patch notes below. It includes the upcoming merger of Waking the Tiger, Death or Dishonor and Together for Victory into base game. You will still see them in your launcher but deactivating them will have no effect.
Remember this branch is a work-in-progress that has yet to go through our full release QA process, so while we try to keep relatively stable you may experience new issues or crashes. The beta is available under "open_beta" on steam :)

Feel free to leave your feedback in this thread or in the bug report fo... Read more

14 Mar

Reserved for Developer Replies
Headbomb said: That's a very nice gesture in light of recent, uh, reviews. A lot of birds are getting hit. I really appreciate the fact that you can now rely on previously-locked mechanics, it's always nice to have more options. Oh, and "country pack" naming change is welcome!
Arheo: I guess it could seem related, but this was a decision we took a while back. It takes longer than a week to prepare a full rollin :D

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Spring is Here and So Are Freebies for Hearts of Iron IV Fans!
As the flowers bloom and the world awakens anew, the Hearts of Iron IV team is thrilled to announce a Spring Sale celebration. Everyone knows that long military expeditions should start in the spring, so with campaign season upon us, we are excited to share not one, not two, but THREE DLCs for absolutely free: Death or Dishonor, Together for Victory, and Waking the Tiger.

It is clear that the Hearts of Iron IV: Starter Edition has become the go-to choice for newcomers, and is recommended by the veterans of our community for its comprehensive introduction to the vast and intricate world of Hearts of Iron IV. In our quest to continuously improve the gameplay experience for new recruits and seasoned generals alike, we've decided to integrate the above-mentioned three... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
:cherry_blossom: Spring is Here and So Are Freebies for Hearts of Iron IV Fans! :cherry_blossom:

As the flowers bloom and the world awakens anew, the Hearts of Iron IV team is thrilled to announce a Spring Sale celebration. Everyone knows that long military expeditions should start in the spring, so with campaign season upon us, we are excited to share not one, not two... Read more

13 Mar

Reserved Area for Developer Replies

Gun Metal Grey said: I'm personally bummed out about the lack of equipment names and icons for most of the TOA countries', will they be ever fixed?
Arheo: We plan on taking a look at least names for the next update.

Pluto2006 said: Do you also read reviews on Hearts of Iron IV base game, or only on the DLCs?
Arheo: Not as often, but I try and keep up w... Read more