When is this patch getting deployed?
An hour ago. :)
When is this patch getting deployed?
An hour ago. :)
Very cool! Thanks for consolidating these questions and answers. I can confirm everything said here by Mike/Sarno and other devs to be true and/or the opinion of the larger EHG team. :)
Can supporter packs be upgraded from say the $60, and then to the $100 for an additional $40?
Historically yes, although upgrades are temporarily unavailable while we do some backend work to improve the process.
happy cake day u/EHG_Sarno
edit: We're cake day siblings!
Thanks! You too. :)
Lookin’ good! Only had the game for a couple days now and I’m hooked already. Love me some of these little teasers and news!
P.S. Happy cake day!
Welcome, friend. :)
New minion skill hmmm does this mean Abomination will recieve extra passives to accommodate for the new minion?
Please fix chat display, this will make my gameplay experience not so lonely
I'm sorry to hear that the chat display bug has affected you, Robellss! We have a fix in the local version that will be deployed next patch. Dario from the dev team went quite deep to figure out what was going wrong there, haha.
After reading this I think you'll be quite happy with the updates we have planned for the game! We are very intent on updating old skill trees from our early days which you can see in communications like the Druid form updates post https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/updating-the-druid-classs-transform-abilities/31048. The visual updates will come with plenty of updates to the transforms abilities and skill trees as well. Welcome to the community!
HEY, I just bought, played, and love LE for first time this week; I needed something NEW and progressive, and LE fits the bill! It also helps me get my mind off RL worries (wife's battling cancer), I LOVE how much the devs and veterans HELP us new folks out, it's really appreciated!!!!!
Welcome to the community, Dethaxe. Very happy to hear that LE can bring you some happy distractions and wishing your wife good health and both of you the best.
Another acolyte skill with fire damage, wonder if Warlock is going to have fire damage scaling as Lich and Necromancer don't have much on their passive tree to support it. Having another option for healing is good.
Maybe the Warlock being fired is why nobody can find her. 🤔
Hi boss! 👋
Hey everyone,
This is Judd Cobler, game director for Last Epoch. I wanted to extend a warm welcome to all of you who have joined the Last Epoch community in the last few weeks and say thank you for helping to support our indie studio in developing the ARPG we have been dreaming of for years.
It is with your support and feedback that we have made it this far from very humble beginnings and will continue to develop and refine Last Epoch.
I also want to give a sincere thank you to our existing community members who have continued to cultivate a positive, friendly, and welcoming community. It is wonderful to have you all here to help usher in our new members, answer questions about the game, and provide feedback to us.
I look forward to continuing to engage with you all as we move further along this adventure together.
External link →Your Steam and Last Epoch accounts will be linked in that case.
Hey guys, we've isolated the chat fading issue and have a fix internally that will be deployed with the next patch. Thanks for your patience and reporting of issues. Hope you're all enjoying the game and having a great weekend!