Hi there!
I'm sorry to hear about this. Please contact us and we'll be happy to help.
Hi there!
I'm sorry to hear about this. Please contact us and we'll be happy to help.
I'm curious, are there plans to include other ability specific info in these tooltips in the future? For example I recently played a Crit Lightning Mage and it had lots of passives/affixes that gave 'Lightning Spell Crit', but this information isn't represented anywhere (unless I'm really dumb and couldn't find it). It'd be cool if the Lightning Blast tooltip also showed it's ACTUAL crit rate.
Not specifically in the tooltips, no - we'll be expanding the character window for that purpose.
We know there are folks who'd like to see additional information in skill tooltips, however since yesterday's post we've also heard from a number of people who think the new tooltip design is on the large side already. Realistically they probably won't get much bigger. But we do want extensive information to be available on a per-skill basis before 1.0.
I already added one edit, but I will start a new thread if I have any more comments. Thank you for listening to us and keep up the great work you're doing!
Read moreI don't know if you'll read this cause I'm a little bit late, but here you go.
I exclusively use a controller (Xbox One), and so far it has been a really good and smooth experiencie gameplay-wise, and that is with both a melee character and a ranged one. I did have problems recognizing my controller at first, but changing some Steam parameters did the trick. Now, navigating the menus is a pain in the a** cause it's so slow. I don't really mind not having a menu navigation system like in Grim Dawn, but for the love of god make the cursor move faster and allow us to buy stuff with a contoller as well. Also, picking up items is pretty awkward and slow. As someone else suggested, a good idea would be to make it automatic.
What was the rationale for choosing the triggers and bumpers as skill buttons? The A button is left unused, and the B for potions is pretty inconvenient. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but aren't the A, B, Y and X buttons usually reserved for skill attack...
Thanks for the feedback.
If I could make one request;
If I remember anything else, I'll edit the post.
Please don't. I was a bit lucky to stumble upon a comment in a ~week-old thread. Neither I nor my colleagues have a chance of discovering edits to it later. Please post a new thread with any feedback and we'll be happy to take a look. 👍
This looks extremely slick.
I would, however, recommend at least testing the alt-info being left aligned and potentially bulleted.
Thanks, passed it on!
Warpath scaling tags: Melee, Void
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
It looks fantastic! However, I would get rid of the "you" in the advanced alt descriptors.
- No mana regen when spinning
Instead of "You do have no mana regen when spinning" Following the same model:
- Cannot be stunned when spinning
It would then match the current " Not affected by weapon range"
Unless of course the "you" is used for programming and adds some interesting subtleties.
Sorry if I'm unclear, english isn't my native language.
Good point, thanks. 👍
How do you access the rewards if you bought on steam? Are they just in the cosmetics tab?
It depends on what exactly you have in mind;
I am certainly not complaining, just wasn’t able to find any tentative time lines..
Honestly, the game is so much more polished than even Diablo 3 at launch, so kudos on that!
It really does scratch the itch for what I was looking for and anticipate playing this for a long time..
While I have you though, I am interested in buying a supporter pack, but since I already have the base game, do you guys offer a stripped down version?
Thanks for the kind words!
There's very few cases where someone would own the game but not a supporter pack; for example, anyone who buys the game through Steam owns the $35 Ardent Gladiator supporter pack (contents listed here).
We used to offer upgrades where someone could, say, pay $25 to own the $60 Ardent Champion supporter pack, however we replaced our web...
Read moreHey all, I just want to give you guys some insight and thank you for continuing to report cases where you see issues like this.
Fading objects between the camera and the character requires that we tag the objects that will fade and is a somewhat manual process. This is required as it's an artistic decision what should and should not fade. In certain cases we don't find all of them, even with testing, or we don't get to quite all of the backlogged ones in time if there are higher priority issues on our level designer's plates before a patch release.
We'll continue to address these and hopefully we can squash 99% of this issue before we release 1.0.
Hey there,
Thanks for being interested in Last Epoch!
We aren't currently offering a release estimate (even a year). We want to take the time to do Last Epoch right, our company has more resources than ever before, and we'll leave Early Access when we feel the game is ready. Our Game Director posted about this here.
Welcome! :)
We typically release content patches about once every two months; our most recent is from December so we don't have another ready to go just yet. We are currently planning on releasing a smaller update, Patch 0.8e, which we'll likely deploy sometime next week.
Thanks, Sarno! A couple questions if you don’t mind-
What’s the highest this value would go? And I hope the answer is “no”, but will the average power of skill nodes go down to accommodate the availability of more skill points?
What’s the highest this value would go?
And I hope the answer is “no”, but will the average power of skill nodes go down to accommodate the availability of more skill points?
Not the plan.
Does the "+ to spell" mean that skills are getting more ramp up damage or will it be an additional skill point? I'm guessing it's the latter based on the wording. The tease is neat, but some info would be nice.
Additional skill point(s).