Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

24 Aug

23 Aug


Originally posted by brandon3875

Most of the skills in this game are woefully underpowered and nigh on useless. I fully understand that this is early access and most things will be tuned. The releasing of new skills and then immediately nerfing them into the ground so that they suck as bad as some of the older skills that are not tuned yet is downright baffling. Extremely counterproductive to get your customers to like your new content and then yank it back because it made your older content look bad. I very much hope the next patch sees these changes undone. Yes that's right UNDONE. I SAID IT. Let us enjoy the game, let us feel powerful. If every skill sucks what is the point? I really want this game to succeed but if this is how it's going to be going forward, well that would be hugely disappointing and will relegate this game to the uninstalled.

There were two skills nerfed severely in Patch 0.7.2b;

  • Transplant

  • Reaper Form


Both of these skills were released with trees in a state they should never have been released in - and on behalf of the team I apologize that such drastic changes were subsequently needed. Transplant is now in a more reasonable state, however we recognize that Reaper Form is now needing quite a lot of love - we have been discussing both how best to bring Reaper Form's tree up to a higher power level, as well as how to improve our internal QA processes to avoid repeats of Patch 0.7.2b.



Transplant is an Acolyte skill with a 4 second cooldown that had a node which, for the investment of three points on its tree, would give your character a flat 30% reduced damage taken modifier. This lasted for three seconds by default, with an adjacent node increasing the duration of this buff by 1 second per ...

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22 Aug


Kickstarter backers: after too many delays we're shipping out these little Chronowyrms soon! Each one has been 3d printed and hand-painted to ensure we're satisfied with the quality of them. We hope you love them as much as we do!

21 Aug


Originally posted by Dethmonger

I'm sure others can add to this, but my 1st thought for your face tank was a sentinel with the counter attack passive with a healthy amount of life steal. That should keep you pretty stable in melee range for most things. Throw in block and lunge, plus whatever heavy hitting attack you like.

You are correct that high end pets build are currently a bit weaker compared to other builds, but time will tell.

You are in luck for your #3 passive build. Check out some posted builds/videos on aura of decay (AOD) necro. It's a toggled aura that poisons everything around you 3 times a second, and yourself once a second. Poison damage basically stacks exponentially, so the damage gets pretty good. With enough health regen and poison resist you can stay in your own aura forever, or you could build it for even more damage if your willing to toggle it on and off now and then to allow the poison to fall off yourself. Very satisfying, easy build to play, once you have the righ...

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No difference in the steam version vs the supporter pack, except steam purchasers having to reach out to support to get some of the fluff that comes with the supporter pack. I purchased off steam

Heyo! People shouldn't actually need to reach out to support - that said, we're always happy to assist if any issues arise. :)

20 Aug

17 Aug


Originally posted by jokomul

Will there be a way to disable the profanity filter client-side when the game releases? I typically disable mine whenever the option is available in multiplayer games. I like to know exactly what vulgar things my friends are calling me

Yes, there will be.


I'm going to lock this discussion as our Game Director has addressed the issue and the comments have unfortunately required an atypically large amount of moderation. As an indie team there is a limit to how much moderation we can perform over the weekend. Please feel free to create new posts about any other issues with the profanity filter.


Originally posted by LazelimGiros

Refund while you can. I bought the game thinking supporting them but some developers or community managers straight out rude and turns blind eye when asking about certain features fixes.

If its like that now cant think about future.

Hi there,

This comment is concerning. Could you please message me a link to the post you are talking about? I would like to verify whether it really was a member of team, and investigate accordingly if so.



We found a filter that another large company used which contains thousands of words that we're having to reduce over time as we find ones that aren't appropriate to sensor. If you can imagine, as an indie team it doesnt make a lot of sense to put someone on creating a list of words from scratch as there are bigger fish to fry, haha! Plus I don't think anyone needs to hear some of the terms put into these filters.

Your example for instance shouldn't exist and I've gone ahead and removed that now so it shouldn't be filtered in the next patch release. Thanks, Pkirish!

16 Aug


Originally posted by Rivnatzille

You guys never cease to impress me. Everyday you're bringing more awesome news about what's being improved in the game.

Keep up with the good work!

Thanks for the kind words! :)

15 Aug

14 Aug


Originally posted by eheyns

i live in South Africa.. $35 is almost R600... that is a LOT for a pre release.. 3rd world country problems - am i right

Last Epoch should be R205. Which price do you see?


Originally posted by ShinyBallzz

Here is the link i hope you understand what i meant

Hey Shiny, this is very helpful. Thanks so much for taking the time to record that. I'll be showing and discussing this video in our next dev meeting and hopefully we can have a fix for this soon.


Hey there,

u/balormage is correct that totems are considered minions, and scale accordingly.

Reach of the Grave will indeed benefit your Thorn Totem.

13 Aug


Hey Shiny, can you pinpoint what is is causing it to feel this way? Is it actually jittering when you walk some place or do you see FPS decreases when doing certain things or in certain areas? I'd be very interested to hear and get the team working on it asap.