Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV Dev Tracker

05 Dec

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

The dev team has been hard at work on the next patch that will be releasing soon, as we didn't want to break any of your saves with a smaller one. But first, there will be an Open Beta to make sure everything is working, and some things you can expect to see are quality of life changes, some tweaks to the MIO's, balance changes as well as many many bugfixes for multiple nations including Iceland, Norway and more!

We are planning to release the patch next week, so here are the planned changes below;

Spoiler: 1.13.6 Patch Notes! ##################################
# Balance

- reduced airframe weight curve for small airframes, with a higher effect at higher tiers
- increased air attack of lmg and hmg plane modules by 50%
- Finland: Tw... Read more
    AndrewT on Forums - Thread - Direct
Not a tech support issue so moved to main forum. If the community agrees it's likely to be a bug, post in Bug Reports please.  

03 Dec

Vigor said: I think for me to vote for this I would need to see the developers fix old bugs. Most of the time when I see a bug I can search for it and see that it was reported years ago and there is really is no good reason i'm seeing it now.

-resource totals are messed up upon loading a save game.
-adding units to an army that has some orders allocates those new divisions to existing orders (especially annoying during naval invasions)
-inability to repair/build infrastructure due to combat as well as inefficiency of construction queue mechanics
-air superi...
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stellaris imortal said: add the cold war to make the game longer because the main game from 1936 to 1946 technologies events

And how would the Cold War be modeled? It has been tried before on a HoI basis and it somewhat epically failed.

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marcelo r. r. said: :D Chemical weapons could be ... how i can say? controversial.o_O

However we do have it in Victoria 3.  

01 Dec

Ruck said: Victoria I and I totally forgot how alien and strange some concepts are for beginners which never played those games.


You've been around long enough to remember when there wasn't a name for the genre of Paradox games. And I think you've even been around long enough to remember that EU1 was just a conversion of a tabletop game and how those tabletop rules were subject to abuse on computer. (Farming minors for 200 ducats at the end of every truce period as an example even if their income was 1 ducat a year.)  ... Read more
I'll give the minority opinion on this one.

Run all DLC, but tell the new player to just use presets in the designers. And don't worry about MIOs. Just right click that notifier until they are ready to play around with it.  
Androbey said: The trade law mechanics I understand. The issue that I have is that if a country is Importing a commodity to reduce a production malus. Why would they export that same commodity? I would think that the only commodities that you would export are the ones that you have a surplus, (that is the ones you have more than you need for production efficiency).

It's one of the game's weird, but I consider necessary, abstractions.

"Exports" aren't truly exports in the Vic3 sense of the word.

It's clear to me that the various... Read more

30 Nov

Vigor said: Your templates have strange avatars for battalions I don't know what they mean.

It's the NATO counters option in the game. I can't read the non-NATO symbols in the game, so we've got that going for us.

The divisions is 8 modern tank battalions, 9 MECH battalions, a modern TD battalion, and the support companies I outlined.  

29 Nov

Gefallener_Held said: I am not sure what the best missions are until a third spy is obtained with foreign training to get a spy of Russian background to set up a collaboration government.

Eh, I know the Soviets can be hard to spy on thanks to their bonuses, but don't be discouraged from doing so even if you lack a Russian spy. Collab on the Soviets is potent enough to justify the attempts even if you lose a spy or two.

The goal is just to get the network to the proper strength ASAP.

{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lig... Read more
Vigor said: 1. i don't have AT research done.
2. i don't have air superiority.
3. I don't have enough tanks in the modern division to stack up much breakthrough
4. I have too many mechanized infantry (though in this situation, where I'm not really attacking to deal damage that should be a benefit)
5. The tanks are stock, no version upgrades
6. The tanks have foreign equipment (i'm not sure that is a bad thing considering the ones i produce are stock)
7. These divisions have 3 spart each (but in this situation that could be a benefit as well since divisions tend to not bl...
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27 Nov

We made patches fewer but larger due to people taking issues with their mods being effected to often. We have one planned in December that will go into Open Beta soon. ^^  

24 Nov


It's time for the Steam awards, but first, a look back on this year...

7 years. It has been 7 glorious years of strategy and conquest, of encirclements and outwitting your opponents. The amount of generals co... Read more

7 years. It has been 7 glorious years of strategy and conquest, of encirclements and outwitting your opponents. The amount of generals continues to rise as well, hitting a record amount this year here on Steam!

So far in 2023, we’ve released Arms Against Tyranny, revamping the Nordics and adding so many cool new features like the international market and the special forces doctrines. Before that, we continued our war effort initiative to try and update older content to bring it up to par, fix old bugs that slipped through the cracks, and add so much more to keep the experience fresh.

While your tournaments thrived, we came up with a way to give them even more exposure and rewards by releasing FRONTLINES, our tournament organiser to make sure more people can participate, can watch and can enjoy the action, and to give back to your hard wor... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

23 Nov

Kanitatlan said: (I'll let the usual culprits provide an amusing illustration)

{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", ... Read more

22 Nov

Gefallener_Held said: I saw a video stating maintenance companies are overrated.... I'm skeptical...

It's on my list to do a guide, but at the moment, I'm not sure MAINT is a good choice in a lot of cases.

The tech at tier 2 gives you the option to make tanks cheaper. But the actual support company is a bit of a gimmick for most builds. Nice if you spec for using both its buffs specifically, but not great if you have other things you want to focus on.

The increase in reliability isn't that useful in most of my builds bec... Read more

21 Nov

paperhero said: Is there any way to be sure Japan will not attack Russia using the Focus tree?

I wouldn't sweat it even if it happens. (If Japan is under AI control.)

Stonewalling the Japanese in Siberia isn't that difficult. 24 cheap pure INF divisions should keep the Japanese tied down for years on end while you wipe the Germans out.  

The Steam Autumn Sale is in full swing, and now is the time to grab the content you're missing or need, or perhaps a gift for a friend as well!

And at the same time, the Grandest Lan has taken place, streaming to YouTube and Steam, with some highlights over on Instagram as well! And while the event is now over, make sure to check out the vods over on YouTube!

So here are the sale discounts;

Base Game
  • Hearts of Iron IV 70% off
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Starter Edition 70% off
  • Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone 30% off
  • Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back 30% off
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus 50% off
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor ...
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