Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 Jan


Hey there!

Thanks for being interested in Last Epoch. :D

We definitely want to bring the game to consoles - having it be cross-platform from the beginning and selecting controller support as our first Kickstarter stretch goal were deliberate choices we made in pursuit of that goal. To avoid stretching ourselves too thin, we will initially focus on bringing Last Epoch out of Early Access on the platforms it currently supports.

12 Jan

  1. The "Evasion" node states you take less damage while moving, does this ONLY apply when moving via cursor, or do movement skills (such as spamming Dancing Strikes) count as moving?

Currently it only applies when moving via the cursor. This is going to be fixed in 0.8.1 so that it also applies while using movement skills.

  1. Dancing Strikes has a node called Resolute Technique, which states that Lethal Mirage and Synchronized Strikes deal increased damage for each time you have used Dancing Strikes in the past 4 seconds. Does this bonus stack, or does it cap after 1 use of Dancing Strikes?

This stacks. In general any buff that uses the phrasing "for each time" stacks.

08 Jan


Thanks for the kind words!

Bit of a lurker on Reddit myself. :)

01 Jan

29 Dec

28 Dec



We've approximately 150 unique / set items, but there's more on the way! Here's a teaser



Originally posted by [deleted]


(This bot has since been banned.)

20 Dec


Hey /u/TheVantal,

I'm sincerely very sorry about this. Our Game Director, /u/moxjet200, saw this and has added potential solutions to this as a new topic for a future meeting. Due to the current time of year, we're unlikely to have a chance to discuss this until sometime in January - however please rest assured that the issue is on our radar and we'll be looking at changes we can make to prevent it in future.

18 Dec

15 Dec

12 Dec


Copy/pasting this from another thread:

Hey guys, apologies for the downtime. Everything is back up and running now. 0.8 came with a new backend for us which will ultimately be much better and support upcoming multiplayer in ways that our old tech stack could not but we’re experiencing some growing pains. We’re monitoring and making adjustments constantly over the past week. When there is a spurt of downtime we’ve been able to get it back up within the hour each time so far.

Again apologies for the inconvenience, especially for you new players just getting the chance to hop in, and the team really appreciates the patience you guys have shown as we address the issues that have cropped up.


Hey guys, apologies for the downtime. Everything is back up and running now. 0.8 came with a new backend for us which will ultimately be much better and support upcoming multiplayer in ways that our old tech stack could not but we’re experiencing some growing pains. We’re monitoring and making adjustments constantly over the past week. When there is a spurt of downtime we’ve been able to get it back up within the hour each time so far.

Again apologies for the inconvenience, especially for you new players just getting the chance to hop in, and the team really appreciates the patience you guys have shown as we address the issues that have cropped up.

11 Dec


Alric and Elder Gaspar always talking about how OP Glacier is... those chatty Kathys :)


Hey guys, we'll be discussing this again today. Thanks for the feedback.


UPDATE: Just wanted to pop in and say that we have implemented this internally for singleplayer and it will make its way to live :)

Hey guys, it's a good suggestion and I can relate. The design team may have a reason I'm not thinking of that would cause this to be an issue but I'll bring it up in an upcoming design meeting.

Let's see if anyone brings up this potential issue ;)

10 Dec


Great feedback and thank you for taking the time to make thoughtful potential solutions as well.

09 Dec


Originally posted by -NamelessNPC-

Noticed that, but stuff seems to scale very linearly and in small increnents. What I mean by it - difference of even two tiers in modifier won't make a huge difference, wheres for example in PoE scaling is very exponential and difference of 2 tiers on damage modifiers on weapons is basically a difference between utter vendor trash an BIS item.

It depends on the affix. There are many cases where a difference of 2 tiers will more than double the value, but there are also cases where there's a smaller increase.

It mostly depends on how impactful small amounts of a stat feels and how much a stat's relative power drops off with level. For example an added melee physical damage affix approximately doubles its value every two tiers, because you get a lot more added melee damage from your weapon at higher levels and the affix's power needs to increase similarly to keep up in relevance at higher tiers. However something like increased cooldown recovery speed has few sources and doesn't have to keep up with any enemy properties such as health, so 10% increased cooldown recovery speed matters about as much in end game as it does in early game. Consequently the increased cooldown recovery speed affix has smaller increases per tier, so that we can make it feel noticeable early on without it becoming too powerful at end game.

... Read more

Item affixes do have tiers with higher values. At higher levels items spawn with higher tier affixes on average and items with higher combined affix tiers have a higher level requirement. You can view the tiers of an item's affixes by holding ctrl and alt while hovering over it.

Tiers 1 to 5 can also be crafted using affix shards (e.g. using a dexterity shard on an item with a tier 1 dexterity affix will improve that affix to tier 2 dexterity). Tiers 6 and 7 are drop only and can only be found in end game content.

06 Dec


We are going to rollback to Patch 0.8 while we perform additional testing on Patch 0.8b. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to some players this evening.