I've pushed a fix for this now. Apologies for the inconvenience!
I've pushed a fix for this now. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Thank for the kind words - they're very much appreciated. π
Patch 0.7.10b is on its way to polish things up a bit, and we're already working on Patch 0.8 which will be our largest update ever. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Yeah, I tried relogging but didn't work, either way I'm keeping the lightning build, found some interesting gear, gonna stick with lightning
Do you have the Flame Ward node that converts it to lightning? That globally converts Fire Aura too.
Yes, armour shred is useful for all hit builds now.
Please see this page for more information;
Miss the stream while it was live? No problem!
You can catch Dan from EHG and the inimitable Will Overgard on the VoD.
Here's a timestamped link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/745000244?t=00h44m09s
They clearly don't want to have any woe upon themselves.