Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose Dev Tracker

01 Jan


Originally posted by Moscatnt

The poster is ingame?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

Yes 😘!


Originally posted by Sabre_Killer_Queen

This year has been a wonderful year for HLL, we had the Russian update and the half track update, and HLL achieved over 1 million sales this year!

And as for the community it's as active as ever, posting wonderful memes and videos daily!

On behalf of all my team members, I want to say a big thanks to the community and the Devs for putting so much effort into the game and this subreddit.

Thank You Everyone!

Happy New Year Ravens!


Originally posted by BlackHeartsNowReign

What have you experienced that makes you think people are switching teams and giving away gary locations? Anytime I have switched teams there is a 30 minute cool down anyway so its not like this can be exploited.

Jep, the cooldown would totally prevent this behaviour. Thats why its added to the game.

Also, OP, watch your language ;).


Originally posted by DannyArt_HLL

This really is a Q for Flix.

Please ask Flix Interactive or Team17 about this through Support ;).


Originally posted by chestgravity



Report a bug forms only takes a moment. I think top one is for console and bottom one is for pc but I’m not sure so I just submit a bug to both. Can’t hurt and takes just a minute.

100%, reporting these issue would be hugely beneficial. Please report them with vid or screenshot of the issue plus a tacmap location.


Originally posted by sunseeker11

However I'm not qualified to judge the necessity of this, just wondering if it is universal or my pc or a bug.

It's universal, it's just how LOD works in engine. It just takes the existing model and simplifies it for far away objects so you get the basic outline in the distance for performance reasons. However when you zoom in the game does not rerender the object, it just zooms the camera as if you were closer to it.

To fix that they need to have a custom simplified model for basically all assets in the game, which they're working on but it'll take time.

Jep! That would indeed be the "CustomLODs" part on the Roadmap. It will take time, because they will all be made by hand. You can currently see the results of CustomLODs on Stalingrad in most areas already ;).


Jep, like many here indeed confirmed and mentioned, no UE5 for HLL. There are no benefits there, it would lower the performance for many, plus not all players are at highest NVMe speeds to support texture and geometry streaming.

Plus PhysX is gone in UE5, meaning most of the game needs to be remade, that would be near impossible and not beneficial to anyone.

Destruction would also take a huge part to performance, but mainly to available/required bandwidth. There is none for many players, they are at the max atm. So destruction would then need to cut into playercounts, which is not happening.

So, there are no benefits of improvements to make on those fronts. 4.27 has lots of cool additions, so fingers crossed that upgrade will be smooth if or when it happens.


1000%! Thanks Mosca for another year of amazing, inspiring, funny and always on point moments of amazingness! You sir, are legendary!

Ps, the RATTATTATATA one is so bada55 and funny! Little pistol fingers and all. Plus Sancheeeezzzz! Have you found him in game already? The poster I mean, not the real chicken one?


Originally posted by UzDaSchwartz

I have no idea what that means lol

Please ask Flix Interactive or Team17 about this through Support ;).


Originally posted by UzDaSchwartz

Ahhh I get it now

Please ask Flix Interactive or Team17 about this through Support ;).


Originally posted by UzDaSchwartz

Standard dynamic range. I was wondering if it supported high dynamic range

This is a Q for Flix.


Originally posted by UzDaSchwartz

Does HLL support HDR on the Xbox series x?

No idea, thatll be a Q for Flix.

31 Dec


Hmmm... Interesting! Might be worth to contact Steam Support to be sure...




Brilliant 👏! Absolutely fantastic drawing! Really spot on! Happy soon to be New Year!

29 Dec

